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Esoteric Texts & Archives. Ancient Texts. TM Sacred Geometry. Geometry OS 272 1:25000 This is the only interacting geometry I have found relating to the inland lighthouse built by the occultist and Hell Fire Club creator , Sir Francis Dashwood who lived at Nocton Hall, just to the east of Dunston Pillar.

TM Sacred Geometry

UPDATE FEB 2/2008 - More Geometry - Dashwoods lighthouse is positioned on the line if the main circle is squared. . In fact today held a surprise for me as I discovered another church not on the current OS maps… seems fate delivered to my mental inbox just what I needed at just the right time, to complete this article. The first line discovered splits the pentacle leg perfectly , exits through the pentacle shoulder junction and onto Dunston Pillar. Once I found this I wondered where the other equal pentacle leg /arm divisions would lead, if drawn in/followed through. Metheringham chapel Rowston church Evedon Church Haddington Church Byards Leap – Templar connections 1.The pentacle 2.The 18 churches 3.The Seal of Solomon 4.The Dunston Pillar.

TM Sacred Geometry. With Francis Dashwood turning up everywhere within the Temple Bruer 5.151 pentacle dynamics I felt it worth giving him a full article. 1.

TM Sacred Geometry

Owned Nocton Hall / Main Pentacle line 2. Built Dunston Pillar / line bisects main penta arm. Positioned exactly on the squaring of the Bruer 5.151 mile circle. Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians - TABULA SMARAGDINA HERMETIS - Explanation. This picture, plain and insignificant in appearance, Concealeth a great and important thing.

Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians - TABULA SMARAGDINA HERMETIS - Explanation

Yea, it containeth a secret of the kind That is the greatest treasure in the world. For what on this earth is deemed more excellent Than to be a Lord who ever reeketh with gold, And hath also a healthy body, Fresh and hale all his life long, Until the predestined time That cannot be overstepped by any creature. "This picture", is the diagram above. It is very far from plain and insignificant as we have seen from the previous article on the Emerald Tablet. It conceals and contains a great and important secret because mere words cannot describe or explain it. All this, as I have stated, clearly Is contained within this figure. These are the three alchemical principles of Mercury, Sulfur and Salt. And painted in their very midst Artfully stands an imperial globe. Vitriol. Article: Verdigris, Green Lion and Vitriol: The Basis of the Philosopher's Stone by Beat Krummenacher Reprinted from Issue 20 of The Stone , May-June, 1997. The designations 'green lion' or 'verdigris' are found in many alchemical works.

From the context, it often emerges that with them is meant the vera prima materia to the philosopher's stone, therefore the true first matter, from which is gained the basis to the philosopher's stone by corresponding processing. This raw material is also often concealed under the household name 'vitriol'. Indeed the semantic fields of these household names vary from author to author, so that often it is difficult to recognize what actually is to be understood by it. The following remarks should serve to throw light into the darkness of this important alchemical theme. Many have understood with vitriol (of the philosophers) the common verdigris. 'Verdigris' is a translation from the Latin and originates from 'viride Hispanus', Spanish green.

Alchemy Electronic Dictionary: Find Out the Meaning of Arcane Words and Ciphers Instantly! To find out the meaning of a word, select the beginning letter: Or select the symbol for which you would like to see a definition: For Alchemy Lab website assistance, click ablution The process of washing a solid with a liquid, usually in water.

Alchemy Electronic Dictionary: Find Out the Meaning of Arcane Words and Ciphers Instantly!

Spiritually and psychologically, it is facing one's emotions and letting feelings flow, so that innocence and purity can be restored. Aion (see Ouroboros) Air Air is one of the Four Elements of alchemy. Alchemy The word is derived from the Arabian phrase "al-kimia," which refers to the preparation of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. Alembic The upper part of a still; a still-head.

Alkahest The alkahest is the power from Above that makes possible alchemical transformation. Aludel. History.