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Why Some Professors Have to Fail! Dear Student: I Don't Lie Awake At Night Thinking of Ways to Ruin Your Life. The 7 Dumbest Things Students Do When Cramming for Exams. Each year before the holidays, college students find themselves staring down the barrel of exam week.

The 7 Dumbest Things Students Do When Cramming for Exams

Fortunately, they're totally serious about learning the information and they aren't getting up from this desk until they do! Unfortunately, desperation can only be directly converted into high scores on reality TV. But this crawling panic and insane workload is a great learning experience. College is all about preparing for the real world, and this is one of life's favorite lessons to teach: You've screwed up badly and there will soon be a reckoning. How do you deal with that? GettyPlan A The first and most important thing is to actually deal with it, because running away from college only dumps you in the real world faster. . #7. Getty Listen, students, this might sound crazy but it's important: You are not squirrels. GettyMy INT score is higher than my IQ. Your head won't absorb knowledge because you built a library on your table. . #6. Again, this is just your brain flipping out.

. #5. . #4. Educomp receives Rs 60.72 cr order from Chhattisgarh govt - PTI - 7 Common Myths in JEE Aspirants About IIT. Local classes brace up to Bansal challenge. GIFT Format. Short URL The GIFT picoformat allows writing multiple-choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank (also called short answer or missing word), matching, and numerical quiz questions in a simple text format.

GIFT Format

The GPLed Moodle Course/Learning Management System can import and export questions in the GIFT format. The extensions described below should enable easily authorable self-study, learner-adaptive, low-stakes quiz extensions for Wikiversity and other projects. Syntax. Learning Resource Metadata Initiative. The Disadvantages of an Elite Education. Exhortation - Summer 2008 Print Our best universities have forgotten that the reason they exist is to make minds, not careers By William Deresiewicz June 1, 2008 It didn’t dawn on me that there might be a few holes in my education until I was about 35.

The Disadvantages of an Elite Education

It’s not surprising that it took me so long to discover the extent of my miseducation, because the last thing an elite education will teach you is its own inadequacy. I’m not talking about curricula or the culture wars, the closing or opening of the American mind, political correctness, canon formation, or what have you. The first disadvantage of an elite education, as I learned in my kitchen that day, is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren’t like you. But it isn’t just a matter of class. Four Things I Learned from Coaching 'Poor Black Kids' The Art of Complex Problem Solving.

Programmable Cells » Publishing On OpenWetWare - Lessons Learned 4 - Presenting. Khan Academy Integrates With Digital Textbooks. The 12-minute video lectures that Bill Gates has called "the start of a revolution" will now be linked with the material in some digital textbooks.

Khan Academy Integrates With Digital Textbooks

Etextbook maker Kno announced Monday that it will integrate thousands of tutorial videos from Khan Academy into its books. Khan Academy has been praised and funded by both Gates and Google. At its core, it's a database of instructional YouTube videos that its founder, Salman Khan, started creating in order to help his cousins with their math homework. Video production quality does not extend beyond the capabilities of Microsoft Paint, but Khan has a knack for making calculus seem like gradeschool math (the archive contains videos on both topics) that has made his tutorials a popular resource for independent learning. Kno will be linking them to its books through a new "smart links" feature. The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy.

An Explainer Post There's an article in this month's Wired Magazine about Khan Academy.

The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy

The headline speaks volumes -- "How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education" -- as do the responses I've seen to the article. As usual, there's plenty of praise for Sal Khan and his one-man-educational-video-making machine. Khan Academy Competitor? Mike Feerick of Talks About The Future of Online Education. By Paul Glader BERLIN — In the camp of free online learning, Irishman Mike Feerick believes his has more to offer than the buzz-heavy Khan Academy.

Khan Academy Competitor? Mike Feerick of Talks About The Future of Online Education

Feerick, a Harvard MBA and serial entrepreneur, has an impressive track record at several startups including his current project: It offers 300 free courses online that lead to training certificates and it has more than 700,000 people taking the courses globally. Mr. Feerick, an Ashoka Fellow, says the enterprise has turned the corner on profits in recent months. WA – How did you first decide to become a social entrepreneur in the education space?

MF – I’ve always been interested in social enterprise. WA – And how did Alison first start? MF – In 2005, I kind of had a Eureka moment. » Timothy Ferriss, “Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times” A Summary by Stewart Brand.

» Timothy Ferriss, “Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times”