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Virtual books. Blood, Theft and Arrears: Stealing The Crown Jewels. What was behind Colonel Thomas Blood’s failed attempt to steal the Crown Jewels during the cash-strapped reign of Charles II and how did he survive such a treasonable act? Nigel Jones questions the motives of a notorious 17th-century schemer. Illustration of Colonel Thomas Blood by G.Scott, 1813Money was always a problem for the merry monarch. Generous with courtiers, supporters and mistresses, the pensions that Charles II (r.1660-85) actually owed to lesser mortals were often either in arrears – or never paid at all. But Charles knew the value of majesty to monarchy and after his penurious years of exile did not stint in putting on a show.

He spent the huge sum of £32,000 on remaking the Crown Jewels, which had been broken up, melted down or sold off by Cromwell’s Commonwealth. A courtier, Sir Gilbert Talbot, was appointed keeper of the jewels. Talbot’s assistant keeper at the Tower, confusingly named Talbot Edwards, was not nearly as well-off as his boss. Further reading: R.L. The Animated Bayeux Tapestry. Best of History Web Sites.

Male-Male Desire in Pharaonic Egypt. Lifznem >arbh Creek lu|~bh sdjld ~de Eczp~jfm| etdjoj~en7Abr etfhpie) ~de sbhem ba Eczp~ cb ~b ~de hfrke~pifle fmn |eii cbbn| ~deresdjie ~de hem |~fz f~ dbhe fmn nb ~de sefqjmc) sdjld ~dez fi|b nb njaaerem~iz arbhb~der pebpie|) sdb pu|d ~de sbba up arbh oeibs sdjie ~de Eczp~jfm| pu|d j~ nbsm- Dere~de hem lfrrz ibfn| bm ~de defn| fmn ~de sbhem oefr ~deh bm ~dejr |dbuiner|- Sbhemurjmf~e |~fmnjmc up) hem |j~~jmc nbsm- ^dez ef|e ~deh|eiqe| bu~|jne ~de dbu|e) ou~ ef~bu~ jm ~de |~ree~|) fmn gu|~jaz ~dj| sj~d ~de etpifmf~jbm ~df~ bme bucd~ ~b ~fke lfre ba of|emele||j~je| jm prjqf~e) ou~ ~db|e ~df~ fre mb~ of|e) jm puoijl- ^de bhj||jbm ba etpijlj~ |etufi fl~jqj~z oz Derbnb~u| jhpije| ~df~ ~dez sere fhbmc|~ ~de jmnbbr fl~jqj~je|) hfkjmc ~deh f prjqf~e- J~ j| fi|b pb||joie ~df~ ~dez sere lbm|jneren ~bb ~fobb ~b oehem~jbmen jm puoijl- “ fm jnef sdjld df| lfrrjen bqer jm~b Gunfjl fmn J|ifhjl~et~| fmn j| mb abrejcm mb~jbm eqem ~bnfz- Jm ^de Obbk ba ~de Nefn) ^de Dj|~brje| ?

_boer~ \~rf||ier) A Dialogue between Alexander the Great, and Diogenes the Cynic. WHAT fellow art thou, who darest thus to lie at thy ease in our presence, when all others, as thou seest, rise to do us homage? Dost thou not know us? Diog. I cannot say I do: but by the number of thy attendants, by the splendour of thy habit; but, above all, by the vanity of thy appearance, and the arrogance of thy speech, I conceive thou mayst be Alexander the son of Philip. Alex. And who can more justly challenge thy respect, than Alexander, at the head of that victorious army, who hath performed such wonderful exploits, [1] and, under his conduct, hath subdued the world? Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex.

Diog. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. Alex. Diog. [Here some of the army would have fallen upon him, but Alexander interposed. Alex. Diog.