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Teaching Strategy: Using Political Cartoons in the Classroom : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Our Collection. Interpreting Political Cartoons in the History Classroom. What Is It? A lesson that introduces a framework for understanding and interpreting political cartoons that can be used throughout your entire history course.

Rationale Political cartoons are vivid primary sources that offer intriguing and entertaining insights into the public mood, the underlying cultural assumptions of an age, and attitudes toward key events or trends of the times. Since the 18th century, political cartoons have offered a highly useful window into the past. Just about every school history textbook now has its quota of political cartoons. Yet some studies reveal that substantial percentages of adults fail to understand the political cartoons in their daily newspaper.

How much harder then must it be for young people to make sense of cartoons from the distant past? The stark, simple imagery of many cartoons can be highly deceptive. Description 1. Teacher Preparation 1. 2. 3. In the Classroom 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Common Pitfalls Bibliography Burack, Jonathan. Fischer, Roger A. Graffiti Groups. Teaching Strategies. Teaching Strategy: Big Paper - Building a Silent Conversation. Teaching Strategy: Graffiti Boards. Instructional Strategies for Teachers: Graffiti Teaching Strategy. Graffiti is an excellent strategy to enhance students’ thinking skills and promote their writing skills and that is a great way to stimulate students’ participation in the classroom.

Teachers should provide questions related to same topic and write each questions on the top of a separate sheet of paper. The students need to be divided into based on question numbers. Each group will be given a question sheet and a different color pen and discuss the question then write the answers within the certain time. Then transfer the questions sheet to next group till all the sheets are passed through all the groups. In the final round, the original sheet comes to the group, they need to summarize the ideas and share them in the class.

The Procedure of Graffiti as following: 1.Students divided into groups according to the question numbers. 2.Each cooperative group is given a piece of chart paper and different colored markers. 3.Each group is given a different question sheet toward same topic.