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Quick Tip: Intro to Object-Oriented Programming for Game Development. Welcome to a new series of Quick Tips on Object-Oriented Programming! We'll be going over the principles of OOP and how they can be used to create organized code. In this first part, we'll talk about what OOP is and why it's helpful, with a few examples of how it could be used in game development. What Is Object-Oriented Programming? Object-oriented programming (OOP), in its most basic sense, is a programming style used to organize code. Programming styles, such as OOP, help to organize code in such a way that it becomes easier to maintain and modify. Objects hold information about state and behavior: States are the characteristics of the object, or the words you would use to describe it, and usually take the form of is or has descriptors. Behaviors are the things the object can do, or the actions the object can perform, and are usually verbs that end in ing.

Why Is It Helpful? How to Apply It I'll list three different examples of how to apply OOP to video games. Asteroids and behaviors of: Quick Tip: Use Quadtrees to Detect Likely Collisions in 2D Space. Many games require the use of collision detection algorithms to determine when two objects have collided, but these algorithms are often expensive operations and can greatly slow down a game. In this article we'll learn about quadtrees, and how we can use them to speed up collision detection by skipping pairs of objects that are too far apart to collide. Note: Although this tutorial is written using Java, you should be able to use the same techniques and concepts in almost any game development environment.

Collision detection is an essential part of most video games. Both in 2D and 3D games, detecting when two objects have collided is important as poor collision detection can lead to some very interesting results: However, collision detection is also a very expensive operation. Let’s say there are 100 objects that need to be checked for collision. Comparing each pair of objects requires 10,000 operations - that’s a lot of checks! A quadtree starts as a single node. Creating Your Building Blocks: Modular Component AI Systems. Advanced Collision Detection Techniques. Advanced Collision Detection Techniques By Nick Bobic Since the advent of computer games, programmers have continually devised ways to simulate the world more precisely. Pong, for instance, featured a moving square (a ball) and two paddles. Players had to move the paddles to an appropriate position at an appropriate time, thus rebounding the ball toward the opponent and away from the player.

The root of this basic operation is primitive(by today’s standards) collision detection. Today’s games are much more advanced than Pong, and most are based in 3D. This article will assume a basic understanding of the geometry and math involved in collision detection. The Big Picture To create an optimal collision detection routine, we have to start planning and creating its basic framework at the same time that we’re developing a game’s graphics pipeline. Let’s begin by taking a look at a basic game engine loop (Listing 1). Listing 1. While(1){ process_input(); update_objects(); render_world(); } • H. Java - How can you organize the code for a game to fit the MVC pattern.

Building Games Using the MVC Pattern – Tutorial and Introduction | Against the Grain – Game Development. One useful architecture pattern in game development is the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern. It helps separate the input logic, the game logic and the UI (rendering). The usefulness is quickly noticeable in the early stages of any game development project because it allows to change things quickly without too much rework of code in all layers of the application. The following diagram is the simplest logical representation of the model view controller concept. Model-View-Controller pattern Example Usage In an example game where the player controls a robot the following can happen: 1 – User clicks/taps somewhere on the screen.2 – The controller handles the click/tap and converts the event into an appropriate action.

What this all means is, that the models (robots) don’t know anything about how to draw themselves, or how to change their state (position, hit points). Let’s identify the different aspects (concerns) of our games. The models The controllers The views Creating the Project The Droid. .NET Design Patterns in C# and VB.NET - Gang of Four (GOF) - DoFactory. Design patterns are solutions to software design problems you find again and again in real-world application development. Patterns are about reusable designs and interactions of objects. The 23 Gang of Four (GoF) patterns are generally considered the foundation for all other patterns. They are categorized in three groups: Creational, Structural, and Behavioral (for a complete list see below). To give you a head start, the C# source code for each pattern is provided in 2 forms: structural and real-world. Structural code uses type names as defined in the pattern definition and UML diagrams.

Real-world code provides real-world programming situations where you may use these patterns. A third form, .NET optimized, demonstrates design patterns that fully exploit built-in .NET 4.5 features, such as, generics, attributes, delegates, reflection, and more. MVC in game development. I was reading through the tutorial requests and took note of an old post by Kadoba: How about a tutorial over the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture pattern for games? I've found different reading materials over it but they're all very vague and inconsistent - especially the placement of the subsystems. Like, one article I've read says to implement input in the view and another says it should be implemented in the controller.

So basically a MVC take on how to organize your subsystems, like the ones below, into a cohesive whole: Resource ManagementEntitiesCollision DetectionOS Specific Stuff (window handling, OS events)Events/Messaging (game specific, not OS)UIGame LoopInputOutput/Rendering Sure thing, thinks I. To start with, I'll clear up some of the confusion for you. The closest thing to an analogy of how this system works is your own computer. This is also why most tutorials seem a bit confusing on the point of input. Now, again, the layout of MVC is simple and flexible. Example: Electron Dance. Joel on Software. COM : Love - Online Procedural Adventiure Game. S homepage - Projects.