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Create a Twitter RSS feed for Tweets, Searches, Hashtags or Favorites. Twitter: quelques outils et astuces pour votre prochain événement. Lorsque vous organisez un événement, les médias sociaux et en particulier Twitter sont une excellente façon de le faire rayonner. Encouragez vos participants à publier sur les médias sociaux leurs commentaires et réactions. Ainsi, après votre événement, vous pourrez analyser l’impact et reprendre les publications de vos participants. La journée de l’événement, Twitter est à mon avis l’application la plus intéressante. Je vous suggère donc quelques outils qui peuvent vous aider à propulser votre événement et ainsi le faire connaître aux réseaux de contacts de vos participants.

Avant toute chose, créer un compte Twitter pour votre événement. Affichez les tweets des participants Prévoyez un projecteur multimédia qui diffusera les tweets de vos participants. Utilisez les codes QR Les codes QR vous permettent de préparer des messages que les participants pourront envoyer sur Twitter tout simplement en balayant le code QR. Inscrivez le hashtag sur les cocardes Vous me direz que c’est évident. 3 étapes pour booster votre marketing Twitter. Sourcing de contacts. Comment développer votre audience Twitter avec le concept de Social Média Pipeline. Social Engagement.

Twitter Master Marketing - 3 étapes pour booster votre marketing Twitter. Les #Hashtags. A Brief and Informal Twitter Etiquette Guide. I love Twitter. I think the service is a wonderful tool that permits a whole new way of communicating. The thing is, it’s also a place where newcomers might often make some mistakes in their choices that will likely be taken in a negative manner, and will likely result in an unfollow or a block from other Twitter users. The idea to write a brief and informal twitter etiquette guide came from my new friend Zaven, who asked whether, in some cases, people might just be behaving in a social structure that makes sense to their culture, but not mine.

He might be right. With that as a motivator, here are some guidelines for Twitter to consider. NOTE: these come with the You’re Doing It Wrong seal of “don’t take anyone’s word for law, least of all Chris Brogan’s.” Maybe, as this is fleshed out, you’ll have some ideas to add or subtract to the guide, and we can update it accordingly. A (less) Brief and Informal Twitter Etiquette Guide It’s okay to follow people you don’t know on Twitter. How to build a Twitter audience in 8 steps | Christopher S. Penn : Awaken Your Superhero. How Many Times Should You Tweet Your Blog Post?

The Crowdsourced Twitter Marketing Book. By Katie Morse on Aug 20, 2010 Twitter can be daunting for the uninitiated. Especially for brands jumping into Twitter for the first time. How do you handle jumping into the conversation without seeming like the new kid on the block? How do you even find people to talk to? There’s often a lot of factors that go into maintaining an engaging and “good” Twitter account, but the first place to start is often the one that answers most questions – how do I start to build my following on Twitter? 1. If you’re on Twitter for any length of time, you’re bound to come across at least a few “Get 10,000 followers in 10 days!” Think of it this way. It is more genuine to start talking with one person, and then organically discover who else you have something in common with and talking to them. 2. This sounds easy, right? Interesting doesn’t mean pushing out content about this product or that product (though that can be included in the mix, surely). 3.

Also, Twitter Search is a powerful resource. 4. 5 Awesome Twitter Searches. Twitter’s search engine is really one of it’s great features, and in this article I’m going to demonstrate some really cool searches you can do with it. This is kind of a follow up to Thomas Baekdal’s excellent article here on Twitip “7 Secret Ways To Use Twitter Search” which you should check out as well. 1. Who’s saying stuff about me outside of Twitter? This search will show you Tweets that people write about you or your company that link out to an external page. This is useful for finding what people are writing about you, or indeed when people link to your site without using your Twitter name[your name|company] filter:links Live example: mailchimp filter:links 2. Free Stuff If you’re on the hunt for freebies, create variants of this search and save them to monitor when companies or bloggers are giving away freebies or offers across Twitter. 3.

