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Brazil: Reported Microcephaly Numbers Rising. The number of confirmed microcephaly cases in Brazil is still rising, the country's health ministry said. Some 4,783 suspected cases of microcephaly or other nervous system disorders had been reported by Jan. 30, the ministry said in a bulletin posted late Tuesday on its website. Of those, 404 have been confirmed as involving microcephaly or other disorders of the nervous system, 709 have been ruled out, and the remaining 3,670 reports are still under investigation.

A link to the Zika virus was seen in 17 of the confirmed cases, the ministry said. The bulletin added that there have been 76 reported stillbirths or miscarriages linked to microcephaly or other disorders of the nervous system. So far, 15 have been investigated and confirmed for microcephaly, including five with Zika virus found in fetal tissue, and five have been ruled out. The remaining 56 are still under investigation. As the new numbers show, some of the reported cases involve clinical microcephaly but many do not. Thieme E-Journals - Journal of Pediatric Neurology / Abstract. Vanishing white matter (VWM) disease is a rare leukoencephalopathy. Normal development in early childhood with regression of milestones after trauma or infection is typical clinical presentation.

We are reporting a child with atypical VWM disease. A 1.5-year-old female child presented with fever followed by altered sensorium and convulsions following first booster dose of diphtheria pertussis tetanus vaccination. Her development was normal till 1 yr of age. Keywords Vanishing white matter disease - whole cell DPT vaccine - hepatosplenomegaly - microcephaly. Vaccinations-poster-by-Proud-Parents-of-Unvaccinated-Children2.jpg (JPEG Image, 720 × 720 pixels) 49-doses-posterb. Found 1974 Immunization Schedule - Mothering Forums. Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths, Zero Measles Deaths, Since ’04.

Over the last decade in the United States, the deaths of over 100 children — at the very least — have been linked to receiving a measles vaccine, compared with zero children dying from the disease itself, according to the U.S. government’s own compiled data. Put another way, an American child would have been infinitely more likely to die after receiving a measles shot, percentage-wise, than from getting the actual measles disease in the last ten years. Thousands more have suffered from adverse reactions to the measles shot and other vaccines. The explosive numbers have massive implications for public health efforts, analysts said. Of course, the establishment media entirely failed to report those figures as it hysterically demonized “anti-vaxxer” parents — at least until the facts went viral in the alternative press.

Next, Shilhavy used a graph (shown below) based on a variety of U.S. statistics to show measles mortality rates in America going back to 1900. INFORMED CHOICE - Cocktail. PRESS RELEASE: CDC Covers Up Influenza Vaccine-Related Fetal Deaths | Vaccination Information Network. Press Release For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 22, 2014 National Coalition of Organized Women 319 855-0307 Contact: Eileen Dannemann CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Covering-up Of The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Gary Goldman’s study on the 4,250% spike in fetal death reports during the 2009/10 H1N1 “pandemic” originally rejected by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG), who is charged by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) as complicit in a massive cover-up and manipulation of data associated with the 2009/10 flu season fetal deaths is now available free to the public.

Subsequently published in the Human & Experimental Toxicology Journal (HET), as a Sage choice study, the Goldman study is now listed in Pub med as a free PMC article. Dr. However, pressed by the NCOW statistics extracted from the government’s own data, Dr. Vaccines Proven To Cause Sudden Death In Children. Published On This confirmation vaccines cause children to die suddenly is only hours old and is conclusive. There is no room for argument. It was published today on the US National Library of Medicine's website. For decades regulators and public health officials have insisted parents were wrong to blame vaccines when their children died suddenly shortly after vaccination.

The deaths were no more than the number usually to be expected they would add. But all the time drug safety regulators appear to have been holding the evidence. A confidential, 1271 page GSK document ordered recently by an Italian Court to be published shows that multiple vaccines cause sudden child deaths. The GSK document contains data about deaths occurring as a result of administration of Prevenar 13 vaccine [from Pfizer], Infanrix Hexa from GSK and some other vaccines. And the analysis is simple. Here is the key point from the published analysis [but there is more to read online]. Johns Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines. By SYLVIA BOOTH HUBBARD A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Further, says Doshi, the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot are often low quality studies that do not substantiate the official claims. Promoting influenza vaccines is one of the most visible and aggressive public health policies in the United States, says Doshi of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Drug companies and public officials press for widespread vaccination each fall, offering vaccinations in drugstores and supermarkets.

