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Amazon. American Standard Version, Verseless Second Edition - Verseless Bibles - American Standard, King James, Chinese Union, Reina Valera... Verge Network. We Need More Uninspired Christians | Real Spirituality. I’ve enjoyed over the past few weeks watching in person or via social media as I and my fellow ministers have experienced and celebrated mountaintop experiences.

We have come together in person or virtually to be inspired by some of the best communicators in my fellowship. But this morning the phone rang. It was a man in Colorado who works with a Mennonite community there. These people bring the “orphaned” children of prisoners into their home and raise the children while the parents are incarcerated. Upon release, the family that cared for the children helps the parents integrate back into society. And they reunite the parents and children. I’ve never seen anything about that on Twitter. The contrast was disturbing: people humbly changing the lives of “problem” children versus . . . well, versus people just like me: Tweeting about helping the poor on a $200 iPhone with a $70/month data plan. Through books and blogs and tweets and conferences, we never have to leave the mountaintop. The Ordinary Radicals. Return to El Salvador, narrated by Emmy Award winner Martin Sheen 17 years ago, U.N.

Peace Accords marked the end of a brutal civil war in El Salvador. This film is the compelling story of vibrant Salvadoran individuals and communities and the intricate geo-political systems that have so profoundly impacted their lives, making this distant war relevant to a current American audience. The Ordinary Radicals, a “conspiracy of faith on the margins of empire” The film follows authors Chris Haw and Shane Claiborne, co-founder of the The Simple Way of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on their “Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals” book tour.The tour takes place during the 2008 U.S. presidential elections which becomes a topic of discussion for Claiborne and Haw while touring.

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