eVa's bidinform. Le jour où Google est devenu cyberpunk. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Damien Leloup Ce 10 août, Google est devenu Alphabet. Une opération stratégique en forme de changement de nom : Google va continuer d’exister, mais ne sera plus qu’une filiale d’Alphabet, une holding qui chapeautera le moteur de recherche et tous ses produits liés, mais aussi une myriade d’autres sociétés travaillant à des projets futuristes. On le savait déjà, la mise en place d’Alphabet le montre plus clairement : Google est devenu un conglomérat, avec de multiples filiales et prises d’intérêt dans des domaines variés : publicité, logiciels, systèmes d’exploitation, biotechnologie, intelligence artificielle, automobile. Dans les années 1980, l’auteur de science-fiction William Gibson a remis au goût du jour un vieux mot japonais pour désigner de gigantesques conglomérats dont les produits envahissent la vie quotidienne et dominent le monde : zaibatsu.
Google – pardon, Alphabet – incarne ces zaibatsu. Changer le monde. S'enivrer avec l'art contemporain. Arts visuels Au-dessus d’Aix-en-Provence, le Château La Coste offre un mélange captivant d’art, d’architecture et de vin. L’Irlandais Patrick McKillen a ouvert son domaine en 2011. Avec Tadao Ando, Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Jean Prouvé, Sean Scully, Richard Serra, Louise Bourgeois et tant d’autres. Découverte dans notre "Sélection Lalibre.be" (à partir de 4,83 euros par mois). Pearltrees Alternatives. Pearltrees 2 sucks! eVa's grid. eVa's ecopsy. Stage Design + TV DreamTeam Katarzyna Konkowska. Quantum physics says goodbye to reality. Some physicists are uncomfortable with the idea that all individual quantum events are innately random.
This is why many have proposed more complete theories, which suggest that events are at least partially governed by extra "hidden variables". Now physicists from Austria claim to have performed an experiment that rules out a broad class of hidden-variables theories that focus on realism -- giving the uneasy consequence that reality does not exist when we are not observing it (Nature 446 871). Some 40 years ago the physicist John Bell predicted that many hidden-variables theories would be ruled out if a certain experimental inequality were violated – known as "Bell's inequality".
In his thought experiment, a source fires entangled pairs of linearly-polarized photons in opposite directions towards two polarizers, which can be changed in orientation. Bell's trick, therefore, was to decide how to orient the polarizers only after the photons have left the source. Color Hunt. Hoche (Cf. Brocéliande) Crédits publics (Oséo) Private invest. Accueil group. Les membres de la famille de ce groupe ne peuvent être salariés. Leur contrôle stratégique s’exerce au sein du Conseil de surveillance. Les managers conservent leur autonomie. Un chiffre d’affaires consolidé de près de 500 millions d’euros et quelque 2.700 salariés, mais une grande discrétion : le groupe Accueil est constitué d’une myriade de PME spécialisées dans des métiers qui vont du négoce de bois et matériels de robinetterie, chauffage et sanitaires (Accueil Négoce) jusqu’à l’édition de logiciels (Berger-Levrault), en passant par la promotion immobilière (Accueil Immobilier) et la location immobilière, ou encore l’agroalimentaire (Repas Santé).
Une diversification qui répond aux objectifs de pérennité et de régularité des résultats que s’est fixé le groupe familial créé il y a près de 100 ans par l’arrière-grand-père des dirigeants actuels. En matière de gouvernance, un credo prévaut chez Accueil : « Pas de mélange ». Conserver une culture de PME Cécile Desjardins.
Pearltrees plate-forme. 5 millions d’euros : c’est la somme que vient de lever l’une des icônes françaises de la curation, Pearltrees, auprès du fonds d’investissement Accueil, nous révèle le site FrenchWeb. Un quatrième tour de table pour la jeune société démarrée en 2009 qui a récolté quelque 8,5 millions d’euros en levée de fonds depuis sa création. La société serait par ailleurs valorisé quelque 10 millions d’euros, et compte dans son actionnariat Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet, le fondateur de Priceminister. Pearltrees est un service de curation dite sociale à travers lequel les utilisateurs collectent, classent, hiérarchisent et partagent du contenu pioché sur le Web.
Ces sources sont ainsi organisées par groupes thématiques que la société baptise des «pearltrees». Cet apport devrait permettre à la start-up de mettre en place son modèle économique. Pearltrees compte adosser sa croissance à un modèle dit freemium. Regroupés les documents et les fichiers de chacun. Plus d'actualités et de tutoriels. Storify cantine. Le Storify de la présentation Pearltrees Posté dans : la vie de la cantine le 16 juin 2011 » Commentaires fermés C’était le 15 juin 2011, avec François Rocaboy, le co-fondateur de Pearltrees.
