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101 Books To Read This Summer Instead of '50 Shades of Grey'. The 100 greatest non-fiction books. Art The Shock of the New by Robert Hughes (1980)Hughes charts the story of modern art, from cubism to the avant garde The Story of Art by Ernst Gombrich (1950)The most popular art book in history.

The 100 greatest non-fiction books

Gombrich examines the technical and aesthetic problems confronted by artists since the dawn of time Ways of Seeing by John Berger (1972)A study of the ways in which we look at art, which changed the terms of a generation's engagement with visual culture Biography Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects by Giorgio Vasari (1550)Biography mixes with anecdote in this Florentine-inflected portrait of the painters and sculptors who shaped the Renaissance. Thought Catalog: 11 Books You Should Read If Youre A Woman In Your 20s. Go ahead, judge a book by its cover. « My Happy Blog. Finally picked up my orders from the convenient online bookstore (20% off all Travel books made it hard to resist).

Go ahead, judge a book by its cover. « My Happy Blog

I know the saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” But when it comes to getting books, I make it a point to. And gorgeous hardcovers make it all the more worthwhile. This isn’t a book (cookies from Marks & Spencer!) , but the tin was just begging to be bought. Paris in Color. When Wanderers Cease to Roam. McSweeney’s. The Art of Travel. Got myself a vintage-looking notebook from Cat Socrates. Atlas of Remote Islands. There’s nothing more satisfying than surrounding myself with gorgeous books.

Happy Source: Books. Like this: Like Loading... Mrs. Lilien's Cocktail Swatchbook. THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER Trailer featuring Emma Watson and Paul Rudd. The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World. [Editor’s note: In celebration of the holidays, we’re counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012.

The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World

This post, at #1, was originally published January 31.] With Amazon slowly taking over the publishing world and bookstores closing left and right, things can sometimes seem a little grim for the brick and mortar booksellers of the world. After all, why would anyone leave the comfort of their couch to buy a book when with just a click of a button, they could have it delivered to their door? Well, here’s why: bookstores so beautiful they’re worth getting out of the house (or the country) to visit whether you need a new hardcover or not. We can’t overestimate the importance of bookstores — they’re community centers, places to browse and discover, and monuments to literature all at once — so we’ve put together a list of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, from Belgium to Japan to Slovakia.

A gorgeous converted Dominican church gives the power of reading its due diligence. Fifty Great Short Stories by Crane, Milton - OpenTrolley Bookstore. Hector and the Search for Happiness : Francois Lelord, Lorenza Garcia : 9780143118398. Francois Lelord has had a successful career as a psychiatrist in France, where he was born, and in the United States, where he did his postdoc (UCLA).

Hector and the Search for Happiness : Francois Lelord, Lorenza Garcia : 9780143118398

He is the co-author of a number of bestselling self-help books and has consulted for companies interested in reducing stress for their employees. He was on a trip to Hong Kong, questioning his personal and professional life, when the Hector character popped into his mind, and he wrote "Hector and the Search for Happiness" not quite knowing what kind of book he was writing. The huge success of "Hector, " first in France, then in Germany and other countries, led him to spend more time writing and traveling, and at the height of the SARS epidemic he found himself in Vietnam, where he practiced psychiatry for a French NGO whose profits go toward heart surgery for poor Vietnamese children.

While in Vietnam he also met his future wife, Phuong; today they live in Thailand. Show more. You are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination : Katharine Harmon : 9781568984308. Mapmaking fulfills one of our most ancient and deepseated desires: understanding the world around us and our place in it. But maps need not just show continents and oceans: there are maps to heaven and hell; to happiness and despair; maps of moods, matrimony, and mythological places. There are maps to popular culture, from Gulliver's Island to Gilligan's Island. There are speculative maps of the world before it was known, and maps to secret places known only to the mapmaker. Artists' maps show another kind of uncharted realm: the imagination. What all these maps have in common is their creators' willingness to venture beyond the boundaries of geography or convention.

" show more. Free delivery worldwide on all books from The Book Depository.