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Rakenna oma henkilökohtainen oppimisverkosto (PLN). Alustana Twitter. Monet sosiaalisessa mediassa toimivat kokevat, että heidän osaamisensa kehittymisessä yhä keskeisempään rooliin ovat nousseet sosiaalisetverkostot – oman alan asiantuntijat, jotka jakavat, suodattavat ja julkaisevat alan viimeisintä tietoa verkossa. Lähes joka alalta löytyy nykyisin vaikuttajia (”thought leaders”), jotka jakavat blogissaan näkemyksiään, tviittaavat alan uutisia, linkittävät hyödyllisiin resursseihin ja parhaisiin käytäntöihin.

Mikä on saanut asiantuntijat kilpailemaan siitä, kuka jakaa eniten? Yksi syy lienee se, että muille hyödyksi oleminen palkitsee Google -näkyvyytenä, ”pöhinänä” sosiaalisessa mediassa ja niiden myötä lopulta ehkä myös parempina työtilaisuuksina. Jos vain harvat tietävät mitä teet ja kuinka hyvä siinä olet, tuskin hukut työtarjouksiin. Vaikka bloggaaminen ei olisi oma juttusi, niin verkostojen avuliaisuudesta kannattaa ainakin ottaa hyöty irti. Henkilökohtainen oppimisverkosto (Personal Learning Network, PLN) Jakaminen perustavanlaatuisinta toimintaa. 20 Ways To Improve Your Professional Learning Network In 2013. Networking is a prime form of 21st century learning.

The world is much smaller thanks to technology. Learning is transforming into a globally collaborative enterprise. Take for example scientists; professional networks allow the scientific community to share discoveries much faster. Just this month, a tech news article showcased how Harvard scientists are considering that “sharing discoveries is more efficient and honorable than patenting them.” This idea embodies the true spirit of a successful professional learning network: collaboration for its own sake. As educators, we aim to be connected to advance our craft.

On another level, we hope to teach students to use networks to prepare for them for a changing job market. Learning networks are based on the theory of connectivism, or learning from diverse social webs. What are some ways to grow your PLN and improve the quality of your interactions? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 35 Ways To Build Your Personal Learning Network Online.

Personal learning networks are a great way for educators to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals. Although PLNs have been around for years, in recent years social media has made it possible for these networks to grow exponentially. Now, it’s possible to expand and connect your network around the world anytime, anywhere. But how exactly do you go about doing that? Check out our guide to growing your personal learning network with social media, full of more than 30 different tips, ideas, useful resources, and social media tools that can make it all possible. Tips & Ideas Get started developing your social media PLN with these tips and ideas for great ways to make use of social tools.

Actively make ties : It’s not enough to just follow and read, you need to connect. Guides Tools & Resources Want to really make the most of your PLN? 20 Tips for Creating a Professional Learning Network. Educators: Embrace Social Media. What is up with teacher development and the fear of social media? So many educators are soaring into the next advent of learning, while others continue to lecture and talk at the kids, avoiding the digital tools that are so readily available. Yesterday, in a passing conversation discussing sharing of great resources, I asked a colleague if they knew what a PLN is? ”Huh?” She said. “A P L what?” My world has become immersed in Twitter; I find it to be one of the single most important tools in my own daily professional development.

I’d like to mention some of my educationally revered friends and give them a little plug since they have helped me grow. Now, don’t get me wrong… my friends on Twitter are more like colleagues. 25 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Twitter by Jeff Dunn (just posted yesterday so we must have had some mental telepathy going on.) the founder of Edudemic, states that, Twitter may very well be the single most important tool for teachers right now.

Here’s what I think: Personal Learning Networks Simplified for Teachers. Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators. Editor's Note: Connected Educator Month (CEM) was launched by the Department of Education in August 2012, and this year, it's being held in October. This post from Lisa Dabbs is a great primer for becoming a connected educator, and it's a must-read for CEM. (Updated 10/2013) This month, the U.S. Department of Education kicked off Connected Educator Month, with engaging keynotes, panel discussions, book chats, and more. During this month, educators in the U.S. and globally will have opportunities to connect themselves and their communities, online and in-person, to support their professional practice.

The timing couldn't be better, as most teachers are preparing to hit the ground running as they gear up for back-to-school! While the idea of being or becoming a connected educator is important, as a new teacher, this may seem completely overwhelming. Be sure to read each one and give us some feedback. 1) Be Able to Define What It Means to Be a Connected Educator What is a Connected Educator?

Teacher Tutorial on Creating Personal Learning Network. Creating your PLN is easier than you might even thought. Most of you are already familiar with some social media platforms such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Diigo, LinkedIn, but do you really know how to use them to create a personal learning network ? We have several guides to walk you through all the tips and tricks you need to know to start a powerful PLN. Check them out and share with us your feedback.

The Importancre of PLNs in Education Watch this excellent video to learn about the importance of creating a PLN Guides Check out these guides to find out how other educators have used social media and other tools to grow their personal learning networks. Want to really make the most of your PLN? Paras tapa oppia yksilöllisesti: PLE | Sometek - oppiminen ja työ 2.0. Verkko-opiskelun keskeinen lupaus on yksilöllisyyden lisääntyminen. Siihen kuuluvat mm. henkilökohtaiset oppimispolut, opiskelu omaan tahtiin ja itse valituilla välineillä. Kaikkein aidoimmillaan yksilöllisyys toteutuu henkilökohtaisissa oppimisympäristöissä (PLE = Personal Learning Environment) ja -oppimisverkostoissa (PLN = Personal Learning Network). Tässä artikkelissa pureudun ensin mainittuun. Standardoidun opetuksen loppu Personalized Learning Foundation on yksi yksilöllisen oppimisen äänitorvi. Sen mukaan tulisi jo tunnustaa, että luokkaopetuksen ”yhden koon” malli ei toimi. Meillä kaikilla on omat heikkoutemme ja vahvuutemme, mielenkiinnon kohteemme ja erilaiset tavat oppia.

Tuotantolinja vai räätälöity oppimiskokemus? Knowmad luo oman polkunsa Monet puhuvat verkko-oppimisen yhteydessä oppimiskokemusten ”räätälöinnin aikakaudesta”, jolloin jokainen oppija voi oppia miten haluaa, missä haluaa, milloin haluaa. Mikä ihmeen PLE? Lopuksi vielä muutama sana omasta PLE:stäni. PLE vs LMS.