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Beneficial effects of Bacteroides fragilis polysaccharides on the immune system. Is this why you are sick. The True Cause of Leaky Gut: You MUST address this is you want to heal your body and digestion! Fecal transplants Archives » LongevityFacts. Dirt is NOT Dirty - How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System. By Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit Guest Writer for Wake Up World At present, our culture is overly obsessive about germs, cleanliness, and hygiene.

Dirt is NOT Dirty - How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System

Parents are constantly washing their children’s hands, using antibacterial soap, alcohol tinged wipes or changing them the second they have dirt on their clothes. I don’t know about you, but when I was a child I liked to make mud pies, walk around barefoot and climb any tree I could find. Instinctively I craved to immerse myself in the natural environment. When I had my own children I reminded myself of this as they shoveled sand into their mouths at the beach or tasted a pebble or a leaf. What is it About a Child’s Attraction to Dirt? According to Mary Ruebush PhD, author of Why Dirt is Good: 5 Ways to Make Germs Your Friends, the attraction is based on millions of years of evolution. Just like any other muscle in our body, the immune system needs to be exercised in order to fully develop and become strong enough to resist illness and disease. Nano-Aluminum, Glyphosate, and the Life Saving Work of Parasites.

This is an excellent article from Health Impact News, about the role of aluminium – specifically nanoparticulates of aluminium that are in Vaccines and in the air we breath and the food and water we ingest, and Mercury, and HOW they interact together to trigger a synergistic response that is damaging to the human brain (not to mention other areas of the body!).

Nano-Aluminum, Glyphosate, and the Life Saving Work of Parasites

Definitely an article to book mark as I’m sure we will be seeing more and more information of this type over the next few years as scientist begin to face the absolute fact that Aluminium is Dangerous on multiple levels. German doctor, Dietrich Klinghardt also talks about the very interesting interaction between parasites and toxic metals like aluminium and mercury!! Definitely gave me something to think about! D Nano-Aluminum, Glyphosate, and the Life Saving Work of Parasites by John P. The bodies of Americans are saturated with very high levels of nano-aluminum. Please use this link to read the first article in this series: Dr. Asthma Archives. The Good Bacteria Story. Lactobacillus Salivarius A healthy intestine rich with proper bacteria leads to good bowel movements, vitamin and hormone production and a long list of other health benefits.

The Good Bacteria Story

If you have a healthy intestinal tract, you have over 400 different species of microorganisms living there. They make up about two pounds of your body weight! In the stomach very few are able to survive because of the acidity. In fact, there may be as few as 10 to 100 organisms in every milliliter of stomach content. Good Bacteria Do Several Things 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bacteria as vitamin suppliers to their host: a gut microbiota perspective. Beneficial gut bacteria that produce vitamins B2, B9, B12 and K2. Our intestines are home to between 500 to 1000 of bacterial species.

Beneficial gut bacteria that produce vitamins B2, B9, B12 and K2

The delicate balance between these play an important role in our well-being, digestion, immunity, mood, but also in the production of certain vitamins. After writing about how to interpret your microbiome, I got curious as to which particular species produced vitamins. Vitamin K2 (menaquinones), a highly beneficial vitamin that is known to prevent and even reverse arteriosclerosis, is notoriously difficult to obtain from food sources, except in fermented products like cheese and Japanese nattō (pungent fermented soybeans).

Not all cheese are rich in K2, and in fact only a few species types like Gouda or Brie have the rare vitamin. Probiotics - A quick trip inside our guts! Untitled. The Invisible Universe Of The Human Microbiome. Promoting bioscience literacy. September 2013 Introduction The human microbiome is composed of the microbes, as well as their genes and genomes, that live in and on the human body.

promoting bioscience literacy

Scientists are discovering just how important these resident microbes are to our health and well-being, particularly with respect to the roles they play in maintaining our immune systems, contributing to the digestion of our food, and acting as a first line of defense against pathogens. There are many diseases that may be the result of disturbed microbiomes; however, microbiome-based medical treatments and applications are on the horizon.

The human microbiome is composed of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The Human Microbiome: Our Other Genome Throughout most of human history we have felt at war with microbes. Scientists believe that infants receive their first inoculum of microbes from their mothers during childbirth. At the same time, the newborn’s gut microbiota trigger development and maturation of the newborn’s immune system.