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Non-Native English Speakers in TESOL {NNEST} of the Month Blog. Countdown to the PCE 2 – Marek Kiczkowiak. Discrimination in ELT. Workplace discrimination is a serious issue in all areas of employment as well as in the ELT world.

Discrimination in ELT

The following questions are intended to gauge teachers' perceptions of what language in job advertisements promotes discrimination and whether any of this discrimination is justified. The definition of discrimination used in this survey is "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. " (from The survey consists of 21 questions about discrimination as well as some basic demographic collection but it isn't necessary to answer all of them, so please follow the instructions carefully.

This should take no more than 10 minutes. What's the Real Purpose of Classroom Management?  Everyone knows why classroom management skills are considered a critical part of teacher training.

What's the Real Purpose of Classroom Management? 

The reason we need to minimize "misbehavior" and get students to show up, sit down, and pay attention is so we can teach them stuff. That proposition is so obvious that it's rarely defended or even spelled out, except maybe on the first day of Classroom Management 101. While we may disagree about strategies -- for example, the relative merits of discipline versus self-discipline (getting kids to regulate and manage themselves) -- we take it for granted that the whole point is to create an environment conducive to learning. But what if that wasn't entirely true? What if, at least for some teachers and administrators, an orderly classroom was the ultimate goal? Nativeness - a feather in your cap for language teaching? webinar by James Beddington. The best of both worlds by Robert McCaul. Robert William McCaul (CELTA,DELTA) is a teacher, language learner, examiner, materials developer with over 6 years of teaching experience in countries such as Ecuador, Costa Rica and Vietnam.

The best of both worlds by Robert McCaul

He currently teaches in Bournemouth, UK, and has recently started blogging on TEFL Reflections. ‘The strengths of Non-Native English Speaking Teachers’ an infographic by Adam Simpson. This infographic presents the strengths most Non-Native English Speaking Teachers (NNESTs) have.

‘The strengths of Non-Native English Speaking Teachers’ an infographic by Adam Simpson

It has been prepared by Adam Simpson (see Adam’s bio at the bottom of the page) with invaluable help from Michael Griffin (see his post “Equity without myths or stereotypes” here), Eszter Hajdics (her talk on NNEST strengths can be viewed here), Chio Rojas and Peter Lahiff, who all contributed ideas. With this infographic we’re not arguing that NNESTs are better teachers than Native English Speaking Teachers (NESTs), or that they should be hired indiscriminately. However, they are certainly not worse and should therefore be given the same employment opportunities in ELT as NESTs are. Consequently, we want to highlight the strengths NNESTs have which can make them a valuable addition to any ELT staff room and institution. NNESTs strengths overlapping those in the infographic have been recognised by many researchers (e.g. Arva, V., & Medgyes, P. (2000). What Makes a Great (Native or Non-Native Speaking) English Teacher? ‘ELT hiring policies in Spain: learning Spanish ways the hard way’ by Agnieszka Kruszyńska.

I arrived in Málaga, Spain on the 3rd October 2011.

‘ELT hiring policies in Spain: learning Spanish ways the hard way’ by Agnieszka Kruszyńska

Not a perfect time for job hunting, therefore I was over the moon when, just two days later, I got hired in one of local language schools. As a matter of fact, we had a teacher scheduled for this academic year, but she just disappeared. Was supposed to start classes three days ago and never showed up. Her phone is off, so there´s just no way of contacting her. She was Turkish, came here after her Spanish boyfriend, so maybe they broke up and she went back to her country. Why was there no alarm going off in my head? That’s when a real nightmare began. Since I was going door to door offering my CV around, it wasn’t until much later that I learned almost all languages schools had the following information on their webpages – profesores nativos con titulación – and by titulación they usually meant TEFL or CELTA, which they would often specify in the ‘work with us’ section.

Design @teflninja Same thing happened in a few more places. ‘Sounding out ELT hiring policies in South Korea’ by Martin Sketchley. I started my English language teaching career soon after completing my undergraduate degree in 2005.

‘Sounding out ELT hiring policies in South Korea’ by Martin Sketchley

South Korea appeared to be a wonderful opportunity, as all you needed to qualify as an English language teacher was to be a Native English Speaker (NS), hold a degree in any subject from an English-speaking country and be willing to travel half-way across the world. I decided to jump at the chance once I secured a full-time teaching contract and was very happy, yet incredibly nervous at the same time. I spent a total of three years in this wonderful country with some interesting experiences and stories to share, particularly with regards to the teaching of English and institutions keen to recruit teachers based upon their accent.