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How to Be a More Charismatic Leader. Some leaders have a powerful presence, seemingly dripping charisma from every pore. They engage easily with others, and give moving persuasive talks even under duress. In his book, Infectious: How to Connect Deeply and Unleash the Energetic Leader Within (Allworth Press, 2013), performance coach Achim Nowak looked at this elusive quality and gives five tips for upping your X-factor. 1. Be prepared. You can't be compelling if you're worried about what you're going to say next, says Nowak.

If you have time, review the key points you wish to make before your meeting or presentation to ensure you're versed in the topic. When there's no time to prepare, make a quick assessment of your audience and what will resonate with them. Related: How to Project Confidence 2. If you're too buttoned-up and reserved, it's tough to truly connect with people. 3. Work on calming your breathing to appear more relaxed and confident. Related: 5 Foolproof Ways to Boost Your Public-Speaking Skills 4. 5.

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