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Optical illusion cut-out and fold characters | Gags Area. This article is automatically post by WP-AutoPost. 18 Helpful Diagrams To Solve All Your Clothing Woes. COLD FORGING A KNIFE FROM A NAIL. Garage Computer Mod - Custom Shop PC. Mike Allen's Workshop is an orderly, well-maintained place. Located a few miles from the New Jersey shoreline, the compact garage of PM's senior automotive editor has high shelves stacked with meticulously organized, plainly labeled plastic bins of tools and welding equipment. Occasionally, however, the air in the shop is toxic. Mike is a mechanic and metalworker, and his grinding, routing and drilling sends plumes of metal particulate into the air. This is not so great for the lungs, but positively deadly for electronic equipment. That's a problem, because a workshop these days needs to be computerized. Mike routinely uses a laptop to run OBD-II diagnostics, search online repair manuals or just blast MP3s of George Thorogood while, say, rebuilding the dry clutch from a Ducati Monster.

But Mike was tired of his laptops burning out every few months. It's one challenge to keep the computer cool—it's quite another to Some Assembly Required 1. 2. 3. 4. Keeping It Cool. The Complete Guide to Suits: 57 Rules of Style. Blazer ($1,595), pants ($295), and shirt ($295) by Burberry Prorsum. Tie ($130) by Band of Outsiders. Pocket square ($65 for three) by Brooks Brothers. Rule #1 We've said it before and we'll say it again: Fit is everything. (See above.) Even the world's most expensive suit will look bad if it isn't tailored to the contours of your body. Rule #2 Some think button-down collars are for casual wear only, but they can work great with dressier looks as well.

Rule #3 Polka dots are a great way to bring energy to a suit. Rule #4 A tried-and-true pattern like herringbone or glen plaid in a muted shade makes an impression without crossing into the realm of garishness. Above: Suit ($3,595) by Isaia. Rule #5 Visible stitches around the edges of your lapels (called pick-stitching) aren't necessarily a sign of a well-made garment anymore. Rule #6 Some say you shouldn't cut the stitching in your jacket pockets, because putting objects in them will cause your jacket to lose its shape. 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. Diagrams. All The Cheat Sheets That A Web Developer Needs. Become a Programmer, Motherfucker.

If you don't know how to code, then you can learn even if you think you can't. Thousands of people have learned programming from these fine books: Learn Python The Hard Way Learn Ruby The Hard Way Learn Code The Hard Way I'm also working on a whole series of programming education books at These are works in progress, and feedback is welcome. Learn C The Hard Way Learn SQL The Hard Way Graphics Programming Language Agnostic NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language Bash Clojure Clojure Programming ColdFusion CFML In 100 Minutes Delphi / Pascal Django Erlang Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good Flex Getting started with Adobe Flex (PDF) Forth Git Grails Getting Start with Grails Haskell Java JavaScript JavaScript (Node.js specific) Latex The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX (perfect for beginners) Linux Advanced Linux Programming Lisp Lua Maven Mercurial Nemerle Nemerle NoSQL Oberon Programming in Oberon (PDF) Objective-C The Objective-C Programming Language OCaml Oracle Server Oracle PL/SQL Vim.

Home Made Rocket Fuel... How to make a glow lantern. Bottle Cutting. I have found that the use of a turntable during the heating process makes a significant difference. Attempting to manually rotate the bottle never works so well for me, but if I use a turntable the breaking process is quite reliable. The turntable I use is the bottom part of a cheap plastic rotating shelf intended to keep spices in the kitchen cupboard. If you want a neater polished edge, you can use a series of grits of increasing fineness to do the lapping. A recharge kit for a rock polisher can be a good source for these. If you want to go this way, proceed (obviously), from larger to smaller grit, clean the edge thoroughly between steps, and be certain to use a separate lapping plate for each grit. The physical details of the bottle you choose to cut can also make a big difference. How the bottle is labeled can be important.

