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Just How Hard Would It Be For A Republican President To Govern? Let’s say you are Mitt Romney, or Tim Pawlenty, or Michele Bachmann, or Rick Perry, and, on November 6 of next year, you are elected the forty-fifth president of the United States. For the sake of argument, let’s say your party still controls the House of Representatives and has taken control of the Senate as well (under the presidency of your running-mate Marco Rubio) by one seat. Maybe the economy has even begun growing at a slightly faster rate and unemployment is down a bit, though neither improvement occurred fast enough to give Barack Obama a second term.

Life looks good, right? Not necessarily. For starters, there are the many problems you must tackle that you inherited not just from Obama but from George W. You plan to make an appeal to bipartisanship in your inaugural address, as virtually every president has done, but the well has been thoroughly poisoned by the GOP’s strident hostility to Obama for every single day of the previous four years. What to do? Follow @tnr. FIP: A New ERA. 300 Acre Marijuana Plantation Found In Mexico Is The Country's Largest Ever: Pics, Videos, Links, News. The Joy of wOBA. Last night, David announced that FanGraphs is officially carrying wOBA as our newest statistical addition. For those of you who have read The Book, you’ll be familiar with wOBA, but for those of you who aren’t, here’s a brief introduction and some reasons why you should give this new, funny sounding stat a try.

First off, wOBA is a linear weight formula presented as a rate statistic scaled to On Base Percentage. Essentially, what that means is that average wOBA will always equal average OBP for any given year. If you know what the league’s OBP is, you know what the league’s wOBA is. So, why should you care about wOBA? OPS, as you probably know, significantly undervalues the ability of a hitter to get on base. For a practical example, let’s look at Ryan Ludwick versus Hanley Ramirez. However, Ramirez actually had a slightly higher wOBA, .403 to .401. The other great advantage wOBA has is that it’s extremely easy to convert into run values. Study shows social networking sites can lead to negative self-image. Facebook has a notorious reputation for helping college students procrastinate. But recent Stanford research suggests that social networking sites are toxic to more than just the academic wellbeing of students.

Stanford professors Benoit Monin, Carol Dweck and James Gross and doctoral student Alex Jordan found in their December paper that underestimating the unhappiness of others correlates with loneliness. Inspired by the phenomenon of social networking websites such as Facebook, the research was conducted in four distinct studies, drawn from a sample of around 460 first-year Stanford undergraduates.

“College students are a good population to work with,” Monin said. “We can circumscribe who the other people the [individual] is interacting with [are], such as peers, friends and roommates.” One contributing factor to this self-induced melancholy is the contrasting levels of transparency regarding the social norms of displaying happiness in social situations. Technical writing. Technical writing is a form of technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology.

It provides readers with an understanding of a subject, by using clear and concise terminology.[1] The Society for Technical Communication (STC) defines technical writing[2] as a broad field including any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: (1) communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations; (2) communicating through technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites; or (3) providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of the task's technical nature. Overview[edit] Technical writing involves the creation of useful documents that can be clearly understood by readers.

History[edit] What career opportunities are with a communication degree. What career opportunities are with a communication degree? What is communication? Communication as an academic field relates to all that ways we communicate, so it embraces a knowledge. The information relates both to verbal and nonverbal messages.

Communication teachers and scholars have developed a definition of the field of communication to clarify it as a discipline for the public: "The field of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. Did you know... It is estimated that 75% of a person's day is spent communicating in some way. Career Options: There are many career paths that a person with a Communication Major can choose. Career Services Network also has publications on Communication Majors.

The above information has been collected from professional associations, and multiple print and online resources. Return to Student Services Return to Careers by Majors. Teens charged in break-in, stealing synthetic pot. Future News for Year 2020 and Beyond - News of Future. Phone-hacking whistle-blower found dead. Hacking whistle-blower was 'a good guy' NEW: Hoare was recently injured in an accident, The Guardian reportedNEW: Was Coulson unaware of the pinging?

"Bollocks," Hoare told The GuardianThe death is "not thought to be suspicious," police sayHoare told the New York Times the phone hacking included celebrities' phones London (CNN) -- One of the first journalists to go on the record and allege phone hacking at News of the World was found dead Monday, the British Press Association said. Sean Hoare, a former News of the World employee who said Andy Coulson "encouraged" phone-hacking, "was discovered at his home in Watford, Hertfordshire, after concerns were raised about his whereabouts," the press association said. "The death is being treated as 'unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious,'" the report quoted Hertfordshire police as saying. The Guardian reported that Hoare had recently injured his nose and his foot in an accident. Second police officer quits amid scandal. Connecting Extreme Weather Dots Across the Map | Environment.