Although the CDC implies that flu vaccines are safe and there’s no need to weigh benefits against risk, Doshi disagrees. Share: Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy, UK government concedes | Society. The government is to reverse its stance on the safety of a swine flu vaccine given to 6 million people in Britain and accept that on rare occasions the jab can trigger the devastating sleep disorder narcolepsy. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has contacted people turned down for compensation last year to explain that, after a review of fresh evidence, it now accepts the vaccine can cause the condition.

The move leaves the government open to compensation claims from around 100 people in Britain, and substantial legal fees if a group action drawn up by solicitors is successful. Peter Todd, who is preparing the case at the London firm Hodge, Jones and Allen, said that damages could reach £1m for each person. The Pandemrix vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was given to high-risk groups, including children and those with asthma, diabetes and heart disease at the height of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic. The decision was welcomed by Matt O'Neill of Narcolepsy UK. Study finds flu shot really did make people sicker. TORONTO – A strange vaccine-related phenomenon spotted at the start of the 2009 flu pandemic may well have been real, a new study suggests.

Canadian researchers noticed in the early weeks of the pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-2009 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn’t received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same puzzling and unsettling results. But initially research outside of Canada did not, and the effect was dismissed as “the Canadian problem.” News of the unexpected findings broke at a time when countries in North America and parts of Europe were getting ready to start vaccinating their populations against the pandemic virus.

Some jurisdictions were also trying to figure out whether to offer the seasonal flu vaccine they had purchased — similar to the 2008-2009 shot — along with the pandemic vaccine, in case the seasonal flu viruses continued to circulate. Lead author Dr. My Thoughts on Vaccines. Since finishing my pediatric training, I have come to realize that you can find evidence to support your decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. When I started my pediatric practice fresh out of residency, I was a primary care physician and offered vaccinations to those families who chose to vaccinate their children.

I actually gave the children the vaccines myself (I'm so glad I no longer do that - I truly disliked that part of my job!). I was also one of the parents who chose to vaccinate my child. I did educate myself about the pros and cons of vaccines, and felt I still needed to vaccinate Kaitlin (my oldest), but selectively vaccinate and on an alternative schedule (one vaccine per month). I am a mother first and a pediatrician second. I cannot parent in ways that make me uncomfortable, to make others comfortable. I chose as a mom and a pediatrician to stop vaccinating Kaitlin, and never to vaccinate Elle or Addison.

Resources: Vaccines Are Causing Measles. Child Who Caught Measles From Vaccine Was Shedding Live Vaccine Measles Virus In Throat and Urine. When health officials in the press criticise parents who do not vaccinate, and some on blogs attack you personally for raising justified concerns about vaccines, you can tell them the evidence is clear, and you can read it here, the vaccinated are more likely to kill a child because they are vaccinated. So when someone makes the accusation, send them the link to this CHS post: And you can tell them, it is parents of vaccinated children who are most likely to be responsible for those deaths. It is also health officials who fail to warn parents or do anything to ensure effective treatments are developed which might have saved the lives of those who have died or would save those who will die because of the parents who had their children vaccinated.

Read on and you will see current evidence shows it is not just measles but whooping cough and polio vaccines as well. Here is a case in which vaccine measles developed well outside the normal period for incubation of measles: Doctors Against Vaccines: The Other Side of the Story is Not Being Told. Health Impact News Editor Comments: The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and “scientists” all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, and that dissenters are uneducated or uninformed parents. Not true. Doctors and scientists who dare to speak out against the status quo, putting their own careers in jeopardy for telling the other side of the story, are of course few, and clearly in the minority. But that does not mean they do not exist. It just means they are fewer in number, because they value truth and the health and well-being of the public more than financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry.

Leslie Manookian, producer of “The Greater Good” movie, lists over 150 scientists and physicians who have questioned vaccines publicly. Read the list here. Below, we bring you short videos from three different doctors who all do an excellent job of summarizing the “other side” of the story when it comes to vaccines. 1. Dr. Quotes: Dr. 2. Dr. Dr. Anti-Vaxxers Say "You Vaccinate, So We Don't Have To!" The folks who work behind the scenes here at Thinking Moms’ Revolution have noticed a number of odd pingbacks to “An Open Letter to My Facebook Friends,” written by our own B.K. on the subject of her numerous Facebook posts about vaccines and their risks.

