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How To Navigate Through Folders When Using Windows Command Prompt. One of the reasons why many Windows users are deathly afraid of using the command prompt in Windows is because they simple don't know what to do when that black screen pops open. It doesn't look or act like their favorite word document or browser program, and it gives you that "lost in space" feeling. One way to give yourself a sense of orientation when using the command prompt, is being able to navigate around the file system and into different folders. To do this, you just need to know two simple commands, and, learn how to type less with a simple trick. First, open up a command prompt by clicking on Start \Run… and enter cmd in the run box. Once the command prompt windows opens, take notice of the current direction location, which is your user directory.

Before you can navigate around, you need to be able to see what's inside the current directory. To sort, you need to use the switch /O (followed by how you want to sort) with the dir command. Now that's a whole lot easier than typing. Compass Home | Compass Documentation. Web Standards. Jekyll. Html5-boilerplate/index.html at master · h5bp/html5-boilerplate. Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds!

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