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iPad App Goes Viral. Google+: The Complete Guide. Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Guide updated January 18, 2012 Google+: It's the hot social network on the block. In just a few months, Google's competitor to Facebook and Twitter has amassed more than 40 million users, and its growth hasn't stopped.

It's become a hotbed for early adopters, tech luminaries, marketers and businesses around the world. Google+, however, isn't the easiest thing to understand. A recent change new and old Google+ users should take note of is Search Across Your World launched on Jan. 10, 2012. Now Google can pull search results from your Google+ friends and material from other Google+ users whom you don't follow who have related content labeled public. We decided to dig into every aspect of Google+, from Hangouts to Circles, from Google+ Pages to what's next for Google's social network. What Is Google+?

Profile. Who Should You Follow on Social Media? Proliphiq Knows The Answer. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Proliphiq Quick Pitch: Proliphiq filters social media clutter and focuses on what’s important to you. Genius Idea: Social media search tool that lets people see who is credible in the areas that interest them. “Who should I follow?” Proliphiq helps you find the answer to that question. Proliphiq is a social media discovery tool that helps you find the most credible contributors within the topics that interest you. “Proliphiq is different from a search engine like Google in the way that we don’t help users search for content or videos,” says Adam Roozen, CEO of Proliphiq.

To begin, users must log into either their Facebook or Twitter accounts on Proliphiq’s website. Drag the slider, choose a topic, and watch the map populate with credible profiles for that tag. Life Long Learning Tips | Lifelong Learning Resources. The following is a guest post from Katie Wilson. It’s an understatement to say that the human brain is a complicated mass of neurons and connections that is hard to comprehend. What we can understand though is the concept of plasticity, the fact that the brain can be taught nearly anything with the right amount of effort and the right kind of motivation.

Your brain changes its wiring to adapt to new situations, new knowledge and new information. This makes learning a pretty easy concept. And since the brain retains plasticity even as we age, here’s how you can use it to enhance your lifelong learning practices: Work at learning A job that requires you to keep updating your knowledge may sound like a lot of work, but it is a huge blessing in disguise. Make a conscious decision to learn Don’t be content with what you know; use any time that you have on your hands to expand your skills – learn a new language, play an instrument, take up music or dance or painting lessons. Grow with learning. 12 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros.

Are you struggling to make social media work for your business? Sometimes a few well-chosen tools are all you need to get your social media marketing working for you. In our recent Social Media Success Summit, there were presentations that covered all the key topics you need to make your social media marketing easy. In this article, I’ll share 12 of those tools that were recommended by the pros. Tools to Refine Your Visibility and Engagement Here are three tools recommended by Mari Smith during her first presentation on increasing your visibility and engagement on Facebook. #1: Socialbakers Get useful stats from Socialbakers.

Check out the useful marketing data on Socialbakers. #2: Kurrently Find out what’s being shared on social media with Kurrently, a free, easy-to-use, real-time search engine for results from Twitter and Facebook. You can search through Facebook or Twitter or both. #3: Blekko Select the sites you want to search with Blekko. Tools to Measure Specific Social Media Goals.