[<a href=" target="blank">View the story "Pearltrees à la cantine (Rennes, juin 2011)" on Storify]</a> Partager Les commentaires sont clos pour ce post. Restez informé(e) ! Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter hebdomadaire pour ne rien rater des événements à venir. La prog à venir L’agenda Cantine L'agenda Cantine sur 15 joursAu format xmlAu format icalEt l'agenda du coworking... Sur Le Mag Archives Découvrir la Cantine Avec le soutien de... Le réseau Cantines Newsletter Si vous souhaitez recevoir la programmation par mail et être au courant des événements de la Cantine, inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter La Cantine numérique rennaise, Les Champs Libres 46 boulevard Magenta, 35000 Rennes Revue de presse de la Cantine Google+ Expand next previous Close Previous. Gestion de fichiers. Structure Pearltrees. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pearltrees Pearltrees est un service qui permet à ses utilisateurs d'organiser, d'explorer et de partager des pages web, des notes, des photos ou des fichiers. Suivant la logique de curation de contenu (faire ressortir le meilleur contenu du web), Pearltrees fait à la fois office d'agrégateur de contenu mais aussi de moteur de recherche communautaire. Son concept repose sur l'idée que la multiplication des contenus (blogues, images, vidéos, etc.) rend nécessaire une organisation humaine du web[1]. Le réseau d'utilisateurs de Pearltrees s'étend aujourd'hui à de nombreux pays : l'application a été saluée en France et dans la Silicon Valley, et est maintenant utilisée dans plus de 150 pays[2]. Origine et concept[modifier | modifier le code] La société à l'origine de Pearltrees a depuis fait évoluer son produit vers un ersatz de Digg, avec une présentation en carrés côte à côte et une hiérarchisation en dossiers "à-là" Explorateur Windows.
Fibonacci Sacred Geometry 3D Flower of Life. Pétition pour le retour du format de Pearltrees v1. Raisons du mécontentement. Angry / disappointed users. Exprimez-vous. Témoignages. Elements de réflexion. Shadow (psychology) In Jungian psychology, the shadow or "shadow aspect" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. There are, however, positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem).[1] Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, therefore, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative.
"Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. Jung also made the suggestion of there being more than one layer making up the shadow. Individuation inevitably raises that very possibility. How Quantum Mechanics Screws with our Perception of Reality. Gorgeous art nouveau-inspired portraits of Miyazaki's characters. Is most of what people call Art Nouveau really just Mucha? Often seems to be, Nouveau was pretty diverse (Beardsley, Steinlen, Lautrec, Crane, Klimt), the very prescriptive style of poster with cutout frames, circle motifs and a heavy outline however is Mucha.
Although Mucha himself was more diverse than that SExpand I guess a similar thing happens with pop art, in that that often gets reduced to Andy Worhol (and Worhol again to his brightly coloured screenprints) True. I love James Rosenquist, but he's been forgotten. His work on the Slav epic series of paintings is amazing, it's the kind of colour and scale that knocks the wind out of you when you see it. Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality. Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality By Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp.
(October 19, 2012, Vancouver, B.C.) Once thought to be only a Science Fiction/Fantasy technology, Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp., discusses the implications of militaries which can now become invisible with his light bending technology called "Quantum Stealth". Hyperstealth is a successful Canadian camouflage design company with over two million military issued uniforms and over 3000 vehicles and fighter jets using their patterns around the world. Quantum Stealth is a material that renders the target completely invisible by bending light waves around the target.
Two separate command groups within the U.S. For reasons of security, I can’t discuss details about how it accomplishes the bending of light but I can explain how it might be used. Why disclose this technology to the public? I was speaking at a breakout session at ADS Inc. Fap Fapp. The Happy Forecast. Individuation. The principle of individuation, or principium individuationis,[1] describes the manner in which a thing is identified as distinguished from other things.[2] The concept appears in numerous fields and is encountered in works of Carl Jung, Gilbert Simondon, Bernard Stiegler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, David Bohm, Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, and Manuel De Landa. Usage[edit] The word individuation is used differently in philosophy than in Jungian psychology.
In philosophy[edit] It expresses the general idea of how a thing is identified as an individual thing that "is not something else. " This includes how an individual person is held to be distinct from other elements in the world and how a person is distinct from other persons. In Jungian psychology[edit] In the media industry[edit] Marshall McLuhan, the communications theorist, alluded to this trend when discussing the future of printed books in an electronically interconnected world. Carl Jung[edit] Gilbert Simondon[edit] Consciousness & quantum physics ~ Reality is an illusion. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Is Your Hair On Fire? | Theravada Dhamma :: Blog. Imagine a person who feels completely healthy, completely free of all illness, sickness and physical disability.
