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Plus d'un million de sites Wordpress vulnérables à cause d'un plug-in SEO. Wordpress a dix ans. Raspberry Pi WordPress Server Survives Testing #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi. How to Become a Top WordPress Professional. Ocean | Fondation GoodPlanet. Easily Customize WordPress Default Functionality. Function Examination: wp_nav_menu. WordPress completely dominates top 100 blogs. WordPress is no doubt a very popular web publishing platform for blogs and other types of websites. But just how popular is it? We just completed a study and found that WordPress is in use by 48% of the top 100 blogs in the world. This is an increase from the 32% we recorded three years ago. Other developments since then include that custom blog publishing platforms are more common now, TypePad has all but disappeared from the top 100, Tumblr has made an entrance, and some companies really don’t want to spill the beans about what solutions they use.

Update: Following a comment (see below) we have adjusted the article a bit. TUAW is running BlogSmith, so it has been removed from WordPress self-hosted. TMZ is running CrowdFusion, so it has been removed from BlogSmith, and CrowdFusion added to the list. WordPress is big, period Just over three years ago we looked at what blog platforms and content management systems (CMS) were used by the sites listed in Technorati’s top 100 blogs. How to add TinyMCE to textarea meta boxes in WordPress | WordPress. Maybe one of the key factors in WordPress wild adoption, was the fact of the inclusion of TinyMCE, the rich text editor, for less tech-savvy users.

Even ExpressionEngine, a paid CMS, doesn’t include a rich text editor out-of-the-box. Moreover, you can add TinyMCE for your textareas in plugins or theme settings pages! In this tutorial you will learn how to add TinyMCE to textareas in your settings pages for your plugins or themes. You will also get a plugin ready for WordPress 3.2 that demonstrates this.

Overview Your users or clients will find much easier to edit text using TinyMCE, particularly for cases like an introduction text block or an aside included in a product page with additional information about it, just to name a couple of examples. WordPress introduced a function in version 2.7 to output the TinyMCE editor wherever you want. In addition, you will add a couple of buttons to switch to raw HTML mode, but these are independent and have nothing to do with the rich text editor. [WordPress ] wp-webservices, faire interopérer WordPress avec vos applications. Strengthen Your Website With Simple Multivariate Testing for WordPress » Business, Layout » Design Festival. Véritomètre - 2012 - i>TÉLÉ - Le discours politique passé au vérificateur.

Pears. WordPress Transients API – Practical examples. What is the transients API, and why it’s useful Most developers who worked with WordPress in the past probably ever heard of the Options API, which allow you to save, update and delete custom values. The Transients API is pretty similar to the Options API, but with the feature of an expiration time, which simplifies the process of using the wp_options database table to store cached information. After you read the practical example I’ve listed on this post, I suggest you to read the Transients API page on WordPress Codex.

List sites from your network Let’s start with an interesting snippet for those who run networks of many blogs. To use this snippet, first you have to paste the function into your functions.php file. Once done, the following code will display all sites from your network. . → Source: Twitter followers count using WordPress transients Many blogs, including this one, are displaying how many people are following them on Twitter. WordPress 3.3 is now at Release Candidate 1.

Nicolas Fiascaro: Le mec a l'origine de #wor... Widescreen photo & multimedia theme for WordPress. Plugin de votes colorés. Budget 4000 euros. Livraison: 01/01/12. Unleashing .htaccess for WordPress. After my stint with WordPress branding and WordPress security, it was time to take the plunge into the so-called complex world of .htaccess.

Once you are done playing with the WordPress dashboard, plugins and themes then you must take the next big step. Well, let me explain what level of editing I am planning to introduce you to in this article: Whenever you try to access a category page in your WordPress blog then the URL will look something like: Personally, I hate the word “category” but this is how WordPress will render a URL, right? Using .htaccess we might just remove “category” and make your URL look a lot more professional. This is just one of the many changes that you can make once you understand your .htaccess file. Let us get our basics cleared up before we start playing with our .htaccess file. Image credit: ptz0n What is .htaccess? .htaccess is actually the shortened form of Hypertext Access.