If you plan to etch your bottle in some way, it is possible to use the label as a built-in resist. 31 How to Sites Must Check. Home » How to » 31 Best How To Sites To Learn Everything You Need To Know In Internet you can find lots of site which helps you to learn lots of thing that we use in our daily life. But the question is where to find it and and how to learn lots of thing and guides free. In our daily life we are doing lots of thing such as using computer, learning web design and more and more. If you’re looking for information on How to repair a hard drive, How to Clean PC, How to Design Website, how to use web services, how to make videosor any other questions, you’ll find it in my picks for the best how to sites on the Web.

These are some of the best How to websites which will really help you a lot. How To Sites To Learn New Skills 1. CNET Online Courses Free online how to classes and tutorials on everything from car technology to digital photography or Tips and tricks. 2. eHow eHow 3. wikiHow WikiHow 4. Instructables 5. How Stuff Works. How to Make Fireworks. There are many types of fireworks, where one of the most common in firework displays is the aerial shell. The aerial shell is used in fireworks displays, and can be either a round or a cylindrical shape. These aerial shells are loaded into tubes, called "mortars. " Once lit, the aerial shell will fly into the air and once the aerial shell is at the higest point (apogee), it will explode and shoot pyrotechnic stars in all directions. In this instructable I will be talking about the procedure of assembling a round aerial shell.

Note: I do NOT recommend the average person to try this! This will be illegal to do without licensence in many cases, it is on your own response wether you do this legally or not. If I somehow throw around with a lot of foreign words or have any questions, feel free to ask me. First, let's see what a typical round aerial shell looks like: Custom Roller Skates. So why would you want to make your own roller skates? Because you can! Imagine rolling into a rink and turning heads as skaters check out your original, cool-looking skates. Not only will your custom skates set you apart in terms of style, fit, and comfort, they’re also a great conversation piece with the irresistible appeal of being able to say you made them and they’re not found in stores. The coolness factor is priceless!

A well-made pair of custom roller skates can last you years, with countless hours of fun to be had. This step-by-step instruction guide should be followed carefully to ensure the safety of your skates. Check out a video of the build! Simple Longboard. Last year my 13-year-old daughter asked for a skateboard, so I gave her my 20-year-old board (which wasn’t seeing much use). She liked to ride it along the bank of the Los Angeles River, and I would ride with her on a Razor scooter. But after a while, I started to miss having a skateboard, and I thought it would be fun to make one. I put it off for a few months, until I saw a video of Lloyd Kahn, the well-known maker and former geodesic dome guru, cruising down a gently sloped street ( He’s 75 years old, and his skating skills are top-notch. I went online to look for plans.

Here’s how I did it. How to Build a Go-Kart in One Day - DIY Go Cart Plans. Builder: Larry Erd, Pompano Beach, Fla.Plans: "Black Widow" Cost: $689.15 1.) Plans and Parts Erd and his 7-year-old son, Harrison, used $14.99 plans for the "Black Widow" go-kart from Plans like these, whether they are free or require a fee, often give frame dimensions but leave steering, axle, throttle and cable connections up to the builder. Browse parts suppliers' websites to find additional advice on materials and methods. "You're on your own, but that's the fun of it," Erd says. 2.)

Use a hacksaw or chop saw to cut metal stock to length. 3.) Weld an upper steering block to the top of the kart's steering post. Weld spindle brackets to the front corners of the frame. 4.) Weld bearing hangers to the bottom face of the frame's 10-inch rear legs. 5.) Buy accessories together with the engine to ensure compatibility. Loop chain around both sprockets. 6.) Attach brake and throttle cables to the left and right foot pedals. Parts-Supplier Reviews. Stain PVC Any Color You Like. Extreme Marshmallow Cannon. Combo Snow Gun. So it doesn’t snow enough where you live? Fear not — if it gets cold, you can cover that front lawn in white, fluffy snow with your own homemade snow gun. All you need are a few items from your local hardware store, some quality spray nozzles, and access to a pressure washer and an air compressor. This snow gun is based on an internal-mixing “combo” design I found at It mixes pressurized air and water internally and sprays them out through 2 types of nozzles that work together cleverly.

