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Photography Kick-start Guide: How Your Camera Works. These 50 Photos Will Blow you Away. The colourful power of sound: Amazing pictures of paint drops vibrating on speakers. Images capture the splashes of paint as sound waves pass through it using a small speaker By Nadia Gilani Updated: 02:36 GMT, 16 January 2012 These stunning images show vibrant splashes of paint 'dancing' to sound vibrations. Photographers created the series of rainbow paint sculptures by capturing how it moves when sound waves are passed through it. At just a few millimetres high, the intricacies of the moving drops are invisible to the naked eye.

Scroll down for video Splash down: The ink jumps as the speakers are turned on Vibrant: The photographs and videos begin by wrapping a membrane around a small speaker It is incredible to believe these formations are not solid sculptures but paint caught in a split second of time But when they are filmed at high speed the physical sound wave is captured in astounding detail. The artists began by wrapping a membrane around a small speaker. The studio team carefully place the paints on the speaker allowing Linden Gledhill to create his pictures. Paul Nicklen Photography - Home. The Manual Photography Cheat Sheet Keeps You Familiar with All Your Camera's Different Settings.

10 Examples of Incredible Starry Night Sky Photography, and a How-To Video. 160.jpg (950×633) 20110615TLEKotsiopoulos.jpg (1296×864) Alan Sailer-Exploding Objects « Direkt Concept. We found this pretty damn interesting and with technology these days the impossible is becoming possible. Photographer Alan Sailer comes up with a unique way to display exploding objects as art. Alan uses his garage to take these photos and he is able to make them brilliant by using a laser that triggers the flash to go off at the perfect second.

A glass skull and an eye are just a few things that Alan is shooting these days and I’m sure he is enjoying every minute of it. (Via Format Mag) Take a look at the gallery below. Related "Brand Spirit" - Branded Objects in White Here is an interesting take on branded items that have all been removed of their branding by being painted white. In "Art" Proposition One - Max de Esteban Titled "Proposition One" we have to say it takes a damn creative mind and patient one at that to create photography such as this.

In "Photography" Portraits by Patrick Bremer Today we present artist Patrick Bremer. Stars_2.jpg (1280×854) High speed liquid splash photographs {Part 2} Posted on October 11, 2011 in Photography If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5) Loading ... So... What do you think? Check this out on our Partner Network. 48742_0_1208x1005.jpg from - StumbleUpon.