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Youtube. 62072166 - 534180.full.pdf. Ecological and genomic analyses of candidate phylum WPS-2 bacteria in an unvegetated soil. Members of the bacterial candidate phylum WPS-2 (or Eremiobacterota) are abundant in several dry, bare soil environments. In a bare soil deposited by an extinct iron-sulfur spring, we found that WPS-2 comprised up to 24% of the bacterial community and up to 108 cells per g of soil based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and quantification. A single genus-level cluster (Ca. Rubrimentiphilum) predominated in bare soils but was less abundant in adjacent forest. Nearly complete genomes of Ca. Rubrimentiphilum were recovered as single amplified genomes (SAGs) and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs).

The Nephilim: Demons Hosting Genetically Engineered Bodies. Humanity's guide to the human genome just got a major upgrade. Scientists have released the first draft of the human pangenome reference, a new blueprint of human DNA built on data from a much more diverse cohort than the original. “We’re going to be able to understand forms of genetic variation in genes that we never could characterize properly before,” senior author Evan Eichler, Ph.D., based at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, said during a press briefing. Eichler and the other scientists behind the effort are members of the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, an international group backed by the National Institutes of Health’s National Human Genome Research Institute. Several papers describing the developments were published May 11 in Nature. The initiative builds on past attempts to make the human genome reference more accurate.

When the results of the Human Genome Project were published in 2003, the sequence was about 90% done. Take the complex gene for lipoprotein(a), a type of low-density cholesterol. An Owner's Guide to the Human Genome. In this book I describe the forces that govern genetic variation including mutation, drift, recombination and selection, as well as what genetics teaches us about human history, and the role of genetic variation in human phenotypes and diseases. When complete, the book will combine the three pillars of human population genetics - population genetics, population history, and trait genetics - under a single umbrella, with a focus on examples and applications in human genetics.

Moreover, each section emphasizes the essential interplay between theory, statistical methods, and biological applications, with a focus on building intuition while avoiding heavy technical detail where possible. The current release (V 1.0, September 2023) covers the first half of the planned book. I hope to release Part 3 by the end of 2023. Original material is provided under a CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons License. Download Book V 1.0 [74 MB] Download Folder of chapters [68 MB] All Endnotes (for side-by-side reading) Animalcules: interactive microbiome analytics and visualization in R.

The complex role of the gut microbiota in shaping human health and disease has been intensely investigated and explored in recent years, largely due to the availability of culture-independent molecular-based high-throughput sequencing technologies. It is estimated that every human host coexists with an average of 500–1000 different bacterial species [1,2,3] and research has discovered that the microbiome is associated with host lifestyle and diet [4, 5] as well as many diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes [6] and cancer [7]. New sequencing technology brings not only more data and capacity for microbiome research but also new challenges for data analytics and interpretation.

Improved tools and methods for microbiome data analytics can enhance our ability to understand the roles of microbes in diverse environments, particularly understanding how they interact with each other as well as their human hosts. Implementation Data structures and software design Installation and usage 1. (9) Allele frequency. 19.1B: Population Genetics - Biology LibreTexts. Population genetics is the study of the distributions and changes of allele frequency in a population. Learning Objectives Define a population gene pool and explain how the size of the gene pool can affect the evolutionary success of a population Key Points A gene pool is the sum of all the alleles (variants of a gene) in a population.

Allele frequencies range from 0 (present in no individuals) to 1 (present in all individuals); all allele frequencies for a given gene add up to 100 percent in a population. The smaller a population, the more susceptible it is to mechanisms like natural selection and genetic drift, as the effects of such mechanisms are magnified when the gene pool is small. The founder effect occurs when part of an original population establishes a new population with a separate gene pool, leading to less genetic variation in the new population. Key Terms Population Genetics A gene for a particular characteristic may have several variations called alleles. Allele Frequency. The Allele Frequency Net Database - Allele, haplotype and genotype frequencies in Worldwide Populations.

[LIVE] Resurrecting extinct animals... to eat? | Whose Gene 16. Top 15 Incredible Genetic Engineering Modifications. This Machine Grows Living Flesh!! [LIVE] Making Yeast produce Deer Milk and Egg Whites - Whose Gene is it Anyway #1. The Noble Cult of the Sun - ROBERT SEPEHR. Gene editing: should you be worried? | The Economist. Darwin's DNA Dilemma - ROBERT SEPEHR. Bulletproof Skin (Spider Silk made from Goat's Milk) Wave Genetics - Peter P. Garyaev – Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021 - Genetic Information exists in a Form of Electromagnetic Field - Stop 5G. Peter P. Garyaev is a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which will take place in 2021.

