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Tangible Media Group. InFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in a tangible way. inFORM can also interact with the physical world around it, for example moving objects on the table’s surface. Remote participants in a video conference can be displayed physically, allowing for a strong sense of presence and the ability to interact physically at a distance. inFORM is a step toward our vision of Radical Atoms: For press inquiries email: sfollmer (at) mit (dot) edu and daniell (at) mit (dot) edu Credits:Daniel Leithinger*, Sean Follmer*, Hiroshi Ishii* Contributed EquallyAcademic Support:Alex Olwal Software Engineering Support:Akimitsu Hogge, Tony Tang, Philip Schoessler Hardware Engineering Support:Ryan Wistort, Guangtao Zhang, Cheetiri Smith, Alyx Daly, Pat Capulong, Jason Moran Video and Photo Support:Basheer Tome, Jifei Ou.

LAIKA [Processing]: A Dynamic Typeface. A bachelor thesis project of Michael Flückiger and Nicholas Kunz, Laika is a dynamic typeface created using Processing. Via a custom designed control panel, user can adjust kerning, italics, size and other properties of a typeface. The final project installation included a type which was responsive to passers-by. Try it online here (via blitblit) LAIKA on Vimeo. Art numérique et innovation. Les androïdes rêvent-ils de moutons électriques ? | Tracks. #Psychovinyle #Trackshare #Replay. Bonjour, bienvenue au Artlab. MR-808 | Sonic Robots. German Version Let’s get mechanical: MR-808 is the first drum robot that reproduces the drum sounds of the 80s – in the real world Let’s free the sounds from the dictate of electronics!

The robot installation MR-808 is a replica of the famous 1980s electronic drum machine TR-808 – with robots playing the drum sounds! I (Moritz Simon Geist) have been playing electronic music for several years now , and at some place I was bored of the electronic music production process nowadays, so I decided to go back to the physical roots of sound generation. I am very proud to present the “MR-808” – a mechanic replica of the famous 1980s electronic drum machine TR-808! I am the first one to transfer the electronic sounds of the most influential electronic drum computer TR-808 into the real world and make it highly playable for a musician! If the TR-808 doesn’t mean anyhing to you: just take a look at the TR-808 Cult page The Concept The Robot Techniques Robot Vision What would Asimov say?