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Here comes Gen Z: What marketers need to know in 5 charts. They make up a quarter of the American population. They’re impulsive, unpredictable and tough to relate to. They can barely speak English and yet marketers ignore them at their own peril. No we’re not talking about millennials, though it is tempting to make the joke. But just as marketers are coming to terms with that millennial wave of digital natives, another is creeping up right behind them: Gen Z. A new report called “Meet Generation Z” by New York agency Sparks & Honey provides a comprehensive look at the cohort aged 0-19, which already comprises a full 25.9 percent of all Americans, eclipsing even the Boomers. These five charts outline the generation’s defining characteristics, while comparing them to those that came before. Whereas millennials are often characterized by hyper-attentive parents, helicoptering to a fault, Gen Z tends to have parents who empower their kids to answer questions themselves and resolve problems independently.

Create infographics | Webtrends Blog - Market Smarter. Get the insights you need to drive digital marketing success. The comScore Data Mine | Colorful, bite-sized graphical representations of the best discoveries we unearth from our data. Many Eyes. OLIVE: On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments. Welcome to OLIVE, the On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments!

Listed to the left are eight categories of information visualization environments differentiated by data type. Within each category we have gathered what we feel are the most important citations, commercial products, research projects, and videos. This web-site is a class project for Dr. Ben Shneiderman's fall 1997 CMSC 828/838S graduate course on Information Visualization at the University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Computer Science. Dr. Modern visual environments often go much further than just viewing static data -- dynamic and flexible user control are becoming more of a reality, and possibly a necessity.

We provide several approaches to viewing our site with the idea of illustrating a few of the approaches available for visualizing information presented on the web. -Michael Reed ( & Dan Heller (, Editors. Facebook Analytics Blog. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. New metrics and business models for digital publishing - selling outcomes not inputs? Are publishers using outdated metrics? How should they be innovating and reinventing their business models? Understandably there has been much debate of late around publishing business models. The rise of the internet, compounded by the global economic woes, are making it increasingly hard to see where the money is in publishing and media going forwards.

You can take your choice of predictions as to what will happen with online advertising spend this year. The IPA's latest Bellwether Survey shows 'record falls' in ad spend where "even internet advertising suffered a record reduction in spend in Q4" of 7%. Metrics, as units, or levers, for callibtrating value and performance, are clearly important to any discussion of business models.

Should we make the most of the array of new metrics that interactive media afford us? Data, data everywhere... There are two obvious high level metrics which should be relatively easy to understand, and buy, for an advertiser. . - What outcomes am I getting?