The pingbacks are linked to the exact same blog translated into a number of languages; so far I’ve counted Slovak, Croatian, Spanish, German and Italian. Clearly, someone thinks there’s something about this blog that makes it worth the trouble to translate it and post in a number of different countries – someone with a lot more in the way of resources than we have. The post is entitled “Dear Parents You Are Being Lied To” and was written by Jennifer Raff, who blogs at the site Violent Metaphors. As I’m sure many of you know, it’s about how “anti-vaccine” activists are lying to you when they tell you their concerns about the current U.S. vaccine program.

This is from the paragraph that links to our blog: “Why are they lying to you? Dr. The 2013 Measles Outbreak: A Failing Vaccine, Not A Failure To. Acellular pertussis vaccination enhances B. parapertussis colonization — CIDD. An acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella parapertussis in mice; pointing towards a rise in B. parapertussis incidence resulting from acellular vaccination, which may have contributed to the observed increase in whooping cough over the last decade.

Despite widespread vaccination, whooping cough incidence is on the rise worldwide, making it the only vaccine-preventable disease associated with increasing deaths in the United States. Although this disease is most often attributed to Bordetella pertussis infection, it is also caused by the closely related pathogen, B. parapertussis. However, B. pertussis has remained the center of attention, whereas B. parapertussis has been greatly overlooked in the development of whooping cough vaccines. Synopsis written by Alexia Karanikas Information about vaccine safety.

11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than The Flu Itself. The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu.

But we’re not being told the whole story. What we don’t hear, are cases about the adverse reactions or about the toxic chemicals being injected into us. Read below: 11 reasons why flu shots are more dangerous than the flu itself. Sources for this article include: Study Again Finds Narcolepsy Risk With H1N1 Flu Vaccine Inflammatory Response After Influenza Vaccination in Men With and Without Carotid Artery Disease Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making VRM: 5 Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot Is Your Child High-Risk for an Adverse Vaccine Reaction? Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot Prove Just as Effective 1. 2. 3. Evidence now suggests that flu vaccines can cause Alzheimer’s disease. 4. 5. Scientists Are Creating New, Incurable Diseases in Labs. Nakhon Pathom/Reuters Swine flu, or H1N1, had been dead for 20 years when it suddenly re-emerged in 1977 with a curious twist.

The new strain was genetically similar to one from the 1950s, almost as though it had been sitting frozen in a lab since then. Indeed, it eventually became clear that the late-70s flu outbreak was likely the result of a lowly lab worker’s snafu. Lab accidents like that are extremely rare. Still, two scientists are now arguing that it’s not worth continuing to create new, transmissible versions of deadly viruses in labs because the risk that the diseases will escape and infect the public is too great. The H5N1 avian flu killed two dozen people in Hong Kong in 1997. In recent years, scientists have found a way to make H5N1 jump between ferrets, the best animal model for flu viruses in humans. That worries people like Marc Lipsitch and Alison P. Accidents involving lab-grown pathogens aren’t just the stuff of sci-fi movies. Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism - Local Healthy Sustainability by I support Farmers Markets.

Italian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate. » 22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism. Report: Girl Falls Asleep Up To 30 Times A Day After Getting Flu Shot. Gummy Bears, Pharmaceutical Drugs And Vaccines Made Out Of People. The Greater Good Movie Trailer HD. Store. 23 Seniors Died After Receiving This Year’s Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies. Groundbreaking Stanford University study challenges established vaccine dogma (Video) - Miami healthy living. Notice on U.S Vaccination Survey / and a German Study: Vaccinated Children Have More Than Twice the Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children | Journal of Natural Food and Health.

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms. Parents sue after Quebec teen dies following Gardasil vaccination. So how does a mother feel when her baby is dead from vaccines and all she hears from doctors, the government and media is that vaccines are safe and effective? | Warnings About Vaccine Expectations NZ.

New Medical Journal Review: Vaccine Injury is a Documented Cause of Autism. Big Study: Vaccinated Kids 2-5 More Diseases Than Unvaccinated. Several nations banning flu shots for babies. I am a biological terrorist because my kids didn’t get a vaccine. Why All The Measles Outbreaks… | Gianelloni Family. Why All The Measles Outbreaks… | Gianelloni Family. 23 Seniors Died After Receiving This Year’s Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies. Facebook. Vanna Holland.