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Urban Syrian Refugees. The Syrian Refugee Crisis. Sverige för UNHCR. Kriget i Syrien tvingar miljoner på flykt Det brutala våldet har tvingat 4 miljoner människor - utsatta barn, kvinnor och män - att fly sitt hemland.

Sverige för UNHCR

Hälften av dem är barn och många är svårt traumatiserade. Över 10 miljoner desperata människor är på flykt från sina hem inne i Syrien. Krigets offer har sett sina hem förstöras av bomber och anhöriga dödas. De har förlorat allt de äger. UNHCR jobbar dygnet runt med att ge dem som flyr skydd, tak över huvudet och nödhjälp som mat och vatten. Syrien. Det syriska inbördeskriget är en pågående konflikt mellan myndigheter, i ledning av Bashar al-Assads Baath’s regim, och flera oppositionsgrupper.


Det pågår även strider mellan de olika oppositionsgrupperna. Ryssland och Iran stöttar Assad-regimen medan USA och allierade, såsom Turkiet, Saudi-Arabien och Qatar bistår några av oppositionsgrupperna. Bakgrund Assad familjen har suttit vid makten i Syrien sedan Hafez al Assad genomförde en militärkupp 1971. Sedan 2000 är det sonen, Bashar al-Assad (andra från vänster i bakre raden), som varit president i landet. Syrien har styrts av familjen Assads auktoritära regim i över 40 år. Rörelsen Muslimska brödraskapet utmanade staten 1982 men trycktes snabbt tillbaka.

Assad-familjen tillhör en av Syriens många religiösa minoriteter, alawiterna, som är en undergrupp till shia-islam. Den arabiska våren. European Migration: 08/09/2015, Behind the News. We're taking you to Europe where right now more than a hundred thousand asylum seekers are arriving each month.

European Migration: 08/09/2015, Behind the News

Here's Emma to take a closer look at this issue and some of the kids that are caught up in it. EMMA DAVIS, REPORTER: This sight is becoming very common in a lot of European countries. Tens of thousands of asylum seekers, travelling across borders, desperate for a new home. 15-year old Jehad is one of them. He used to live in Syria before he left his home behind. JEHAD: I remember my cousin, my grandmother, grandfather and all my people from my family. Since January, more than 300 thousand people have risked their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe. They travel to the coast and many pay people smugglers to take them across the sea. JEHAD: It was scary, it was so scary. Jehad says the boat he travelled on was basically just an inflatable raft.

JEHAD: It's a small boat. Kriget i Syrien på 98 sekunder. As Europe Grasps for Answers, More Migrants Flood Its Borders. HEGYESHALOM, Hungary — Throughout the day on Sunday, train after packed train arrived at this border town from Budapest, the passengers smoothly shifting to a gleaming Austrian train on the opposite side of the platform and being whisked on to Vienna and beyond — 13,000 of them in the first 36 hours after allowed throngs of refugees and migrants to travel toward Germany.

As Europe Grasps for Answers, More Migrants Flood Its Borders

But that is not the end. Thousands of migrants continue to flow through the Balkans toward Hungary every day, rapidly approaching its southern border with Serbia, government officials said. Two Greek ferries carrying more than 4,000 migrants were scheduled to land Sunday in Athens, a first stop on the migrant trail through the Balkans. Photo On Sunday, Pope Francis called upon Catholic parishes and religious communities to take in refugees.

But the European Union remains deeply divided over what should be done, a debate that has strained relations and threatened the 28-nation bloc’s proud policy of open borders. “Off! Greece forgotten crisis: Lesbos on verge of 'catastrophe' as 1,000 refugees arrive ashore daily. The Greek island of Lesbos is facing a humanitarian crisis with debt-ridden authorities unable to cope with an unprecedented influx of Syrian and Afghan refugees from Turkey.

Greece forgotten crisis: Lesbos on verge of 'catastrophe' as 1,000 refugees arrive ashore daily

Aid workers on the island have described to IBTimes UK the "shocking and unimaginable" scenes at the hosting camps and along the route, with more than 3,000 asylum seekers with scarce or no access to water or sanitation facilities. "I have worked in emergency teams for the past 20 years and I've never seen anything like that," Kirk Day, the International Rescue Committee's local team leader said. "The situation is particularly dire at the transit Kara Tepe Camp where until a few days ago only five toilets and two showers were operational.

As a result, people were washing themselves at drinking water points, making them insanitary, and defecating out in the open. I couldn't think when it was the last time I saw a similar situation. " "If it wasn't for them, it would be far far worse," he said. News in Levels - easy English reading and listening. If Surrey were Syria. Situation in Calais.