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Drinkify. Barnorama. ThumbPress | fer teh lolz. List25 - Consistently Conciliating Curiosity. S fridge 3.0. Play with my magnetic words. - StumbleUpon. Inspiring websites About Travel. We are constantly trying to inspire people around the world to travel and see what is beyond day to day life. We don’t see ourselves as any sort of heroes because we travel, but we do try and share our adventures as much as possible, in the hope that we may have inspired one person to travel the world! We have been inspired by so many other websites and we wanted to share them with you so you can also benefit like we have from there travels.

We are generally inspired by other people, art and photography. These inspiring websites below show what has driven us to travel for as long as we have and where we have turned to for advice. For us, it wasn’t a travel guide we looked to when finding places to go. We asked, read and watched others and were inspired by their life and travels. Everyone listed below has a unique story to tell. We love all of these websites, so in no particular order, here is our inspiration: y Travel Blog.