July 18, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. I took a cross-country road trip in late June that became a race to outrun the triple-digit heat waves that have literally buckled highways between the Midwest and the East Coast. The record-breaking scorcher was an apt send-off. As I weaved my way across the United States, I found the consequences of extreme weather everywhere I looked. After the heat, the first sign of something unusual came in Iowa. By the time I reached Nebraska, radio advisories warning about bridges closed due to swollen waterways seemed routine. Late one night, I pulled under an overpass between Sydney and Potter, Nebraska to find refuge from hail big enough that it cracked my windshield.

Meanwhile, the drought-wracked southwest was blazing. This year's waves of floods and fires followed the unprecedented series of tornados that hammered towns in Missouri, Alabama, Kansas, Arkansas, Minnesota, and Massachusetts. The Next Market Inefficiencies: Women In Baseball. Consider Alex Remington’s excellent pieces on Kim Ng and Justine Siegal and Marisa Ingemi and Kate Sargeant my preamble. On April 2, 1931, a 17-year-old girl struck out two of the greatest hitters in baseball history. Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig swinging and then walked Tony Lazzeri. Shortly thereafter, baseball’s then-commissioner and all-around inflexible gentleman, Kenesaw Landis, disallowed Mitchell’s contract, ending her tenure with the Double-A Chattanooga Lookouts.

By all accounts, Mitchell threw one pitch throughout her career — a “dropball” or sinker, reportedly taught to her by Hall-of-Famer Dazzy Vance. Despite her incredibly young age, she located the pitch effectively and worked as a middle-reliever during her career (which included chiefly independent league and barnstorming appearances following her departure from MiLB). Babe Ruth, physiologist extraordinaire, remarked after the game: Consider J.P. Eri’s time with the Chico Outlaws didn’t last long. Neocons Freak Out Over U.S. Boat to Gaza | World. July 18, 2011 | Like this article?

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. My co-passengers and I of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have now gone from “ High-Seas Hippies,” according to the right-wing Washington Times, to participants in a flotilla full of “fools, knaves, hypocrites, bigots, and supporters of terrorism,” says Alan Dershowitz in his usual measured prose. Poor Alan, he seems upset at our audacity not only to hope for humane treatment of the 1.6 million Gazans, who currently live under a cruel blockade, but to force the issue. This time, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government did not even have to kill people to add to Israel’s growing “delegitimization” before the civilized world.

In recognition of our modest accomplishments, we U.S. boaters have now made it onto Dershowitz’s “Dishonor Roll!” Anyone know what a knave is? I suppose if I had criticized some of the ugly extremism in Ireland a few decades back, I would be a “self-hating Irishman.” How to Vanish with a New Identity. Dark Side or not, it's always good to say, "Hey, folks. Don't forget, this is illegal. Do it at your own risk. LH is not responsible for any trouble you may cause/get yourself into! " First of all, Dark Side articles have a completely different vibe than almost every other article. In other words, they rarely "fit" with the feeling you get from Lifehacker, especially if you've been here since before Dark Side articles began popping up regularly.

Second, the article here takes the New York Times article somewhat out of context. The NYT article that is referenced is an opinion piece that's talking about Casey Anthony. Adam Dachis, however, is spinning it to advocate identity theft. Let me make this final point clear: I am not against these types of articles in general. Presenting both ways to protect yourself from identity theft and then ways to steal another person's identity (with a joking tone or not)? They should probably create a separate site dedicated to Dark Side posts. Amen. Why the Most Effective Revenge Is a "Douchebag's Mirror"

Why Concrete Language Communicates Truth PsyBlog. Speak and write using unambiguous language and people will believe you. I’ve just deleted a rather abstract introduction I wrote to this article about truth. The reason? I noticed I wasn’t taking the excellent advice offered in a recent article published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. That advice is simple: if you want people to believe you, speak and write concrete. There are all sorts of ways language can communicate truth. Here are some solid facts for you: People usually judge that more details mean someone is telling us the truth,We find stories that are more vivid to be more true,We even think more raw facts make unlikely events more likely. But all these involve adding extra details or colour. Just going more concrete can be enough according to a recent study by Hansen and Wanke (2010). Hamburg is the European record holder concerning the number of bridges.In Hamburg, one can count the highest number of bridges in Europe.

