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[Infomaniak Network SA] Administration - Open a session. How to Create a Gravatar: 6 Steps (with Pictures. Manage Multiple Identities with One Gravatar Account | Gravatar Blog. February 06, 2014 | Posted by Michelle W. Did you know that you can have multiple email addresses associated with your Gravatar account? And that each email address can use a different image? Managing multiple email addresses with Gravatar is a snap. Many of us have multiple email accounts — for work, school, our personal lives, our blogs, online groups we belong to, and more.

Many of us also use different images of ourselves on different websites. Gravatar can help you manage these identities by allowing you to use associate a different image with each email address you’ve connected to Gravatar. Pick the email address you’d like to edit, and select an image (or add a new one using the blue link at the top). And there you go! Make sure you use this email address when participating online, and the appropriate Gravatar will appear alongside. Like this: Like Loading... Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars. Gravatar. Designs[edit] A Gravatar avatar can be up to 2048 pixels wide, is always square and is displayed at 80 by 80 pixels by default.[5] If the uploaded avatar is larger or smaller, the avatar is scaled appropriately. Each Gravatar is rated with an MPAA-style age recommendation, which allows webmasters to control the content of the Gravatars displayed on their website.

Webmasters can also configure their system to automatically display an Identicon when a user has no registered Gravatar. Gravatars are loaded from the Gravatar web-server using a URL containing an MD5 hash of the associated email address. [edit] User's profile data is available in a number of metadata standards, including hCard, JSON, XML, PHP, and vCard as well as via QR Codes. History[edit] On 11 June 2007, Tom Preston-Werner announced that 32,000 new users had signed up since the launch of Gravatar 2.0.[9] References[edit] External links[edit]