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Bird-at-spring.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 1024 pixels) - Scaled (57%) October 3, 2009. Cute-owl. Owls- one of the most beautiful birds. The mere sight of an Owl is enough to send shivers down the spine of many peoples. This fear is not built on any concrete evidence. It is fear that has been passed down generations through myths and tales. Some Hollywood movies have only worked to increase the stereotype on these lovely birds. But have you ever imagined that Owls are among the most beautiful birds? The following picture will definitely change your perception on Owls, they are Beautiful….. Just have a look at those glowing eyes… Mom and baby…probably waiting for daddy to come home Aren’t those eyes just lovely?

Beautify in all its definition….. Just asking, it that a moustache…amazing isn’t it? Well, talk about a beautiful pose and here you have one…. Looking so innocent and beautiful… Owls are beautiful birds, you need not be afraid of them anymore….seeing them should bring a smile on your face not a frown definitely. BBC Nature - Superb bird of paradise videos, news and facts. Animals-Bokeh-Photography-14.jpg (JPEG Image, 950×627 pixels) Woodchat-shrike-bto.jpg (JPEG Image, 595×397 pixels) Evil owl. Little Owl: Triple portrait by Vladimir Kogan. 14982_0_632x421.jpg (JPEG Image, 632×421 pixels) Rare Parrot Humps Photographers Head - CollegeHumor Video. Blue-tit-jeff-cohen.jpg (JPEG Image, 595×446 pixels) Little owl. Птицы в фокусе. Дата: 16.06.2010Рубрики: Небо | Комментарии (3)Теги: зимородок, колибри, орлан, пингвин, цапля, чайка Loading ... Победители конкурса «Птицы в фокусе» предлагают вам по-другому взглянуть на удивительных пернатых, запечатленных в различных настроениях и действиях.

(Всего 25 фото) Хочешь разместить свою рекламу здесь? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Опубликовать статью у себя в блоге: Комментарии. Long-eared owl by Robert Adamec.