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10 Red Flags to Heed When Inspecting a Cat Boarding Facility. One of the most important decisions we make about our cats is where to board them. Often the fretful thought of leaving Fluffy behind can influence not only our trip once we're there but also our decision to go. The back and forth of "What if my cat isn't OK while I'm away? " and "I've been planning this trip to the Bahamas for months" is enough to discourage any traveler. But there is a way you can soak up some sun and not worry about your kitty - find a good boarding facility well ahead of time. Cats actually do very well if a facility is built for their comfort and if the staff is knowledgeable and caring. But If the employees are not enthusiastic about cats, chances are they will not look after their feline charges very well. Here are some flags that a facility isn't right for your pet: 10 Signs That You Should Pass on a Cat Boarding Facility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

To find a good boarding place, word-of-mouth is extremely helpful. Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? Why Do Cats Knead? NEW: See the most adorable kitten “making biscuits.” Why do cats knead? Cats are interesting creatures, with many traits and behaviors that are easily recognized as being uniquely feline-the way they curl up tightly to take a nap, for example, or their characteristic grooming rituals after enjoying a meal.

Another common feline behavior is kneading, a motion cats make by pushing in and out with their paws, alternating between right and left. Some cats knead with claws completely retracted, while others will extend their claws as they push in and retract as they pull back. Kneading is sometimes colloquially referred to as “making biscuits,” because the motion resembles a baker kneading dough. Explanations for the kneading behavior vary, but it is without doubt an instinctive trait.

Kneading may also go back to the days when wild cats patted down tall grass or shredded leaves to make a soft, fluffy bed for sleeping or giving birth. There’s also a more practical aspect to kneading. Why does a cat do that? Cats. Cat Behavior 101 - Everything you Need to Know About Cat Behavior. Behavioral problems in cats, such as avoiding the litterbox, excessive meowing and other attention-seeking behavior, biting and painful or destructive scratching can be corrected by first eliminating physical causes, then instituting a program of gradual retraining, with the help of these resources.

Remember that there are no bad cats, only uninformed cat caregivers. I would suggest trying to deal with one problem cat behavior at a time. Too many "dos" and "don'ts" will only confuse your cat and frustrate your training attempts. Start with the most potentially hazardous problems first - such as chewing on electrical cords - then move on from there. Here are the most-often reported behavioral problems in cats: Attention-Seeking BehaviorAttention-seeking behavior and excessive vocalization often go hand-in-hand with cats.

See Also: Rippling Skin DisorderAlso called Feline hyperesthesia, one of the symptoms of Rippling Skin Disorder is loud "lost-in-the-night" howling. Cat Health Facts. There are such diseases as feline leukemia and feline AIDS. Cats are not immune to cancer. A cat's brain is actually more like a human brain rather than a dog's brain. Cat's sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, but not soundly. They will react immediatly too any stimulation. Chocolate and Tylenol are both harmful to cats. Cats are sensitive to lactose so milk is not good for them. Don't miss these "Cat Facts"... Have your own cat fact? Do you have some fascinating tidbit about felines or some unusual fact that's not listed here on this site? Send us your cat facts! Cat Care.