NOTE: .htaccess in Windows based hosting is a different story altogether. Ah! To: WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up Part 3. If you haven’t been following this series, make sure you at least skim through WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up and WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up Part 2, where we went from the very moment an HTTP request hits the index.php front-facing WordPress file and up to the quite cumbersome but lighting fast bootstrap process that wp-settings.php leads and sustains. This third part will deal with the more interesting parts, after the bootstrap routines, which will hopefully not bore you to death and provide some insight into how WordPress works from the inside, helping you understand and leverage all its internal power when developing themes and plugins.

So, wp-settings.php, which is required wp-config.php, which in turn is required by wp-load.php, which in turn is required by wp-blog-header.php, which in turn is required by index.php, which in turn is requested by our visitors returns control over to wp-blog-header.php. Back-compatibility? Caching? Template wordpress : 7 Thèmes Wordpress avec un webdesign responsive - ressources-wordpress. Retrouvez une sélection de 7 thèmes Wordpress de qualité avec un web design responsive. "Cette évolution des techniques de webdesign, d’intégration et de développement se base sur un objectif simple : un même site doit pouvoir s’adapter lui-même aux différentes résolutions d’écrans… et donc son contenu aussi ! Les colonnes par exemples peuvent s’ajuster, se déplacer, voire disparaître. Les images se redimensionnent, se replacent et il en va de même pour de nombreuses choses.

" Source Design Spartan Retrouvez des templates premium Wordpress qui s'adapteront quelques soit le support de vos utilisateurs : iPhone, iPad, Ordinateur etc. Good Minimal Instyle The Novelist Mercury ArtBoard Super Skeleton. WordCamp Paris 2011 : date et appel à orateurs. Nous l’avions annoncé lors du barcamp WordPress 2011 à la Cantine, et avions confirmé nos intentions avec un appel à partenaires, aujourd’hui nous pouvons confirmer la chose : La conférence WordCamp Paris 2011aura lieu le vendredi 25 novembre …à Paris L’object est différent du barcamp que nous organisons depuis 4 ans : depuis de nombreuses années, les WordCamp mondiaux sont en fait des conférences (avec orateurs et public), tandis que nous étions les rares a avoir maintenu un esprit « non-conférence » (comme l’équipe de WordPress l’avait noté).

Nous sentions que les envies de la communauté ont évolué, aussi nous nous lançons dans la première conférence 100% WordPress à Paris — tout en continuant à organiser des barcamp ! Outre cette différence avec l’esprit barcamp, un WordCamp doit suivre une certaine ligne, que nous comptons bien faire nôte. Notamment : abordable ;locale ;ne parlant que de WordPress (ou des projets affiliés).

Merci de présenter votre proposition de la façon suivante : Christina Dulude: Simplifying Your Life with WordPress Multisite. Home » WordCampTV »WordCamp Boston 2011 Christina Dulude: Simplifying Your Life with WordPress Multisite Christina Dulude: Simplifying Your Life with WordPress Mulisite <p>JavaScript required to play <a hreflang="en" type="video/mp4" href=" Dulude: Simplifying Your Life with WordPress Mulisite</a>.

</p> Rate this: 8 Votes Like this: Like Loading... Related Craig Taylor: Intro to WordPress MultisiteIn "2012" Lisa Sabin-Wilson: WordPress Multisite - Is This Thing On??? Jeremy Pry: An Introduction to WordPress MultisiteIn "2012" Published September 19, 2011 Event WordCamp Boston 2011 40 Speakers Christina Dulude 2 Tags education 13 How To 7 multisite 28 WordPress 43 Language English 1674 Download MP4: Low, MedOGG: Low Subtitles Subtitle this video → Continue the discussion Related Videos Blog at • Contact Us • Powered by VideoPress An Production Follow Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. SF Pages For Custom Posts. SF Pages For Custom Posts est un plugin pour WordPress permettant d'attribuer une page pour afficher ses Types de post personnalisés (custom post types), comme nous pouvons le faire actuellement avec les articles.

