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RSS Feeds & News Aggregators

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Currents. RSS to PDF Newspaper. Hosted or self-hosted? We want our users to be free to examine and run the code behind however they like. So rather than simply invite you to sign up for API access, we've gone to great effort to make the software easy to use and install on your own hosting account. Using our hosted service (Free, Premium) is the easiest option as we manage everything.

You do not have to worry about staying up to date because we maintain the code and any changes we make will automatically be made available to you. If, however, you have your own hosting account or manage your own server, the self-hosted option gives you the freedom to run the code and manage things yourself. Note: We monitor our hosted service to prevent abuse. Note: If you'd like to make heavy use of PDF Newspaper programmatically, we highly recommend you download and run our self-hosted version.

To create a PDF from a web page or a feed, pass the URL (encoded) in the querystring to the following URL: Request Parameters. Feed 101 - FeedBurner Help. What are feeds? I see "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" out there, but I don't know how I might use these links when I find them. Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for site content to be packaged into "widgets," "gadgets," mobile devices, and other bite-sized technologies that make it possible to display blogs, podcasts, and major news/sports/weather/whatever headlines just about anywhere.

What Does This Mean? You may recognize the universal feed icon or these "chicklets" from your favorite websites, blogs, and podcasts. Why is This a Good Thing? Consumer Bottom Line: Subscribing to feeds makes it possible to review a large amount of online content in a very short time. Who publishes feeds? How do I read feeds? Show me what a typical feed reader looks like. Reader. Alltop, all the top stories. SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Social Computing - NewsGator. Feedly. feed your mind. Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard.