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How to stop procrastinating. There Are 3 Types of Procrastinators. This Flowchart Will Tell You Which One You Are. In order to figure out what medicine to take you first have to figure out what you've got. Is it a brain tumor, a migraine, or a bad hangover? The answer will determine whether you opt for aspirin or surgery. And what's true for medical conditions, is equally true for day-to-day (and far less terrifying) productivity problems. Not all burnout is the same. And neither, apparently, are all forms of procrastination. We don't all waste time for the same reasons, insists Joseph Ferrari, a psychologist at DePaul University and author of Still Procrastinating? , and you need to know why you procrastinate in order to beat the problem.

In the book, Ferrari breaks down our time-wasting tendencies into three subtypes. 1. These are the ever-confident folks who firmly believe they "work better under pressure. " 2. 3. Most of us would call this type of person a perfectionist -- they put off doing things because they fear not being good enough. Which are you? CREDIT: Courtesy OfficeTime. How to Make Yourself Work When You Just Don’t Want To. There’s that project you’ve left on the backburner – the one with the deadline that’s growing uncomfortably near.

And there’s the client whose phone call you really should return – the one that does nothing but complain and eat up your valuable time. Wait, weren’t you going to try to go to the gym more often this year? Can you imagine how much less guilt, stress, and frustration you would feel if you could somehow just make yourself do the things you don’t want to do when you are actually supposed to do them? Not to mention how much happier and more effective you would be? The good news (and its very good news) is that you can get better about not putting things off, if you use the right strategy. Figuring out which strategy to use depends on why you are procrastinating in the first place: Reason #1 You are putting something off because you are afraid you will screw it up. Solution: Adopt a “prevention focus.” There are two ways to look at any task.

Solution: Use if-then planning. Overcoming procrastination: A flow-chart approach - Dr. Patrick Keelan, Calgary Psychologist. In this article, I discuss several strategies to overcome procrastination and the order in which to use them. I’ve long been fascinated by the simple but effective way in which flow charts guide a person toward taking the correct action to address a problem. Flow charts I encountered in different jobs before I became a psychologist typically had the person answer a question in a box. A ‘yes’ answer would direct the person to take a particular action and a ‘no’ answer would lead them toward a different action.

Continuing to answer questions in boxes and taking the appropriate actions would ultimately lead the person toward the solution of the problem with which they were dealing. Procrastination is an issue which is amenable to a flow-chart approach. Box 1 in the flow chart: Have I made an action plan? The first question I have my clients ask in addressing their procrastination is: “Have I made an action plan?” Action plans provide a proven-effective antidote to procrastination. -Dr. Procrastination: A Brief Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating. Procrastination is a challenge we have all faced at one point or another. For as long as humans have been around, we have been struggling with delaying, avoiding, and procrastinating on issues that matter to us. During our more productive moments, when we temporarily figure out how to stop procrastinating, we feel satisfied and accomplished.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to make those rare moments of productivity more routine. The purpose of this guide is to break down the science behind why we procrastinate, share proven frameworks you can use to beat procrastination, and cover useful strategies that will make it easier to take action. You can click the links below to jump to a particular section or simply scroll down to read everything. At the end of this page, you’ll find a complete list of all the articles I have written on procrastination. I. II. III. Let’s start by getting the basics nailed down. What is Procrastination? Human beings have been procrastinating for centuries. Moving the Finish Line: The Goal Gradient Hypothesis. How to get massively motivated in less than 60 seconds  - Commit Action | Skyrocket your business success. Confession time: Even highly driven and productive entrepreneurs still struggle every day to turn on their motivation when they need it.

Perhaps you’re one of these folks. You’re busy. You’re building a kickass business. You get a a lot done. BUT – and it’s a big “but” – you still fight a daily struggle to focus on the important things you need to get done. Maybe it’s making some critical calls you’ve been avoiding.Maybe it’s writing some epic content you know you should’ve started long ago.Or maybe, it’s simply diving into that overdue project that you know will feel easy and fun… once you actually start. If you’re like the thousands of entrepreneurs we’ve talked to here at Commit Action, you frequently find yourself staring into space – or at some time-wasting website – trying to summon the will to start working on what you should be doing.