The theory of Wave Genetics is grounded into extensive theoretical and experimental research. Peter Garyaev has discovered that genetic information exists in a form of electromagnetic field and he has developed a way of transcribing genetic and metabolic information and transferring it in the blink of an eye. In Garyaev’s famous experiment in which he was able to completely regenerate the internal organs of laboratory rats with the help of the methods of wave genetics. Institute of Linguistics – The Wave Genetics Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics.

Dr. One of the greatest molecular biologists of our age pioneer scientist and discoverer of the wave genome Dr Peter Garyaev died on November 17th 2020 aged 79. Dr. “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” Ulrike Granogger invited Dr. Groundbreaking Legacy Dr. Dr. BarcodeScientificAmerican. Chemical & Engineering News: Cover Story - The World According To Rick. Cover Story Volume 84, Number 41 pp. 13-19 Richard Smalley left his mark on science by laying the foundation for nanotechnology as we know it, then he tried to save the world Today marks the 10th anniversary of what maybe the most influential event in the history of nanotechnology. On Oct. 9, 1996, Robert F. Curl Jr., Harold Kroto, and Richard E.

Smalley won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of fullerenes. The field of nanotechnology exploded in the nine years between 1996 and Smalley's death from leukemia last October at age 62. To his colleagues, Smalley proselytized nanotechnology with a near-prophetic vision. As 2006's newly minted Laureates will soon discover, the same opportunity is granted to all Nobel Prize winners.

Nobel Prize in hand, Smalley began knocking on doors at the highest levels of government. Including the $1.2 billion in President George W. "Rick had a special kind of influence," Roco says. "Now, I'm not complaining. James M. They learned that Orville L. CHLRE_01g032300v5 uncharacterized protein [Chlamydomonas reinhardtii] - Gene - NCBI. When Gods walked with mortals - ROBERT SEPEHR. Cro Magnon Man And Atlantis - Reed CarsonBNet NewsletterMarch, 2007 Since Cro Magnon Man was first discovered in 1868, he has presented fundamental puzzles for traditional scientists.

Today there is still no solution in sight for the traditional anthropologists. A mere 20 years after his discovery, the Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky, published in 1888, asserted the answer to the mysterious origin of Cro Magnon Man. Since then, facts have been accumulating to further support Blavatsky's view. And more recently, starting in the 1980's and particularly in 1997, very scientific, and unexpected, evidence from DNA analysis has confirmed the accuracy of her claims and helped us to better understand the early prehistory of man. Briefly put, Cro Magnon was Atlantean. Basic facts: Cro Magnon Man appeared abruptly in Europe and North Africa.

Blavatsky quotes a man of science as saying: The scientist is quite right. The first puzzle causes these physical characteristics to be not pleasant for the anthropologist. What is now N.W. Episode 31: Floyd Romesberg | Expanding DNA's Alphabet (by half!) | <font color="#00d0ff">Click to Listen</font> — After On. Synthego | Full Stack Genome Engineering. Sex-determining Region Y in Mammals | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. Evolutionary surprise: Eight percent of human genetic material comes from a virus -- ScienceDaily.

About eight percent of human genetic material comes from a virus and not from our ancestors, according to researchers in Japan and the U.S. The study, and an accompanying News & Views article by University of Texas at Arlington biology professor Cédric Feschotte, is published in the journal Nature. The research showed that the genomes of humans and other mammals contain DNA derived from the insertion of bornaviruses, RNA viruses whose replication and transcription takes place in the nucleus. Feschotte wrote on recent research led by Professor Keizo Tomonaga at Osaka University in Japan. Feschotte said this virally transmitted DNA may be a cause of mutation and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. In his article, Feschotte speculates about the role of such viral insertions in causing mutations with evolutionary and medical consequences. The assimilation of viral sequences into the host genome is a process referred to as endogenization.

A Mysterious New Form of DNA Was Just Discovered in Human Cells. When you think of DNA, odds are, you picture the famous double helix, a ladder-like structure elegantly twisted like a corkscrew. But DNA doesn't always assume this form. The existence of one shape of DNA in humans, in particular — a four-stranded knot of genetic code — has been controversial among scientists for years. Because this so-called i-motif loves acidic environments (a condition that scientists can create in the lab but doesn't naturally occur in the body), many scientists thought that it couldn't possibly exist in human cells. But in recent years, studies have pointed to the possibility that this bizarre form of DNA could, in fact, exist in living humans. Now, a new study published today (April 23) in the journal Nature Chemistry provides the first direct evidence that it does exist and that it may play an important role in regulating our genes.

[Unraveling the Human Genome: 6 Molecular Milestones] These types of drugs could be helpful for cancer treatment, for example. The Two People We're All Related To. RNA interference. Rna i[2] Genetics appt. Super Cheap DNA Printer. Ancient Human Genomes...Present-Day Europeans - Johannes Krause. Poetry of Genetics: Jos de Mul. Scientists have found an Alien code in our DNA: Ancient Engineers. Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

Originally referred to as “Junk DNA” its function remained a mystery for researchers. Now researchers believe that our DNA is extraterrestrial in origin. After extensive analysis with the help of other researchers in diverse fields such as mathematics, chemistry and programming, Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute have ventured out and asked if there is a possibility that, what we call “junk DNA” is actually some sort of extraterrestrial code, created by an “Alien” programmer.

