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Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe. World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms - WWOOF. 10 volunteer opportunities for free travel. WWOOF. Voluntary Work Worldwide At Anywork Anywhere. Voluntary Work There are many organisations throughout the world who welcome volunteers for long and short periods, as well as many Companies offering volunteer/expeditionary packages. Work could involve caring for children, teenagers and people with disabilities, archaeological and community development projects, studying, surveying and monitoring plants and animals, restoring industrial heritage, laying hedges or planting forests.

Voluntary Work Guides By Country Charities and Aid Organisations offer a range of voluntary opportunities around the world for long and short periods such as caring for people with disabilities, conservation, archaeological, and community development projects. Most volunteers must be self funding, although help can often be provided with fund raising. Why Pay To Volunteer ? Specific skills are not usually required by many organisations. Experience isn't usually neccesary most importantly concern for our enviroment, communities and boundless enthusiasm.