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Comic strip for 10/30. A teacher in social media - Pearltrees - 10 tips for teachers. A (Finnish) teacher's dive into social media - "I discovered pearls in Pearltrees! " + 10 tips for teachers This time I thought I could write about Pearltrees from a teacher's perspective. I started to use the web curation tool Pearltrees during my autumn holiday (in 2012) and I'm still amazed by the possibilities it has to offer.It was the head teacher of our upper secondary school Kari Rajala who first introduced me to social media. I started using Facebook and soon got friends from my fellow teachers. In a week, I was already in Twitter following all kinds of discussions and weaving my personal learning network.

The next thing I did was to write a blog post about BrainPOP (an iPad app) with Blogger. La troisième frontière du Web. Chacun sent que le Web entre aujourd’hui dans une nouvelle phase de son développement. Les tentatives de synthèse fleurissent, mais ne semblent pas suffire à rendre compte des évolutions en cours. Peut-être sont-elles encore trop vagues? Ou déjà trop précises? Le concept de « Web Squared » s’ajuste assez bien au « Web 2.0″ passé, mais il ne permet pas vraiment de saisir la nature des changements, moins encore d’en déduire les effets concrets. Le « Web en temps réel », l’une des principales expressions du moment, ne nous renseigne pas beaucoup plus sur la portée de ces changements. Peut-être trouvera-t-on d’ailleurs inutile de vouloir décrire les évolutions d’ensemble du Web? Il y aurait de très bonnes raisons pour celà. Je crois pourtant que la nature décentralisée du Web offre un moyen de comprendre son orientation.

C’est cette piste que je voudrais explorer ici. Les principes fondateurs du Web 1- Permettre à chacun d’accéder à tout type de document Les deux premières phases d’expansion. Curation - The Third Web Frontier. Posted by Guest Writer - January 8, 2011 Here is a guest article by Partice Lamothe - CEO of Pearltrees (Pearltrees is a consulting client of SVW.) This is a lightly edited version of "La troisième frontière du Web" that appeared in the magazine OWNI - Digital Journalism - March 2010.

The article argues that the founding pricinciples of the Internet are only now being implemented and that the next frontier is in organizing, or curating, the Internet. By Patrice Lamothe Everyone realizes that the web is entering a new phase in its development. One indication of this transition is the proliferation of attempts to explain the changes that are occurring. Although these explanations are both pertinent and intriguing, none of them offers an analytical matrix for assessing the developments that are now underway.

The "real time web," for example, is one of the clearest and most influential trends right now. In contrast, other explanations are far too broad to serve any useful purpose. Can Curation Make You a Better Blogger. Web 3.0 « PrePrint. ‘The end of the library’ is a catchcry that many studying information studies have had to endure in one form or another over the past five to ten years or so, maybe even longer. Some of the following headlines and related stories point to the continuance of this threat and are an indication that the threat to information provision and libraries is far from over. Clearly, as the articles indicate, this is not specific to Australia but something that is happening in other countries including the United States and the UK.

Libraries fear funding cuts Libraries fire up over funding cuts Maroondah Library services cut as funding goes Councils united in fight against library funding cuts Funding cuts closing book on all 62 branches in Queens Library Cuts threaten survival of Michigan Libraries Michigan Library Community suffers ‘a perfect storm of funding cuts’ Library closure threats spark campaigns across England What is my point in this post, I ask myself (beyond passion!) Like this: Like Loading... Humanrithm: why data without people is not enough.

How to

Comparison. Curation As Story – The Importance Of Human Filters. Curation is a form of storytelling. Curation tools need to support this truth. Collecting content without qualitative human judgement is aggregation, not curation. The best automation tools alone will never replace the ability of a human being to provide meaningful context. And the best curation, the curation I subscribe to via email, takes context to the next level.

It tells a story. This post is being written, primarily to serve as an example of what I’m calling “social curation.” Elliot Harmon – @elliotharmon RT @linkedcontent: @herdpress Curation does not tell the story, you must, and use the curated content for context or support #tschat I certainly think Elliot is right on point. Kelly Hungerford – @KDHungerford @suzboop Hi! This leaves me with questions. There is a concept in fundraising called “donor fatigue.” Buffy Bye – @buffyb RT @TechSoup: posting transcript writing a recap, curating all yr great tweets! Like me, @techsoup is curating the #tschat stream on curation. Tarinallisuutta ja osaamisen näkyväksi tekemistä

The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. Storytelling…the power of the ‘unexpected’.. | Connecting to complexity & change. Story telling is one of the powerful ways to connect and pay attention to complexity of life and find ways to go about it in a bold way. Facts and statistics are impressive but may fail to inspire us to act meaningfully. Having sat through hundreds of power-point presentations I know that well. I can hardly remember or recall any well-meaning slide urging me to take some action that would change my life.

But stories are different. We remember stories long after we hear or read them. Stories come to our rescue when we face strange situations. This is because stories touch our emotions. It is the emotional energy that guides us through and helps us spring into action. So telling stories help us look at ourselves, explore our minds and our unconscious, take decisions and act rightly is an important skill. Story telling has at least 5 important components, which are – a) A place b) A time c) People with their characters d) Actions, often expressed through dialogs e) An unexpected event. Like this: The top 10 ways to create digital magazines | .net magazine. Storify on the iPad. MentorMob - Learn What You Want, Teach What You Love - MentorMob. Browse.

Symbaloo | Access your bookmarks anywhere. Symbaloo. Build engaged audiences with clever publishing. | Why Scoopit Is Becoming An Indispensable Learning Tool. Leanna Johnson, Learning with Technology collates work from online publications using an online magazine format, and this visual impact alone makes it very effective. The additional appeal of broadcasting from a hub allows me to tap into and share with my ed tech networks, which is why I find myself using it more often during time constraints. First of all, it’s powerful–it incorporates multiple elements of familiar social media tools. But it’s also very flexible–the mobile app is quite functional for both iPhone and Android, and a toolbar plugin can be installed on browser windows.’s athleticism makes it a time-saver; educators and students will quickly grasp its value in content gathering. Additionally, using will meet multiple standards (Common Core and NETS-S) across the curriculum. Curation is a valuable skill for today’s learner. Using on a mobile device makes it a constrained platform, which lessens stress. Why Students Like 1. 2. 3. 4. Kippt.


Taller sobre Scoopit y Pinterest. Instagram. RebelMouse Sign In. Suoralinja. Suora linja. Antti Hirvonen. Tommi Viljakainen. Kari Rajala. Anne Rongas. Aarne Hagman. Vesa Vainikainen. Sari Uski. Olli Vesterinen. Tagboard. Flockler — Create social magazines for your brand. iFinnPad - The Finnish Power Team. Opettajien visertämää. Rehtorien visertämää. Tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa meiltä ja maailmalta.