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Public Officials - Putting it All Together. The Bill of Rights Hand Game: US History Review. How the Electoral College Works. Ballotpedia. ELECTION EXTRAVAGANZA. Election day. Election day was a lot of fun today. We read Duck for President to learn about the voting process. Then just like Duck we made mini campaign posters and paraded around the classroom trying to gain more votes.

We voted on our favorite way to eat corn. Everyone got a chance to go to the ballot box and cast their vote. Then we counted the votes and announced our winner . . . caramel corn! Mini campaign posters Here is our booth and ballot box. They used dot markers to cast their vote. CANDY BAR ELECTIONS. Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives: Transition Music Part 2 and a Little Gov Catch Up. Hello there! Thank you for all the comments about my post on using transition music in the classroom! I found a website where you can read more about using music during transitions and can also download some snippets of songs to use in your own room. Check it out here. {Scroll down to where it says "TV Theme Songs"} Have fun!

My class is knee deep in our government unit! Now that we understand local, state, and national government we are moving on to the fun stuff! This week we will be playing Government Scoot {freebie}, learning about American Symbols, and working on our Cooperative Learning Eagle Research projects! You can get your copy of the entire government unit here or by clicking the picture. Have a great Tuesday! The 3 Branches of Government in 3D!! Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA lately! I have been SOO busy!!! I have missed blogging!!! I have a SUPER FUN craft today for you to make up for my absence! We recently studied the government and how it was structured after the Revolutionary War. I have always liked teaching the 3 branches of government, but this year it was way more fun for my students this year! Take a look at the FUN craft my students made to help them remember the jobs of each branch of our US government!

It was super fun and super easy!! I hope some of you can use this in your classroom! Also, tomorrow is the SUPER SALE over at TpT! Just click on the button above to head on over to my store to shop! HAPPY WEEKEND friends! The White House. Supreme Court of the United States. National Student Mock Election « National Student Mock Election.

National Archives and Records Administration. Judges, Courts, and the Law, Educating about the Judiciary. | Library of Congress. Congress for Kids - Interactive, Fun-filled Experiences About the Federal Government. Bill of Rights Institute: Home. Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids.