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Русский. Englanti. Yleistä. PADLET. Kieliprofiili. 22 Ways to Introduce Yourself to Your Students, In Person or Online. There’s nothing quite like the very first moment of the first day of school.

22 Ways to Introduce Yourself to Your Students, In Person or Online

You stand at the front of the classroom or webcam, looking at all those expectant faces for the very first time. Now’s your chance to introduce yourself to your students, to let them know who you are and what they can expect over the year to come. How can you make it special? We asked teachers from our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook to share their favorite ways to help their students get to know them better. Here are their responses, along with some of our other favorite ideas. 1. Don’t wait for the first day—give your kids an idea of what to expect over the summer instead. 2.

Your classroom has always been a reflection of your personality, and a great way to introduce yourself to your students. 3. It’s not a great idea to show students your real social media pages. 4. It’s a bit more work, but teachers point out that you can use these to introduce yourself again and again. Materiaalipankki vuosiluokkien 1-2 kielenopetukseen. Video Recorder. Revita. Plagiarism Checker - 100% Free Online Plagiarism Detector. A list of key features: 1.

Plagiarism Checker - 100% Free Online Plagiarism Detector

Billions of web pages This tool has the ability to check plagiarism by matching your content against billions of webpages on the Internet. Once you upload your content, it will automatically run it against every existing content on the web within seconds, making it the most sophisticated yet fastest plagiarism scanner you'll ever come across in your lifetime. 2. It has an option for automatically rewriting the content you run on it in just one click.

Верные слова — курс. If You Say So (Как скажешь) is an online spoken Russian language course.

Верные слова — курс

It is ideal for B1+ level students. We expect the students to know most of the basic B1 vocabulary. If You Say So is a completely free course created by researchers from the HSE University, Moscow If you are a student you can use our course to learn Russian on your own or to study with a teacher. If you are a Russian language teacher you can use the course to support your lessons and give homework. The course consists of eight units. The course includes: - Videos where young native speakers discuss the topics of Family, Food, City Life, Russia, Travel, University, Dating and Sport. All the online exercises are checked automatically. Please contact us at with any questions. Created by: Anna Levinzon. Saatiedotus ahaa 2.


Opetusmateriaaleja — Suomi. Suomi toisena kielenä (S2)-opetusmateriaaleja Opetushallituksen tarjoaa suomen kielen oppimateriaalia arki- ja työelämää varten videoiden ja tehtävien muodossa.Ylen suomen kielen alkeet -oppimateriaaleissa käytetään tukikielenä englantia.S2-opettajien kokoamista verkkomateriaaleista löydät tehtäviä, jotka on jaettu taitotasoittain.Suomen vuosisata on selkokielinen video suomalaisen hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan kehityksestä.

Opetusmateriaaleja — Suomi

Se sopii suomalaisen kulttuurin ja kielen opetukseen.Opi suomea videoiden kautta! Suomi taskussa tarjoaa jokapäiväisiä tilanteita videoituna ja hiukan hitaammin puhuttuna, mikä kannustaa opiskelijoita kokeilemaan taitojaan luokkahuoneen ulkopuolellakin.Osallisena verkossa -sivustolle on kerätty sekä S2-materiaaleja että digitaitojen oppimismateriaaleja maahanmuuttajille.Kielinuppu-projekti tuottaa suomen kielen oppimista tukevia lauluja, jotka ovat kaikkien vapaasti saatavilla Youtubessa. Ruotsin kielen opetusmateriaaleja Viittomakielen opetusmateriaaleja. Audio Lingua - mp3 en anglais, allemand, arabe, catalan, corse, espagnol, italien, russe, occitan, portugais, chinois et français.

Active School Days. EDLangs2019_translations. Resources > Inventory of ICT tools. Evaluation criteria: Added value: What is the potential of the tool for achieving learning objectives?

Resources > Inventory of ICT tools

Usability: How easy is the tool to use and to adapt to your teaching context? Interactivity: What possibilities does this tool offer for communication and collaboration amongst learners? Technical requirements: In order to use the tool, what are the important technical aspects to consider in terms of compatibility of operating systems, equipment, browsers, etc.? These criteria have been developed by teachers for teachers and provide essential information so that you can select appropriate applications and use them with your learners. If you would like to view short, detailed tutorials on the use of some selected tools, please visit the Developing Online Teaching Skills (DOTS) Activities website.