-filter:links Live example: ipad 4. That search should show people asking questions related to Solar power due to the ? 5. @competitoraccount. 7 ‘Secret’ Ways To Use Twitter Search. By Thomas Baekdal. Follow him @baekdal. Twitter Search is just amazing because it can give you real-time feedback about pretty much everything. That is, if you know how to look for it. Here is how: Before we start I need to point out that both TweetDeck and Seesmic (my two favorite Twitter apps – with Seesmic being the #1) allows you to open special search panels, allowing you to “follow” a search term, instead of a person.

This is a great way to keep on top of things. The Secrets… 1: Get up to speed with all the latest buzz The primary way that I keep up-to-speed on social networking is to follow a social networking search. Simply search for: “social web” OR “social media” OR “social news” -rt filter:links 2: Find all the people who are not talking about you directly Another thing you might want to do is to find all the people who talks about you (or your product) but isn’t including you directly. Baekdal -to:baekdal -from:baekdal -@baekdal 3: Get all reactions across multiple twitter profiles. GET search.

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7 Ways to Thank Someone for a Retweet | Top 10. If you’re an active Twitter user, you’ve likely seen a “Thanks for the RT!” Post at some point. You’ve possibly even posted them yourself. So is a “retweet thank you” polite Twitter etiquette, or is it an overindulgence of bragging that folks like your content? The argument can potentially go either way for both personal and business accounts. Here are some tips to help you decide if, when, and how to display retweet gratitude. “Thanking” someone doesn’t have to mean you send an actual thank you message. 1. 2. 3. 4. While You're here Get our best tips. Article Continues 5. 6. 7. Retweet “Thank You” Exceptions There are certainly scenarios where recognizing users for sharing your content is unnecessary or impractical. Ignore Twitter “bot” retweets since there’s no human relationship to build.Beware of retweets by “get rich quick” and MLM tweeps. 5 Tactics to Avoid with Retweet “Thanks” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Benefits of Retweet “Thank Yous” 10 Ways I like to Thank Twitter Followers for Retweets. Have you ever grown tired of seeing a flood of @mentions…@mentions “Thanks for the RT!” On Twitter? I have to say, it’s not the most interesting thing to read. Even though it’s a nice gesture, it doesn’t always convey the weight of what a retweet really means to me. It really falls flat in comparison to the real gratitude I feel when I see an RT @mention pop-up on my screen. My Twitter followers may not always know it, but many times, instead of taking up space in the stream just to say “thank you,” I like to go beyond those two simple words. When I see someone has retweeted or done something to promote a post of mine, I like to return the favor in unexpected ways. I do it because I want to get to know the people who thought enough of me to follow me on Twitter and tweet my posts.

Buy Cheap Twitter Followers. 25 conseils pour créer le background de votre compte Twitter. Free Twitter Backgrounds - Custom Twitter Backgrounds. Twitter simplement. Beaucoup de personnes trouvent que Twitter prend trop de temps. Si vous utilisez Twitter pour faire de la recherche d’information, voici quelques pratiques simples qui pourront vous aider. Le principe de Twitter est de suivre une personne en s’abonnant à son compte twitter. Sur beaucoup de blog les auteurs indiquent le nom de leur compte twitter. Commencez par suivre une vingtaine de comptes, c’est suffisant pour débuter. Sur ces vingt comptes, vous observerez que les sujets abordés sont très variés. Au bout de quelques jours vous trouverez que certains comptes émettent des tweets qui ne vous apportent rien, dans ce cas cessez tout de suite de les suivre.

Vous allez naturellement identifier le type d’information qui vous intéresse. Vous pourrez observez que beaucoup de comptes ont un thème de prédilection. Vous allez pouvoir à partir de là, créer des listes et ranger les personnes que vous suivez dedans. Cela revient à mettre des gens dans des boites. Voilà, çà y est. 10 Advanced Twitter Search Tricks. With Twitter, there is always an over load of information that its quite hard to keep up with the trend, if you’re not moving along with it. Take a break out of Twitter for one or two weeks and see what happens when you get back. There would be lot of information ahead of you and catching up with them is a big task. But with Twitter search, things get fairly easy.

