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Bicycle Maintenance Guide and Riding Tips. This page was last updated 24 May 2007.

Bicycle Maintenance Guide and Riding Tips

I often get asked about bicycle maintenance and repairs, and tips for how to ride efficiently. This little manual is intended as a summary of what I have learned over the years. I am not a professional mechanic. All of what I say here is the result of personal experience and opinion and may in places flatly contradict professional techniques, but it has served me well. Typographer's Glossary. Serif: Serif's are semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols.

Typographer's Glossary

A typeface that has serifs is called a serif typeface (or seriffed typeface). Crafts. High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom. Published Online: August 10, 2011 By Jennifer L.

High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom

Barnett As 21st-century teachers, we are expected to help students master the technological tools they will use in college and the workplace. But in many districts, the one-computer classroom is not extinct. Game-Based Learning: new practices, new classrooms. Ativid@des Online 2.0. Portal do Professor. Porque é grátis. Abaixo, nós explicamos o teste grátis, o que está incluso e as diferentes ofertas que estão disponíveis com o Mikogo.

Porque é grátis

O que eu terei em um teste grátis? Se você estiver querendo testar todos os recursos inclusos no software Mikogo, então o melhor lugar para começar é com um teste grátis. São apenas 3 passos: Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla - Painless Team Collaboration for the Web. Pesquisa personalizada do Google. Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students.

VHX. Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and institutions. PBworks: Online Collaboration. TeacherTube - Teach the World. The Groovy Librarian - Teaching in the 21st Century. Today I have been experimenting with Google Custom Search Engine.

The Groovy Librarian - Teaching in the 21st Century

As a teacher librarian and educator I thought it was about time that I learnt to build a search engine that is customised with content, or a collection of sites/pages, on a particular topic(s) for a class/year level. What I liked is that the search engine can be shared by a a link or by embedding it onto a class blog or wiki. Building a customised search engine was EASY. 1.

You need to have a Google Account and sign in. 2. Go to the Google Custom Search Engine page and click “Create a Custom Search Engine”. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. K-5 MATH Links. Knovio – Transforma powerpoint em apresentação com conteúdo sincronizado. Knovio é uma fantástica ferramenta que nos permite realizar apresentações usando o vídeo como protagonista.

knovio – Transforma powerpoint em apresentação com conteúdo sincronizado

Google+: The Complete Guide. Using Google+?

Google+: The Complete Guide

Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Guide updated January 18, 2012. 46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed. Get ready for Mashable's weekly roundup!

46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

This week, we've performed original Google+ analysis, prepared you for the Mac OS X Lion release, and pointed you toward the best fictional Twitter accounts. We've celebrated startups and mourned space shuttle finales. 19 Essential Google+ Resources. The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom. Increasingly, educators globally are transforming their classroom using Skype to create powerful, authentic, motivating learning experiences for their students.

The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom

From connecting with classrooms in other locations to learning about each others’ culture to connecting with content experts – educators are extending learning beyond classroom walls. So how do you use Skype effectively with your class? Hopefully this will help! Here’s our educator’s guide on every thing you need to know about Skype from…… 1. Setting up your account.

Video learning, una tendencia en plena expansión. Organizaciones y personas están yendo hacia un modo cada vez más visual de comunicarse y capacitarse.

Video learning, una tendencia en plena expansión

Los indicadores de mercado acusan un fuerte crecimiento de este contexto, y el video comienza a asumir un rol determinante en los procesos de formación, reforzado por las instancias de videoconferencia que permiten hasta 80.000 participantes simultáneos. Datos estadísticos, opinión de expertos y casos de estudio en la primera nota de acercamiento a un fenómeno global. En las próximas entregas evaluaremos recursos formativos audiovisuales disponibles en línea. por Constanza Donadío (Editora Periodística America Learning & Media) Takeout. Welcome to Skype in the classroom. Teste MindWave. How to Get Started With Google+, Your Complete Guide. By now, you have all probably heard about the Google+ project , Google’s next attempt at making their network more social. Its goal is to make sharing online more like sharing in real life.

If you haven’t gotten your invite just yet, you can in the following quick-look video, and by visiting the Google+ project overview , searchable details and discussion pages. You can also take a demo tour so you can once you are able to join the project. Limited Field Trial Invites. Inovareduca 3. Pen - Simple Online Publishing. Como transformar um livro em papel num livro interativo. Carlos Pinheiro Conteúdos Digitais, Experiências, Ferramentas, Mobile, Tecnologias ipad, Iphone, iPod touch, livro interactivo, qr codes, smartphone, vídeo Utilizando códigos QR (QR codes), é muito simples transformar um livro em papel num livro interativo, enriquecendo a experiência de leitura com adição de elementos multimédia (vídeos, páginas Web, jogos, etc.). Facebook (2)

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