Just wrap teflon plumber’s tape on all the pipe threads, then twist it together tightly as you see it in the diagram. To understand how it works, remember high school chemistry: the smaller a particle is, the more surface area it has relative to its volume. This “ice mist” then crosses the spray from the 2 bulk nozzles, which supply the bulk of the water for our snowmaking. Glass Bead Projection Screen. Titanium dioxide is the most common white pigment in paint, sunscreen, and even food products. It’s cheap, safe, and almost unsurpassed in whiteness. It’s also the baseline for calculating an optical property called screen gain, which is the amount of light reflected from a projection surface divided by the amount of light reflected from a titanium dioxide reference surface.

Since titanium dioxide is the pigment used in most white paint, a smooth wall painted flat white has a screen gain very close to 1. But you can do better. This method applies a high-gain optical projection surface using common, cheap materials — flat white latex paint and glass sandblasting beads. I started out trying to directly mix them (which doesn’t work) and happened on this “sprinkling” method by accident. It gives a much brighter screen surface than paint alone. Direct Digital Wedding Rings. Make: Projects Create custom jewelry using CAD software and a 3D printer. After giving my wife a handmade plastic faux-diamond engagement ring, I decided I’d better get serious and come up with more permanent wedding rings.

The polycarbonate ring was funny, but even made out of an engineering plastic, there was no way it would last. We scoured the vintage jewelry shops, and then the dreaded mall stores, until we finally decided that the only way to get exactly what we wanted was to design the rings ourselves. And like any self-respecting industrial designer, I’m prone to believing that I can design and make anything. Luckily for me, the making part turned out to be easy — I simply sent my CAD design to a 3D wax printing house, then sent the wax prints to a jewelry foundry and got back platinum rings. The Lost Art of Lashing. Jellyfish Tank. I was always terrified of jellyfish as a kid. The thought of a slimy translucent blob just below the water’s surface that could deliver a painful sting kept me out of the ocean most of the summer. It wasn’t until years later when I collected a small jellyfish at the beach and observed it in an aquarium that I realized how stunningly beautiful they are.

As it pulsed steadily and allowed its tentacles to flutter behind it, I was completely hypnotized. Soon, I decided to design and build an aquarium that could keep jellyfish alive and well. Convert a regular aquarium into a jellyfish habitat. Jellyfish can’t live in a regular aquarium because they get sucked into the filtration pumps and liquefied. Using my extensive experience in building aquariums as part of my research projects at Duke and the University of Delaware, I developed a tank with a special water flow to keep jellies suspended in the middle of the tank. The Fire Piston. Carl von Linde was dead tired. The eminent engineer, considered the father of the modern refrigerator, had just returned to his home in Germany from a lecture tour that took him to, among other places, Malaysia. This being the late 19th century, the voyage had taken months.

Von Linde had seen and learned much during his excursion to Southeast Asia, and as a faculty member of the prestigious Munich Technical University, he was obligated to deliver a presentation on the results and findings of his trip to students and faculty. During his lecture, the fatigued Herr Doktor felt the need for a nicotine hit. He paused and withdrew from his pocket a small wooden cylinder and plunger, which he called “ein Feuerkoben.” The small device was a gift from the people he had met on Penang Island in the Strait of Malacca. At the lectern, von Linde slapped the plunger down and the tinder inside ignited. Was von Linde’s fire piston the true antecedent of the Mack truck engine?

Related. All Star Fabric Swap. Paper CD case. General. A Complete MDMA Synthesis for the First Time Chemist - Taimapedia. Soda Machine Hack. Blog Archive » First Time Growers: Common Mistakes. How to Hotwire a Car. Welcome To The Essential Guitar Guide. The Secrets of Jujitsu: A Complete Course in Self Defense, by Allan Corstorphin Smith. How To Validate A Credit Card With Your Mind | 1m4ge. How to Build a Kid's Tire Swing – Project With Plans. Technique: 18 Mountain Bike Tricks Nailed. Top10 - Lifehacker.

wTpnp.jpg (747×1869) Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda - Health. Flying. Learn JavaScript | Mozilla Developer Network. How to systematically negotiate a low car price. 3dsMax Tutorials & Tips. Quantum Mechanics.