Wouldn’t it be ridiculous for that person to get medicine? What would be the point of that? What would be the rationale in getting medicine when you feel completely healthy? Those people who don’t see any problems, who are not aware of any dukkha, unsatisfactoriness, in their lives, what would be the point in their attempting to study the dhamma and to practise meditation? If you are new to this thing called ‘dhamma’, and new to meditation, then you are not expected to immediately agree that you have all sorts of problems and are suffering from many burdens in life. An absolutely essential condition for the proper study of dhamma is the desire to be free of dukkha, to be free of suffering. It is quite amusing and quite sad that most people seem to wander through life in a little cloud, as if nothing were wrong.
Do you want to be healthy, or not? You have come to Suan Mokh. Brian Greene - The Hidden Reality. The Elegant Universe Part 1 - Einstein's Dream - PBS NOVA. The Elegant Universe Part 2 - String's The Thing - PBS NOVA. The Elegant Universe Part 3 - Welcome to the 11th Dimension - PBS NOVA. Where Are You Really? © 2011 by Gary Vey exclusively for Viewzone Exactly where are you? Right now, as you read this, your attention is focused on the words and phrases as you scan the page with your eyes. You might even hear a familiar voice in your mind, reading the text. At the same time, words and phrases create ideas and visual images associated with memories. All of this information is being provided to you in the comfort of your most private and intimate space. A place so secret that only you can be there. The place where you are conscious... and you know it. If the eyes are really the "window to the soul" then the soul -- and perhaps the conscious "I AM" -- must be located just behind the eyes.
The notion that consciousness resides somewhere in the brain is a somewhat modern idea. Descartes insisted that the pineal gland was the "seat of the soul" because it was a rare single structure, centrally located in the brain. Left Brain or Right Brain: Where is consciousness? Consciousness is NOT Personality. How Learning Happens – The Biological Process of Learning | Welcome to Learning. In a previous post on Emotions and Learning, we identified that neural networks are used to carry information from the body into the brain and between different areas of the brain.
This post will look at how these networks are created, grow and are strengthened. In essence this is the biological process of learning. First a little about our brain: The human brain weighs approximately 3 pounds (1.4kgs) and is about the size of a grapefruit. It is made up of 78% water, 10% fat and 8% protein. It uses around 20% of our body’s energy and oxygen and receives 8 gallons (30 liters) of blood per hour. Brain cells Neuron showing dendrites & axons There are two kinds of brain cells, the glia and the neuron.
Information is carried inside neurons and is passed from one cell to another across the gap between neurons called the synaptic gap using chemicals created within the soma. The growth of neural networks The strengthening of neural networks The video below demonstrates how this process happens: by. APK List. Proteus. In Greek mythology, Proteus (/ˈproʊtiəs, -tjuːs/;[1] Greek: Πρωτεύς) is an early sea-god or god of rivers and oceanic bodies of water, one of several deities whom Homer calls the "Old Man of the Sea".[2] Some who ascribe to him a specific domain call him the god of "elusive sea change", which suggests the constantly changing nature of the sea or the liquid quality of water in general. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar to several cultures, will change his shape to avoid having to; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him.
From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of "versatile", "mutable", "capable of assuming many forms". "Protean" has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability. Etymology[edit] In Greek mythology[edit] Another Proteus occurs in Greek myth as one of the fifty sons of King Aegyptus. Proteus of Egypt[edit] In alchemy and psychology[edit] In literature[edit] See also[edit] Modeling brain disorders in a petri dish. Team work in pearltrees. Energy sources: Our Technical Reality. How gharr uses Pearltrees. The Venus Project In A Nutshell (Almost) The Rings of Venus - Fiction Book. Not basing your society around money, The Venus Project. What It’s Like to Live in a Universe of Ten Dimensions. Cartographie de la recherche en design. Kicker Studio: The Disciplines of User Experience. Workshop / Chrome Experiments.
Aux racines de l’extrémisme juif en Israël, une affaire de famille. This Exquisite Forest. BallDroppings. Silk image. Silk. Neonflames - StumbleUpon. eVa's animat. Turquie : un djihadiste appelle au soulèvement. Crazy paper thing. eVa's 6 D (USA) Aimant en Cube - 0.25" Dimension3. This Exquisite Forest. 39 Easy DIY Ways To Create Art For Your Walls.