According to researchers from Kazakhstan, “Our hypothesis is that a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Reasons E. coli Is Used for Gene Cloning. Metabolic Modeling of Common Escherichia coli Strains in Human Gut Microbiome. 920869359 MIT. The Living Body - Our Extraordinary Life. Looking back at 2017’s genetics breakthroughs. It was a big year for the building blocks of life.

Here were the most significant breakthroughs in genetics research of 2017. In a landmark decision made this past August, the Food and Drug Administration approved a treatment for childhood leukemia that works by genetically modifying a patient’s own blood cells to turn them into cancer killers. In November, and for the first time ever, scientists edited a patient’s DNA while it was still inside his body. It was an effort to cure a genetic disorder, and the scientists attempted to so by permanently changing the patient’s genome. Over the summer, scientists in the United States accomplished a major first: genetically modifying a human embryo to treat a common genetic heart disease. The FDA approved the first consumer DNA tests for disease risk. Read full, original post: The Most Life-Changing Breakthroughs in Genetics of 2017. Cytogenetics Gallery. The Purpose of DNA | Dan Winter. Untitled.

HK1 Gene - GeneCards | HXK1 Protein | HXK1 Antibody. Aliases for HK1 Gene Hexokinase 1 2 3 5 Brain Form Hexokinase 3 4 Hexokinase Type I 3 4 EC 4 61 HK I 3 4 Glycolytic Enzyme 3 Hexokinase IR 3 Hexokinase I 3 Hexokinase-1 3 Hexokinase 3 EC 2.7.1 61 HK1-Ta 3 HK1-Tb 3 HK1-Tc 3 HMSNR 3 HXK1 3 HKD 3 HKI 3 HK 3 External Ids for HK1 Gene Previous GeneCards Identifiers for HK1 Gene Hexokinases phosphorylate glucose to produce glucose-6-phosphate, the first step in most glucose metabolism pathways. This gene encodes a ubiquitous form of hexokinase which localizes to the outer membrane of mitochondria. Hexokinases catalyze the first essential step of glucose metabolism, the conversion of the substrate glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. No data available for CIViC summary , UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot , PharmGKB "VIP" Summary , fRNAdb sequence ontologies and piRNA Summary for HK1 Gene. Pathway:411 AND organism:"Homo sapiens (Human) [9606]" in UniProtKB.

Rare Genetic Mutation Lets Some People Function with Less Sleep. For something so essential and basic, sleep has turned out to be a complicated biological nightmare for scientists. Certain genes, such as CLOCK and BMAL1, have been pegged for their roles in the body's circadian rhythm, but the full cast of characters involved in moderating the process of sleep remains fuzzy. But thanks to a mother and daughter who share a rare genetic mutation—and who routinely need just six hours of sleep a night—researchers have recently taken a step forward in the journey to unravel the tangled genetic web of sleep.

The new study, published online today in Science, reports the discovery of a genetic mutation on the gene DEC2 that appears to allow the mother–daughter pair of "short sleepers"—and a handful of transgenic mice—to truly need less sleep. "We know sleep is necessary for survival," says co-author Ying-Hui Fu, a professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco. But, "we don't know anything about how it's regulated," she adds. TEDxCaltech - J. Craig Venter - Future Biology. Your Brain Doesn&#39;t Contain Memories. It Is Memories.

200,000 Years Ago Something Happened that Changed Humans Gentically. 9996.full. Induced pluripotent stem cells - Rudolf Jaenisch. Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9. Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle Up. Any gene typically has just a 50–50 chance of getting passed on. Either the offspring gets a copy from Mom or a copy from Dad. But in 1957 biologists found exceptions to that rule, genes that literally manipulated cell division and forced themselves into a larger number of offspring than chance alone would have allowed. A decade ago, an evolutionary geneticist named Austin Burt proposed a sneaky way to use these “selfish genes.”

He suggested tethering one to a separate gene—one that you wanted to propagate through an entire population. If it worked, you'd be able to drive the gene into every individual in a given area. Your gene of interest graduates from public transit to a limousine in a motorcade, speeding through a population in flagrant disregard of heredity's traffic laws. Push those modifications through with a gene drive and the normal mosquitoes wouldn't stand a chance. Emmanuelle Charpentier did early work on Crispr. These problems don't end with mosquitoes. Scientists turn mouse skin cells into egg cells and make baby mice. Pigs and Humans share 112 DNA mutations, say scientists.

Only 8.2 % of Human DNA is Functional, Say Genetic Researchers.