Meanwhile, there are a tiny fraction of entrepreneurs knocking out home run after home run in life and business. Here’s the technique: Don’t worry. Charles Duhigg's Productivity Tips from Smarter, Faster, Better. Why is it that the more work I have to do, the more the internet beckons me into its endless maw of distraction? Oh Lord, I will say, appealing both to myself and to whatever blog-god might be listening, I have an hour to finish this article. But first, isn’t this Tasty video fascinating? I’ve never thought about making buffalo-fried cheese nuggets before, but now that I’ve watched a pair of disembodied hands prepare them so expertly, I should definitely head over to Amazon and Prime me some buffalo sauce. This is how I found myself, exhausted after leaving work at 8 p.m. one day recently, flopping onto my bed, still in my pencil skirt, and clicking open a horrific, traffic-mongering slideshow linked from the bottom of an article I was reading.

Reader, I clicked through every slide. So I called Charles Duhigg, an investigative reporter for The New York Times who has also written two best-sellers. We chatted about how (and whether) to avoid procrastination. Daniel Pink on Incentives and the Two Types of Motivation. Motivation is a tricky multifaceted thing. How do we motivate people to become the best they can be? How do we motivate ourselves? Sometimes when we are running towards a goal we suddenly lose steam and peter out before we cross the finish line. Why do we lose our motivation part way to achieving our goal? Dan Pink wrote an excellent book on motivation called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. When Pink discusses motivation he breaks it into two specific types: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation is driven by external forces such as money or praise. As you can see the two types of motivations and tasks are quite different. Let’s look at how they play against each other depending on what type of reward is offered. Baseline Rewards Money was once thought to be the best way to motivate an employee. Of course the starting point for any discussion of motivation in the workplace is a simple fact of life: People have to earn a living. ‘If, then’ Rewards Goals. The Procrastination Doom Loop—and How to Break It. When scientists have studied procrastination, they've typically focused on how people are miserable at weighing costs and benefits across time.

For example, everybody recognizes, in the abstract, that it's important to go to the dentist every few months. The pain is upfront and obvious—dental work is torture—and the rewards of cleaner teeth are often remote, so we allow the appointment to slip through our minds and off our calendars. Across several categories including dieting, saving money, and sending important emails, we constantly choose short and small rewards (whose benefits are dubious, but immediate) over longer and larger payouts (whose benefits are obvious, but distant). In the last few years, however, scientists have begun to think that procrastination might have less to do with time than emotion.

Procrastination "really has nothing to do with time-management,” Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University, told Psychological Science. The Akrasia Effect: Why We Don’t Follow Through on Things. By the summer of 1830, Victor Hugo was facing an impossible deadline. Twelve months earlier, the famous French author had made an agreement with his publisher that he would write a new book titled, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Instead of writing the book, Hugo spent the next year pursuing other projects, entertaining guests, and delaying his work on the text.

Hugo's publisher had become frustrated by his repeated procrastination and responded by setting a formidable deadline. The publisher demanded that Hugo finish the book by February of 1831—less than 6 months away. Hugo developed a plan to beat his procrastination. He collected all of his clothes, removed them from his chambers, and locked them away. He was left with nothing to wear except a large shawl. The strategy worked. The Ancient Problem of Akrasia Human beings have been procrastinating for centuries.

Akrasia is the state of acting against your better judgment. Why We Make Plans, But Don't Take Action Fighting Akrasia Read Next. How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go. ‘People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.’ ~Thich Nhat Hanh By Leo Babauta The end of procrastination is the art of letting go. I’ve been a lifelong procrastinator, at least until recent years. Until I didn’t. But I couldn’t quit. That’s because I wasn’t getting to the root problem. I hadn’t figured out the skill that would save me from the procrastination. Until I learned about letting go. Letting go first came to me when I was quitting smoking.

Then I learned I needed to let go of other false needs that were causing me problems: sugar, junk food, meat, shopping, beer, possessions. Then I learned that distractions and the false need to check my email and news and other things online … were causing me problems. So I learned to let go of those too.

Here’s the process I used to let go of the distractions and false needs that cause procrastination: And then I smile, and breathe, and let go. How to Stop Procrastinating and Do the Right Thing, More Often. 6 Scientific Tactics to Stop Procrastinating. Procrastination is something that everyone deals with. Given the fact that this is blog is for the self-employed and online freelancers, it’s a bit surprising to me that some of our most popular posts have been on being more productive and staying disciplined.