L'intérêt du plugin est d'éviter d'avoir à créer un template de page afin d'y insérer une boucle spéciale pour afficher ces posts. Version: 0.5 - Changelog [update] J'ai créé un autre plugin qui fait plus ou moins la même chose (mais en mieux selon moi). Je vous conseille d'y jeter un œil : SF Archiver . Réglages Le plugin prévoit dans une page de réglages, pour chaque type de post public, le choix de la page (bien sûr), le nombre de posts par page, et optionnellement un template à utiliser (page.php, index.php, home.php, etc). Dans la plupart des cas, il n'y aura pas besoin de préciser le template, celui par défaut (index.php) sera choisi. Il est également possible de mettre un type de post en page d'accueil de son site, à la place des articles normaux. Hooks Conclusion. Huge Collection of Code Snippets: HTAccess, PHP, WordPress, jQuery, HTML, CSS.

Places | Géo-annuaire et réseau de compétences professionnels. Freebies - Smashing Magazine. WordPress prépare un éditeur qui facilite la concentration sur l'écriture. Lundi 2 mai Web - 2 mai 2011 :: 10:28 :: Par Eric Après les deux nouvelles fonctionnalités pour aider les rédacteurs, Wordpress prévoit d’inclure dans sa prochaine version, la 3.2 un éditeur de texte « distraction-free » qui fera disparaître pendant la rédaction d’articles tous les autres éléments « parasites » de la page Plutôt qu’ajouter des tonnes d’options à leur CMS, les développeurs de WordPress semblent se focaliser depuis quelque temps sur les fonctionnalités destinées à simplifier et optimiser le processus de rédaction. Après les deux nouvelles fonctionnalités pour aider les rédacteurs, WordPress prévoit d’inclure dans sa prochaine version, la 3.2 un éditeur de texte « distraction-free » qui fera disparaître pendant la rédaction d’articles tous les autres éléments « parasites » de la page, comme les blocs ou autres menus, afin de ne laisser qu’une version très épurée de son interface de traitement de texte.

(source) Les actus fraiches Presse-citron tous les matins par email : La ville est un roman. Sticky ! merci du souvenir @nicolasvoisin #WordPress native /-) WordPress 3.2 : plus rapide, plus léger !, le Polit Bureau ? Custom Fields Disappeared, Hide Admin Bar – WordPress 3.1 Upgrade. Alright WP junkies, I hope you’ve been upgrading. I won’t dive too deep into nerdiness of how the WP core team has answered my prayers and added a lot of things like better support in WP Query for taxonomy queries and Custom Fields/Meta queries, let’s focus on the Oh, Shit!

Moments a few of my clients had today when I rolled some updates out. I Can’t See My Custom Fields I used custom fields a lot. Sometimes I create custom meta boxes for them, sometimes I have clients use the custom fields meta box directly. When we upgraded one of my client’s sites, my original administrator account still saw everything but the other accounts only saw the Publish, Page Attributes and title/editor panes in the Add/Edit Page screen. Not cool. Hopefully that helps you out. Killing the WordPress 3.1 Update Admin Bar Don’t get me wrong. My preferred method, thanks to Joost de Valk, is to just to turn it off completely: add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false'); Using HTML5 elements in Wordpress post content. Here are two ways to include HTML5 elements in your WordPress post content without WordPress’ wpautop function wrapping them in p tags or littering your code with line breaks.

HTML5 has several new elements that you may want to use in your post content to markup document sections, headers, footers, pullquotes, figures, or groups of headings. One way to safely include these elements in your posts is simple; the other way is a bit more complicated. Both ways rely on hand-coding the HTML5 markup in the WordPress editor’s HTML view. If you are adding HTML5 elements to your post content then you should use an HTML5 doctype.

