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Des champignons pour remplacer le plastique. Tribune d’expert. Notre quotidien est rempli de plastique. La voiture, le bureau, la maison, le packaging de nos aliments et même notre savon en contiennent. Malheureusement, une fois « consommé », ce plastique constitue 80% des déchets présents dans nos océans et 25% de nos décharges. Il faut savoir qu’un Américain jette en moyenne 84 kg de plastique par an. Ce plastique, non biodégradable, perdure des centaines, voire des milliers d’années sur notre planète. Il est inutile de rappeler que cela engendre une pollution visuelle mais surtout une menace mortelle pour la faune marine, les oiseaux et mammifères terrestres, qui les ingèrent ou se retrouvent piégés dans ces amas de plastique.

Alors que les responsables gouvernementaux sont occupés à nettoyer nos dégâts, d’autres personnes, tels que Gavin McIntyre et Eben Bayer d’Ecovative LLC, tentent de trouver des solutions aux problèmes et œuvrent afin de trouver un substitut au plastique, plus efficace et durable. Biomimethic. The Mock Up Factory. Approach & Values | Greenloop. Mast Humidifier Works Without Electricity, Smells Lemony. Here is the kind of simple, minimalist, elegant design that just makes me smile. Mast is a humidifier designed by Shin Okada and crafted by Masuya Koubou out of Japanese cypress. "Known for its high-quality timber, rot-resistant qualities and lemony scent, the thinly sliced Hinoki mast absorbs water from the hull and diffuses it, and its intrinsic aroma, into the room. " Instead of electricity and a fan, just capillary action. Each one is custom made, and the designer promises that the water evaporates six times as fast as an open pan of water would.

The designer thinks of it as "a yacht floating in the cool water. " About | design sustainability. My name is Todd Barsanti. I’m a graphic designer and design educator. I have been operating my own design studio, Elemeno Inc. since 1998. I have also been teaching design at the post-secondary level since 2002. In 2011, I completed my Masters Degree in Environmental Studies at York University, with a concentration in Sustainable Design Education. With this website, I hope to focus on the role design can play in shaping our perspectives on sustainability. Design is a problem-solving activity. Sustainability has been referred to as wicked problem of design in the 21 st century. I see this website as a compilation of visions, principles, frameworks, and tools that are far from being a definitive listing of everything that is out there for design educators.

And that is where I hope to add to the dialogue. Qui sommes-nous ? Chez Efficycle, structure spécialisée en économie circulaire, nous mettons au service des acteurs de l’environnement notre approche transversale et pluridisciplinaire dans la conception et la diffusion de veilles thématiques permettant une réactivité accrue sur les évolutions permanentes des secteurs liés au développement durable. Convaincue que l’information est la première arme du changement, Efficycle a été conçue pour promouvoir l’actualité du développement durable auprès du plus grand nombre. Aussi, nous proposons aux professionnels du développement durable, chercheurs, associations, ou tout simplement passionnés l’abonnement gratuit à nos veilles qualifiées et réactives sur les cinq principales thématiques du développement durable : Aménagement & Eco-construction ; Déchets & Recyclage ; Eco-mobilité ; Energies renouvelables ; Management durable.

Yannick DhiserChargé de développementDes expériences formatrices dans différents environnements, en France et à l’étranger. Second Nature | Home. Harvard Business Review Case Studies, Articles, Books, Pamphlets - Harvard Business Review. UVED - Glossaire. Recherche par discipline Ecologie Ecologie fonctionnelleEcologie comportementaleEcologie évolutiveEcologie industrielle Géochimie Géochimie marineGéochimie isotopique Hydrologie HydrogéologieHydrobiogéochimieHydropédologie.

Case Studies. About ZERI Case Studies There are more and more ZERI systems being developed around the world; these systems are complex and non-linear, which is the answer behind their creativity and success. We are working on featuring more and more of the 60+ existing projects on this website...stay tuned for more to come! Some are just an idea, some have a clear vision, others have moved towards pilot stage and some are fully developed and ready for turning into megaprojects. And some...have failed. Click on one of the following case studies to learn more: Pigs: See how the Montfort Boys' Town from Fiji converted its vocational training school into a center for sustainable living, assisting all the students to know, before graduation, how to secure food and energy.

Beer: See how breweries in Namibia, Sweden, Canada and Japan are converting the waste protein and fiber from the brewing process into valuable products, generating additional income and jobs. Information Corporative | Second Cycle. Do you know that waste management and transport cost will increase by 16% over the next five years, which is an increase of $42 per ton. 1 In view of the substantial increase in residual materials and waste management costs, can industries, commercial enterprises, institutions and municipalities operate respecting sustainable development principles.

ICI, give a Second Cycle of life to your residual material Second Cycle offer a transaction network which post offers and demands of goods, furniture, used equipment, surplus materials, inventory surplus, production surplus and residual materials so they may be used again or recycled. The network helps speed up transactions between all players using the exchange system. This reduces the waste quantity and its management costs and gives a good indicator to measure the level of sustainable development.

Second Cycle innovates by creating a viral web 2.0 effect in the community and appeals to it for new ideas.