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Fontface Ninja. Font Reactor. Typicons. Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator. Unicode Character Search. Infinity. Texter. A Pocket Guide to Master Every Day’s Typographic Adventures. Cufón - fonts for the people. Type Scale - A Visual Calculator. Streamlining font creation.

MathJax. Font Custom. App - Icon Font Generator. BMFont - This program will allow you to generate bitmap fonts from TrueType fonts.

BMFont -

The application generates both image files and character descriptions that can be read by a game for easy rendering of fonts. The program is freeware and open source, but a donation is greatly appreciated. If you don't have an image viewer capable of reading TGA, PNG, or DDS files, I recommend PUPP, another free product from AngelCode. Downloads download installer for v1.13 (358KB) download installer for v1.14 beta (551KB) download 64bit executable for v1.14 beta (1.53MB) Features Support for complete Unicode 8.0 character set, as well as 8 bit OEM character sets Optimal use of texture space, i.e. as little unused area as possible Support for kerning pairs Easy to use file format, either normal text file or xml files. Documentation The manual is installed with the tool, but for those who wish to take a look at it without installing the tool first it is also available here. Online documentation Source code Changes. BMFont -

Create a custom FontAwesome 3.0.2 icon-font kit with just the icons you want. Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType. Please return any accompanying registration form to receive registration benefits.

Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType

In this Agreement, “Package” means the OpenType Font Developer’s Kit Software (hereinafter referred to as “FDK”), documentation, and related items. “Adobe” means Adobe Systems Incorporated, a Delaware corporation, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, if Section 11 of this Agreement applies; otherwise it means Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, Unit 3100, Lake Drive, City West Business Campus, Saggart D24, Republic of Ireland, a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland and an affiliate and licensee of Adobe Systems Incorporated. “Developer Fonts” means the font software in OpenType format that You create using the FDK; and “Developer,” “You,” and “Your” refer to any person or entity accessing or using this Package. You agree to protect Adobe’s copyright and other ownership interests in all items in this Package. This License Agreement is effective until terminated. PANOSE on the Web. Author: Robert StevahnDate: 4/22/96 Revision: 1.01 Introduction This document describes the PANOSE Typeface Matching System and proposes its use as a World Wide Web document standard.

PANOSE on the Web

PANOSE is the industry-standard font classification and matching system. It greatly reduces many of the font replacement problems arising from missing fonts and incompatible font names, particularly in cross-platform environments. PANOSE is used by many popular software vendors. PANOSE is particularly well suited to the World Wide Web, given the Web's emphasis on flexibility in document display, rather than on strict document layout conformance. Contents PANOSE Overview. Type Supply Tool Dept. Overview No one likes kerning.

Type Supply Tool Dept.

It's a tedious task, but it has to be done. MetricsMachine is streamlined for a professional workflow: you create groups of similarly shaped glyphs, then you create lists of pairs that you want to proof, then you proof those pairs one at a time until you are finished, then you export your kerning to an OpenType ready feature file. After that, you can get back to doing something more interesting than kerning. Features Intuitive, Clutter-Free Interface MetricsMachine gets out of the way so that you can focus on your kerning, not on trying to figure out the interface. Advanced Group Editor In MetricsMachine you work with kerning groups (you may know of these as "classes").

Powerful Transformations Have you ever thought, "Why do I have to kern small caps with other small caps? Dynamic Contexts. FontQA. Manifesto < iKern: type metrics and engineering – spacing (autospacing) and kerning (autokerning) for type designers. FontForge.