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Capturing and Curating Content

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My Approach To Digital Content Curation. My Approach To Digital Content Curation by Steven Anderson, Presenter at

My Approach To Digital Content Curation

I spend a great deal of time looking up stuff. Whether that stuff is blog posts to get a pulse on what is happening in the edusphere or researching new tools to share with teachers, I come across a wide variety of resources that I need to save, catalog and be able to come back to later. Curation is a large part of my day. Wait. Gathering ResourcesOrganizing ResourcesSharing Resources Gathering Resources – The Internet has allowed us to retrieve as much information on any topic as we wish, from pretty much any source we want. Organizing Resources – Once we find the good we have to be able to store it and find it again.

Sharing Resources – What if knowledge wasn’t shared? Curation is an important part of my learning and professional development process. Most of the time I am on the go and my iPad serves as my homebase for learning. The Content Curation Tools I Depend On Want to learn more about curation? OneNote for Teachers - Interactive Guides. The digital note-taking app for your devices. TechSmith. 100 Google Search Tricks for the Savviest of Students. In today’s schools, most research is completed online, and Google is a great resource for combing the web.

100 Google Search Tricks for the Savviest of Students

But at the same time, it’s not always easy to find exactly what you want, given that there are usually millions of results — with varying degrees of accuracy. These tricks can help you find the best results, while saving time and making your life easier. General These simple tricks will help you get what you want, faster. Reference These tricks make it easy to use Google as a reference tool. Travel & Geography Whether you’re hitting the road, skies, or the movies around the block, these Google tricks can help you out. Shopping Get the best deals on books and more using these Google tricks. Better Results Sick of finding millions of results that have little to do with what you actually need? Fine Tuning Use these search tricks to get your results down to the very best. Media Scour Google for videos, books, and more using these tricks. Scholar Security, Privacy & Legal. Founding principles. Patrice Lamothe, CEO of Pearltrees, November 2008 A short description of Pearltrees Pearltrees is a collaborative project enabling Internet users to become editors of the Web, i.e. to visualize, organize and share their navigations.

Founding principles

By building their own Web, they collectively build the living map of the entire Web. Context The development of content creation, sharing and discussion sites has radically transformed the practice of Internet users. However, the democratization of creation has not led to the democratization of access to this content. This imbalance between democratic content creation and centralized access to content poses one of the main barriers to the development of the Web. As spectators, Web users cannot find their way through the mass of content that is of interest to themAs creators, Web users are obliged to engage in disseminating and referencing activities, far removed from their real interests, if they want to attract the audience their content deserves.

Presentation for teachers. Create an account on Pearltrees. Presentation for teachers. Pearltree Tutorials. Digital portfolios. - Forty Educational Websites To Put In Your Toolkit, Part 4. Bully Binder. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. Project Naptha. Google Tips, Tricks & Hacks. EduClipper.