Twitter search recently acquired “Summize” just for enhancing its search tool and the changes are already showing up. Here are 10 such tips that will help you search the right information on Twitter beyond your timeline and around the world ! 1. From:twitterusername To search for tweets from a twitter user, use the above search term. 2. From:twitterusername filter:links To search for only tweets with links from a twitter user, use the above search term. 3. Download torrent filter:links Let’s say you wanted to search for people tweeting downloadable links about a movie or some goodies, try the above search. 4. To:username 5. 6. 7. Comment créer un robot pour faire de la veille sur Twitter. Intelligences Connectées » Yahoo Pipes: Colonne vertébrale d’une plateforme de veille multilingue, performante et gratuite. Voici l’article que j’ai publié dans l’ebook « Regards croisés sur la veille ».

N’hésitez pas à commenter, critiquer et à me donner vos usages qui permettraient de compléter la méthode que je vous présente. N’oubliez pas que si Yahoo Pipes est la colonne vertébrale, le flux RSS est le système nerveux, l’idée est donc de couvrir l’ensemble du cycle de la veille avec ce format. Les outils ne l’intégrant ou ne pouvant le générer sont automatiquement écartés dans une optique de plateforme unique : La veille est un processus qui implique l’utilisation de renseignements accessibles au public afin d’apprendre diverses choses sur son environnement (ses concurrents, ses partenaires, ses fournisseurs, son cadre législatif, les innovations technologiques, les évolutions sociétales,…) Afin qu’ils soient utiles, ces renseignement doivent être transformés en informations qui éclaireront sur les menaces ou les opportunités.

Processus habituellement présenté sous forme cyclique : Présentation de Yahoo! How to Create a Useful Twitter Retweet Bot. Twitter can be used in various, almost countless ways. In this post I am sharing a tip on how to create a useful Twitter RT bot that can be used to collect various Tweets around a keyword or a hashtag and retweet them.

And before you start throwing stones at me calling me a Twitter spammer, let me give just a few examples of how this bot can be used to create real value: Think of a Twitter RT bot that will be used to collect Tweets around some SEO conference. Thus all people who want to follow live updates from many members won’t need to keep track of hashtags and keywords associated with the event – all they need is to follow your bot.Or, say, you want to introduce your own cool hashtag and get other people to use it (#FirefoxFriday for example) but you want to filter out all retweets and give people the way to only follow real first-hand Tweets – a Twitter bot is the best option to go! So, I guess I made it clear why you might find this tutorial handy.

Now let’s see how to create one: Tutoriels Yahoo Pipes. Comment utiliser Yahoo Pipes pour être (presque) omniscient sur #Twitter ? Ce billet est un complément à celui de Camille qui explique sur Caddereputation comment soigner son infobesité sur Twitter grâce à Yahoo Pipes. Je vous invite d’ailleurs à le lire pour bien comprendre le mien car je ne reviendrai pas sur les étapes qu’il a décrit.

Je vais quant à moi vous expliquer comment muscler votre veille. Camille montre comment constituer des listes Twitter de façon alternative. C’est un billet précieux car il permet de créer un flux RSS pour une liste, ce que ne permet pas Twitter. TwitterList2RSS, une application qui offrait ce service, a mis la clé sous la porte et il n’existe pas encore de substitut (à ma connaissance). Camille a également expliqué comment filtrer ces listes tant par des mots-clés mais également par la nature des tweets (exemple : contenir des liens).

Le cumul de ces deux étapes permet donc de filtrer un périmètre restreint et prédéfinit que sont certains comptes Twitter. Voici la succession des modules en fin de pipe (dans cet ordre !!)