Image credit: Lee Huynh. The Influence of Fleeting Attraction PsyBlog. Compliance to a simple request can be doubled by the most innocent manipulation. There’s little doubt that friends are easier to persuade than strangers. That emotional connection and shared history is often enough to get the poor wretches doing things they’d rather avoid, like helping us move home. Forgive the mercenary language, but friendship is a fantastic lever for persuasion and influence, a lever we happily push on every day.

But how much does someone have to like us before we can start to influence them? Mere similarity Jerry Burger and colleagues at Santa Clara University used a sneaky experimental set-up to test this out (Burger et al., 2001). The idea, they were told, was that they would swap lists with another participant in the experiment, then fill out some more questionnaires. The 20 adjectives from the ‘other person’ weren’t really from another person, it was part of the experimental manipulation. Then the moment of truth.

Compliance doubled Image credit: Derek. ABANDONED CITY, The Ruins of Detroit Gallery. Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | OAK@DET: V-Mart overruns plate, reaches in to score. Squatting to Poop - Is It Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple. Welcome! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive 10 eBooks, a 7-Day Course of Primal Fundamentals, and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting!

A while back, I gave a bit of Link Love to Nature’s Platform (thanks, NeoPaleo), a contraption that fits over regular toilets and allows users to squat instead of sit. I’ve always been one to pull up a stool, have a seat, and ruminate on the past. So where does historical defecation posture fit into all this? If you want to be anal about it, there may actually be some concrete physiological benefits to squatting. Straining For one, squatting opens up the recto-anal angle, allowing the squatter to be a bit more lax when handling business. Plutocracy: If Corporations and the Rich Paid 1960s Level Taxes, the Debt Would Vanish | Economy. July 24, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Once upon a time in America, back a century ago, our nation's rich paid virtually nothing in taxes to the federal government.

And that same federal government did virtually nothing to better the lives of average Americans. But those average Americans would do battle, over the next half century, to rein in the rich and the corporations that made them ever richer. America's wealthy, predictably, counterattacked — and, by the 1980s, they were scoring successes of their own. Today, the rich and their corporations no longer bear anything close to their rightful share of the nation's tax burden. This “debt crisis” in no way had to happen. Some numbers — from an Institute for Policy Studies report released this past spring — can help us better visualize just how monumental this political failure has been. So why aren't we taxing the rich? No mystery here. Unnecessary Austerity, Unnecessary Shutdown. An examination of Ty Cobb and Detroit.

The old liquor store on Trumbull Avenue was abandoned until a handyman turned it into a hip bar about three years ago. Motor City Ghettoblaster is now on tap at Woodbridge Pub, located on the outer edge of the once-crumbling Detroit neighborhood that bears its name. The Woodbridge Community Garden is across the way, home to tomatoes, lettuces, and outdoor art. Not far from here, at the corner of Commonwealth and One hundred years ago, Cobb moved into the north side of the three-story duplex on Commonwealth.

The fields of Woodbridge were filling fast with an eclectic collection of Victorian homes, built densely to accommodate the city’s booming population. The star center fielder brought with him his pale and plump-cheeked wife, Charlie, and their son, Ty Jr., who was barely a year old. Daughter Shirley would be born that June. It was a good year for Cobb, who died 50 years ago this month. The ballclub, however, played its final game at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull in 1999. Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire. World Military Spending Global Issues.

Mass psychosis in the US. Political Groups. Top 5 History and Government Websites. Full List - The 100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME - TIME. 29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When Im Trying to Avoid Real Work. 20 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks. 20 Best Websites To Download Free E-Books, Part II. 5 Comedy Podcasts That Will Keep You Laughing In Public. THT Glossary. Sabermetrics Library. CorpWatch:Index. Quitting Adderall: Work and Productivity. Amphetamine books - Autobiographies, fiction, culture, help quitting, manufacturing ... Themes in Psychology PsyBlog. 40 Superb Psychology Blogs PsyBlog. 10 More Brilliant Social Psychology Studies PsyBlog. Utopia by Medicine People. Philosophy Experiments. WAR. The Greener Side, Inc. - America's Only Humor & Video Site Since 1958.