I have to assume that most of us who work from our computers have some of the worst cases of procrastination of all! It’s hard to place too much blame on ourselves though, as the internet offers an unlimited amount of alternatives to doing our work. Since that’s the case, what are some proven ways to combat procrastination? Let’s take a look! 1.) What’s the deal with ‘cramming’? The crazy thing is, although cramming is far from optimal in terms of the quality of work that is produced, it is quite useful in getting a fire lit under our asses, isn’t it? According to a study on procrastination, this last minute hoorah is inspired by the fact that there is no way out.

Big whoop, how is that going to stop me from procrastinating? 2.) 3.) The Mechanics of Preventing Procrastination. Procrastination is, in essence, stealing from yourself. The reason goals are so hard to reach, many psychologists think, is because each person believes they are really two people: Present Me and Future Me. And to most people, Future Me is much less important than Present Me. Present Me is the CEO of Me Corp, while Future Me is a lowly clerk. “Instead of delaying gratification,” people “act as if they prefer their current self’s needs and desires to those of their future self,” write psychologists Neil Lewis of the University of Michigan and Daphna Oyserman of the University of Southern California in a new study in Psychological Science.

Why put that money in your 401(k) when you want those shoes now? So Oyserman and Lewis asked themselves: What if people could be made to think of their future selves as more connected to their current selves? Kick Your Procrastination Problem This Weekend. Self-Imposed Deadlines Don't Stop Procrastination. Here's What Might. Mark Twain advised people never to put off until tomorrow what they can put off until the day after, and a lot of us listen. Estimates suggest that 15% to 20% of all people are chronic procrastinators, and that share goes up for situational delay: As one example, four in five people put off retirement savings despite knowing better. Then there are the innumerable office procrastinators, many identifiable by the mere fact that they're reading this article. The devious thing about procrastination is that while we tend to shrug or laugh it off as part of the work process, evidence suggests it's far from harmless.

At the root of the problem is our failure to differentiate between simply delaying a task, perhaps a healthy sign of organizational skills, and truly procrastinating on it, a self-defeating habit people know will hurt them later--a little like smoking. Not only does our work suffer from the real thing, but our well-being does, too. Why the difference? Structured Procrastination. The Common Pattern To Procrastination. ​​“Think of all the years passed by in which you said to yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow,” and how the gods have again and again granted you periods of grace of which you have not availed yourself. It is time to realize that you are a member of the Universe, that you are born of Nature itself, and to know that a limit has been set to your time.” — Marcus Aurelius If you procrastinate, you’re in good company.

Most of us, and I’m talking like 95% of people here, are in the same boat. “To stop procrastinating” is one of the top goals of many people I run into. In his book, The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done, Piers Steel says “Procrastination is pervasive. Almost as common as gravity and with an equal downward pull, it is with us from the overfull kitchen garbage can in the morning to the nearly empty tube of toothpaste at night.” Steel perfectly describes the pattern common to all procrastination: Soon these temptations have seduced you. How To Stop Procrastinating: 4 New Steps Backed By Research. I don’t wanna. I don’t wanna.

I don’t wanna. It’s awful and horrible. I hear it causes cancer. I’ll do it when I feel better. I’ll do it tomorrow. Procrastination plagues us all. No, you won’t do better work by waiting. To be honest with you, dear reader, I should have started writing this hours ago. Charles Duhigg is a reporter for the New York Times and author of the bestseller The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. Here’s a quick video of Charles talking about habits: Here’s what you’ll learn in the post below: Why your standard response to procrastination never ever ever works.How turning habits into “personal starting rituals” can make beating procrastination easier and fun (believe it or not.)Why the most powerful habits are all about how you see yourself.Why eating chocolate with friends might be the secret to beating procrastination — and every other bad habit you have.

No more putting things off. 1) You Don’t Need More Willpower. Yeah, three or four. Sum Up. Why You Can Never Finish Anything And How to Finally Change It. 4 Habits Of Punctual People. | Why We Procrastinate - Issue 16: Nothingness. The Science of Procrastination - And How To Manage It. How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your Willpower by Using “Temptation Bundling"