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SEI Training | Software Architecture Design and Analysis. A system's software architecture is widely regarded as one of the most important software artifacts. Software professionals routinely make decisions that impact that architecture, yet many times that impact is not fully considered or well understood. Which design decisions will lead to a software architecture that successfully addresses the desired system qualities? How do you know if a given software architecture is deficient or at risk relative to its target system qualities? This two-day course provides in-depth coverage of the concepts needed to effectively design and analyze a software architecture.

This course is based on the books Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd Edition and Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies. The prerequisite for this course is the Software Architecture: Principles and Practices course, which is available as instructor-led classroom training and as eLearning. Who should attend? Topics Objectives Prerequisites Materials Schedule. Course Era. Open Yale Courses. All Videos. KEVIN KELLY is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine.

He helped launch Wired in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor until January 1999. He is currently editor and publisher of the popular Cool Tools, True Film, and Street Use websites. His most recent books are Cool Tools, and What Technology Wants. Kevin Kelly's Edge Bio Page Introduction by John Brockman A few weeks ago David Carr profiled Kevin Kelly on page 1 of the New York Times Business section.

For the thirty years I've known him, Kelly has been making bold declarations about the world we are crafting with new technologies. The biggest change in our lives is the rate of change and it's interesting to note that this week marks the 10th anniversary of the 2004 founding of Facebook. Kelly's is well aware that his complete embrace of what he calls "The Technium", is a lightning rod for criticism. Free Online Classes | Online Learning | Academic Earth.

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