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«L'ange noir de Saint-Germain-des-Prés» : un tweet de Juan Branco fait beaucoup rire les internautes. Juan Branco refait parler de lui.

«L'ange noir de Saint-Germain-des-Prés» : un tweet de Juan Branco fait beaucoup rire les internautes

Totoro song. Amazon app logo. Sax-a-boom. Four seasons total landscaping. Donald Trump’s bid to hang on to the White House is promising to end in farce if his campaign’s choice of venue for a crucial press conference is anything to go by.

four seasons total landscaping

On Saturday morning, as Trump played golf and continued to baselessly accuse the Democrats of stealing the election for Joe Biden, he announced, in a Tweet since deleted, that there would be a “Big press conference” at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia. That was quickly clarified, however. Paaaaaaaaam! Les fêtes de l’école. Le vendredi midi. Les jouets jean-michel #1. Les jouets jean-michel #2. Trump x press. Plagiat algo. Robin Thicke et Pharrell Williams condamnés pour avoir plagié Marvin Gaye, Radiohead accusant Lana Del Rey d’avoir copié le titre Creep avec son Get Free, Chris (ex-Christine and the Queens) accusée d’avoir copié un logiciel dans son titre Damn, dis-moi… Les accusations de plagiat et les procès qui s’ensuivent sont l’une des plaies de l’industrie musicale.

plagiat algo

Le phénomène ne date pas d’hier et personne ne semble y échapper. Alors Damien Riehl, avocat spécialiste du droit d’auteur, musicien et développeur à ses heures, et son compère Noah Rubin ont créé un algorithme pour générer… toutes les mélodies possibles, avant de les protéger par des droits d’auteur, rapportent le site américain Vice. Pas pour avoir l’opportunité de poursuivre des musiciens en justice, bien au contraire. Dans une présentation TedxTalk, Damien Riehl explique que la musique, finalement, ce ne sont que des mathématiques. Explorer toutes les combinaisons mélodiques possibles Pas de risque de poursuite pour plagiat.

A conference call in real life. Trump x wind turbines. He says he knows more about Isis than his generals, and claims to understand politicians “better than anybody”.

trump x wind turbines

Now there is another subject in which Donald Trump’s expert knowledge surpasses that of everybody else: wind turbines, though he calls them windmills. “I’ve studied it better than anybody I know,” the president asserted in a bizarre segment from a weekend speech to young conservatives in West Palm Beach, Florida, close to his winter retreat at Mar-a-Lago where he is spending the holidays. “I never understood wind. La conseillère d'orientation. Trump x normandy.

Changer le monde? Masvidal x askren. Trump x umbrella. Trump x speakerphone. Secteur a-znavour. How MMA conquered the world. Late last Saturday night, two fights.

how MMA conquered the world

The first a boxing match in Manchester, between Carl Frampton and Scott Quigg. Frampton won, then said that it had all been pretty boring. Online, there was so much talk about how dull the fight had been that the next day’s papers ran stories about fans demanding refunds. The second fight was in London, at the O2 Arena. You won’t have read about it in the printed press, but you might have seen it online. Silva is 40 and from São Paulo. Bisping is 36, born in Cyprus, brought up in Manchester. There are a lot of misconceptions about MMA. Silva also has all the arrogance of a great champion. Silva seemed almost too busy looking good to bother with the business of scoring points. Then it happened. Functional patterns fitness. Days of my youth. The line of the year. Push. Few words. One of those days. One of those days 2. The ridge. Surpuissant. Dinner is coming. Get lucky. Madame bovary. The queen of shitty robots.

Known as “the queen of shitty robots”, Swedish inventor Simone Giertz builds robots to help with everyday activities – except, they don’t work.

the queen of shitty robots

Well, mechanically they work beautifully, but her robots show we’ve got a while to go before every part of our life is automated. The 25-year-old lives on a houseboat in Stockholm and runs a highly successful YouTube channel with 124,000 subscribers, where she posts videos of her surreal and hilarious contraptions, such as robots to feed her cereal, put on her lipstick and chop vegetables. Her most recent video – a head banging repeatedly against a keyboard – is to help argue on the internet. She spoke with the Guardian about being a self-taught full-time shitty robot creator. What was the first robot you built? My friend Jonathan Lönnqvist and I made this iPhone case with retractable guitar strings.

What made you want to learn how to make robots? Because I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to prototype. By building stuff! Really depends. Les grèves. Beyrouth est. Perlimpinpin. Mortal kombat. Super mario world. L'intégrale de berthier. Badass faeries. Paupiette de poulpe. Newording. The beautiful thing about language is that it changes to reflect the times.


Sometimes we even have to coin our own words and phrases for new things! Unfortunately, few-to-none of us are William Shakespeare, so the new words usually end up being portmanteaus. The term means a word that’s constructed by taking some parts of two words, and making a new one. It’s also known as a blend in linguistics. Probably the most egregious use is meshing names of celebrity couples like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie into Brangelina, all in the name of efficiency of spreading celebrity gossip. Of course, many of these words come from, a website dedicated to user submitted definitions of new words. Derrick contre superman. Le reeboot de la force.

Si vous n’avez (navet ?)

le reeboot de la force

Le lumbahâb. Luchini à la plage. Citations non parisiennes. 1.

citations non parisiennes

Viens, on se fait une terrasse aux Champs-Elysées. 2. Attends, j'arrive dans deux minutes, faut juste que je me gare. 3. Montparnasse, c'est sur la ligne 2 ? 4. 5. 6. 7.