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20 Swedish Posters for 1930s Hollywood. 20 Swedish Posters for 1930s Hollywood Sky Hawk, 1929 (artist: Eric Rohman) I found these posters as expired auction listings (this time at mighty timesink Heritage).

20 Swedish Posters for 1930s Hollywood

I'm also working on a fourth post of work by Einar Nerman, so perhaps another all-Sweden week... Many Swedish movie posters from this era must have played off of the original American ones, though I have the sense that the works featured here are original deco confections. See all posts tagged Sweden. Death Takes a Holiday, 1934 (artist: Moje Aslund) The Walking Dead, 1936 (artist: Castegren) Things to Come, 1936 (artist: Moje Aslund) Champes of the Champs-Elysses (artist: Eric Rohman) detail Sweet Surrender, 1935 Hit the Deck, 1930 update: Brian Moore tells me this art is by Russell Patterson One Night of Love, 1934 Invisible Stripes, 1939 Angels with Dirty Faces, 1938 (artist: Eric Rohman) The Passionate Plumber, 1932 (artist: Carl Gustav Berglow) Shanghaied, 1920s (artist: Eric Rohman) The Official R. Crumb Website. Broken Heroes, Patricia Waller. If you owned a teddy bear when you were a child, this might be uncomfortable viewing.

Broken Heroes, Patricia Waller

If you still own a teddy bear (get some help and) look away now. Bert has hit the skids, begging for change on Sesame Street with a three-day beard and a bottle of pinot plonk. The pressure of fame has gotten too much for Hello Kitty, who’s looking to say bye-bye by committing seppuku with a kitchen knife. Costumed crime-fighter Spiderman has been hoist by his own webbed petard. And as for Minnie Mouse, well all we’re saying is Mickey had better have a good alibi and an even better lawyer. Bad times for these Broken Heroes, the name of an exhibition by Patricia Waller at Galerie Deschler, Berlin, examining the cult of celebrity and the replacement of real heroes with manufactured personalities. Art's great nudes have gone skinny. Research Cliplets. Rowan Stocks-Moore. RUSSIAN CRIMINAL TATTOO. 3 Ways to Visualize the David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. By Maria Popova What dotted lines have to do with telenovelas, pop culture reverence and analog GPS.

David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, a favorite book of many, is the kind of genre-bender that will thwart your mind with its convoluted narrative, plethora of allusions and cultural references, and multilateral connections between the characters. Navigating its maze of relationships and 400 footnotes could drive even the most seasoned literary disentanglers up the reading room wall. So today, we look at three visual efforts to deconstruct the iconic novel. To illuminate the essential points of the novel’s plot, German designer Jonny set out to flowchart the novel’s most essential characters, revealing an amusingly complex ecosystem that’s part Shakespearean play, part Mexican telenovela. If the characters aren’t enough of a brilliant mess for you, David Foster Wallace adds another layer of confusion with a slew of locations that would send any GPS spinning.

Share on Tumblr. From the dark past .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2009. Home. <JohannaThompson> Museum und Schloss Belvedere Österreich. Mitterfirmiansreut baut selber: Schneekirche wird eingeweiht. Reise Mittwoch, 28.

Mitterfirmiansreut baut selber: Schneekirche wird eingeweiht

Dezember 2011 In Mitterfirmiansreut steht eine Kirche ganz aus Schnee. Die Gemeinde will damit an eine Protestaktion ihrer Vorfahren vor genau 100 Jahren erinnern. Drumherum wird ein Programm geboten mit Eisskulpturen-Ausstellung oder Langlauf mit Fackelbeleuchtung. Der Skiort Mitterfirmiansreut im Bayerischen Wald hat eine ganz besondere Attraktion: eine fast 20 Meter hohe Kirche aus Schnee. Ursprünglich war geplant, das Gotteshaus bereits zu Weihnachten einzuweihen. Der Bau aus 1400 Kubikmeter Schnee soll an eine Aktion der Menschen aus Mitterfirmiansreut im Winter 1910/11 erinnern. Eisskulpturen-Ausstellung Neben einem kulturellen Rahmenprogramm bietet die Gemeinde in dem weißen Gotteshaus wöchentlich einen Gottesdienst an.

Das Bauwerk aus 1100 Tonnen Schnee und Eis sei etwa 25 Meter lang, 11 Meter breit und habe einen 17 Meter hohen Schneeturm. Quelle: , abe/dpa.

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