Disable wpautop for your theme This is the simple way. To disable wpautop entirely add these lines to your theme’s functions.php: remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'wpautop'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); However, wpautop is generally quite useful if most of your posts are simple text content and you only occasionally want to include HTML5 elements. <! Status.automattic. WordPress hit by 'extremely large' DDoS attack | Security. Blog host was the target of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack earlier today described by the company as the largest in its history. As a result, a number of blogs--including those that are a part of WordPress' VIP service--suffered connectivity issues. That includes the Financial Post, the National Post, TechCrunch, along with the service's nearly 18 million hosted blogs.

According to a post by Automattic employee Sara Rosso on the company's VIP Lobby (which had been down at the time of the attacks, though was archived by Graham Cluley over at Naked Security), the size of the attack reached "multiple Gigabits per second and tens of millions of packets per second. " Rosso had also said putting a stop to the attack was "proving rather difficult. " Rosso had also said the company would be handling its VIP sites ahead of general users. Denial-of-service attacks are designed to overwhelm Web sites with requests, effectively shutting them down. Update at 10:35 a.m. 10+ Awesome Up To Date Wordpress Plugins to Build Contact Forms Fast. If you have a contact page on your website or blog, it is almost standard to now have a contact form embedded somewhere within it.

There are several different ways to add contact forms to your website. You can build it yourself pretty easily through a tutorial, you can pay someone to write up a custom form for you or you can do it the quick and easy way through a WordPress plugin. Contact Form is one of the most important page for all websites. If you are running an e-commerce website, you need a contact form so that your potential buyers can reach you to get more information.

If you use WordPress for your blog or site – and a lot of people do – you want the best plugins you can get. Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). Advertisement 1. SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered modal contact form. 2. 3. 4. cformsII 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Want more? Twentyten. Incorporating the Settings API in WordPress Themes » The inter-tubes are awash in tutorials for how to add Theme Options to WordPress Themes - so why write another? Primarily, because most such tutorials are several years old, don't implement current best-practices, and were written without any awareness of the WordPress Settings API. While others such as Otto and Ozh have done yeomen's work in explaining how to implement the Settings API, I have not yet come across anything that really put everything together, and explained the process and implementation from beginning to end, in a way that even the less-experienced Theme developers (like me) could easily understand.

This tutorial will attempt to fill that gap, by providing examples of current (as of the pending release of WordPress 3.1) best-practice implementation, not merely of the Settings API, but of Theme Options implementation as a whole, including: Throughout this tutorial, I will be using code from my Oenology Theme for implementation examples. Assumptions: Best Practices.

Happy Anniversary WordPress! | WereWP. The Blogging Software Dilemma. Wp. WordPress introduces new HTML5 sandbox theme, calls out to CSS artists. FAQ #StateLogs: How to explore the CableGate » StateLogs | Wikileaks diplomatic cables, by OWNI. StateLogs | Wikileaks diplomatic cables, by OWNI. OwniSciences, Société, découvertes et culture scientifique. | Artistes et scientifiques associés. WordCamp Portland Live Stream 2010. Whatif, Que se serait-il passé si... | application | OWNI & USBEK et Rica » Home » Multisite Global Search. OWNImusic, Réflexion, initiative, pratiques » Home » Matt Mullenweg — aka Photo Matt — on WordPress, Web, Jazz, Life, and Photography. Untitled. [WordPress] Youtube Thumbnailer, des miniatures directement depuis Youtube ! - Le Guardian fait le pari de la copie » Article » OWNI_Live!, WhiteHouse Pro Demo - Ultra Premium Theme by PageLines.

ParisTech Review., digital journalism » Home » SeekWP. WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg. Mouse Eye Tracking Service. WordPress: From Kubrick to Twenty Ten. Untitled. Who is Leon. Wordpress 3.0 Sheetsheet.