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Curriculum seminar

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If CSE is to have a major influence in education through its curriculum, it needs to focus in on a powerful and distinctive vision. We are driven by a notion of what makes good science - motivating students with real science and active learning.

But these features are too vague to qualify as a vision. As teachers have often asked - what are we motivating students to do? Ie We need to be clearer on what science education is equipping students for, and hence what are its most important priorities. With a strong basis like this, our projects can become more coherent, and build a strong brand for CSE. .

There are two popular 'agendas' we could mould our vision around:
Scientfic literacy - preparing students to engage in scientific issues
STEM careers - increasing the uptake of science related subjects

However, for reasons to be discussed in the meeting, I feel they are both too limited to fully inspire our approach. In my view the agenda which is best matched to our aspirations is: 21st century learning - ie equipping students with the skills to thrive in a fast changing world.

I would like to use the meeting to explore this, and consider what a science curriculum for the future would look like. You can reject the proposal at the end, but for now please keep an open mind.

It is important that the discussion is based on all of us having background knowledge - not shooting from the hip.

All you have to do is watch some videos, and think - no reading required (this is the 21st century after all).

The videos are in this map:
most or all of them - but do feel free to skip over bits for the longer ones.


1) In what ways would a real scence education for the 21st century be different to the one most schools follow now?

2) what role could CSE and its projects play in making this happen?


Come prepared to share your answers to 1) and 2) - in any way you like - from talking, to technology.

What skills do students need? A whole new Mind, Dan Pink 1/6. 2/6. 3/6. 4/6. 5/6. 6/6. What is 21st century education? What is 21st century education? The Four C's: Making 21st Century Education Happen. What 60 Schools Can Tell Us About Teaching 21st Century Skills: Grant Lichtman at TEDxDenverTeachers. How should the curriclum change? Redefining Science Education. What Matters - 21st Century STEM Education Initiatives. (good definition of stem) STEM webinar. Start Session Optionally, you can pre-configure your computer and test your audio using one of our Configuration Rooms prior to your session.

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