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Los mejores restaurantes vegetarianos en Vigo - ¿Qué hacer en Vigo? Nove dicas para reduzir o desperdício de alimentos. Produtos químicos podem causar obesidade. Os “obesogênicos” engordam, mas não são comida E você achando que só engordava por conta da comida.

Produtos químicos podem causar obesidade

Os obesogênicos, termo criado pelo pesquisador Bruce Blumberg da Universidade da Califórnia, são produtos químicos encontrados em embalagens de alimentos, no teflon das panelas antiaderentes, em produtos de beleza e sabonetes, dentre outros, que podem colaborar com a obesidade de adultos e crianças. Estudos realizados em animais apontam que a exposição de fetos e filhotes a alguns desses compostos pode causar problemas durante o desenvolvimento do sistema endócrino, favorecendo o desenvolvimento das células do tecido adiposo. Em outro estudo publicado na revista Environmental Health Perspectives, pesquisadores descrevem a presença de obesogênicos nos corpos de gestantes, que podem passar essas substâncias químicas aos seus filhos. Seja vegetariano ao menos uma vez por semana. Homemade Vegetarian Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe.

Nutritional information Serves 8 30 minutes or fewer.

Homemade Vegetarian Vegan Tomato Soup Recipe

Strambotic » “Soy sexetariana: jamás me acostaría con alguien que coma carne” Nutrição Esportiva, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida: Depois do suco verde... Descubra os benefícios do suco rosa. Todo mundo estava comentando sobre o famoso suco verde (inclusive falamos sobre ele AQUI).

Nutrição Esportiva, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida: Depois do suco verde... Descubra os benefícios do suco rosa

Banana & Berry Crepes w/ Vanilla Cream - ""Por qué queremos a los perros y nos comemos a los cerdos. Imagine que unos amigos le invitan a su casa a cenar. "Comer animales es el resultado inevitable de la influencia de un sistema opresivo" "Cuando comía animales desconectaba de la realidad, no pensaba, acababa con mi empatía.

"Comer animales es el resultado inevitable de la influencia de un sistema opresivo"

A los 23 años me puse muy enferma por comerme una hamburguesa contaminada, y dejé de comer carne. 10 Reasons You Should NOT Go Vegan. Like every other vegan on the planet I have heard more than my fair share of ‘reasons’ why people won’t give up eating animals, or reasons why they think that veganism is just plain weird.

10 Reasons You Should NOT Go Vegan

Of course some people use these excuses as a defence mechanism when something makes them uncomfortable, some just like to start a fight and some may be genuinely curious, never having thought much about the topic before. Sweet & Spicy Carrot Bisque Recipe. Nutritional information Serves 4 This recipe, created by Aylene Lambert, won Best Soup in VT's 2011 Chef Challenge.

Sweet & Spicy Carrot Bisque Recipe

Lambert got the idea for this soup while trekking across England with her husband. "We were at this lodge in the middle of nowhere, expecting pretty basic English food," she says. "Instead, they had the most incredible vegetarian banana curry. Iced Oatmeal Cookies Recipe. Nutritional information Makes 24 cookies To keep the icing for these chewy morsels from cracking, spread it on while the cookies are still hot.

Iced Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

Applesauce helps trim the amount of margarine needed, and flaxseed meal stands in for eggs. Cookies 2 Tbs. flaxseed meal 1 cup oat flour 1 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 2 Tbs. vegan margarine, softened ½ cup light brown sugar ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup applesauce or prune purée 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 ½ cups old-fashioned oats ½ cup raisins or dried cranberries Icing ¾ cup confectioners’ sugar 2 Tbs. lemon juice To make Cookies: Curried Red Lentil Soup with Lemon Recipe. Nutritional information Serves 6 This deliciously easy soup became an immediate favorite among VT staffers.

Curried Red Lentil Soup with Lemon Recipe

It's even better the second day, after the spices have had more time to mingle. 2 cups red lentils, sorted and rinsed 1 qt. low-sodium vegetable broth 1 large onion, finely chopped (2 cups) 4 celery stalks, finely chopped (1 ½ cups) 2 large carrots, finely chopped (1 ½ cups) 2 cloves garlic, minced (2 tsp.) ¼ cup chopped cilantro 1 Tbs. curry powder 1 tsp. ground cumin 2 Tbs. lemon juice. Receitas Vegetarianas. Don't just rant about animal cruelty... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! [Warning: VERY graphic images] But if you're just too lazy to get your ass out of your seat and physically help save one animal at a time (like I do), there's an easier way to do it and it could create a more global scale impact...

Don't just rant about animal cruelty... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! [Warning: VERY graphic images]

SIGN PETITIONS EVERYDAY! That's THE LEAST you could do to help these innocent creatures who do not deserve to be exploited by humans. Vegan Chocolate & Almond Butter Fudge (Takes 5 Mins To Make!) This recipe is not only delicious and decadent but it's also good for you and super simple!

Vegan Chocolate & Almond Butter Fudge (Takes 5 Mins To Make!)

It only takes five minutes to prepare and you only need five ingredients! Ingredients 1 cup coconut oil 1 cup almond butter (you can also use unsalted crunchy peanut butter) 2 cups raw cacao 1 cup dates (pitted) 1 to 2 pinches of unrefined sea salt Preparation Soak your dates in hot water for about 20 minutes to make them soft and sticky. Carefully melt your coconut oil on very low heat. Quinoa and Kale Cakes. 1 medium onion ( 160 g ), finely chopped Pinch salt 2 cloves garlic, minced. 21 Habits of Happy People. “Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbard Happiness is one aspiration all people share.

No one wants to be sad and depressed. We've all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. I'm not saying happy people don't feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don't let it overtake their life. A Guide to Storing Fruits and Vegetables. This past week my CSA pickup share was as bountiful as it's been all summer. A dozen tomatoes, six or seven ears of corn, crisp greens, a pound of peaches. How to Survive the First Week of a Vegan Diet. It's World Vegan Month! For all those that are taking the challenge to go vegan read on to discover how to make it easier and more enjoyable for you. The first week of switching to a vegan diet can be like going on a detox. You get withdrawals, you may feel irritable, have mental fatigue, and be moody.

Get past that first week and things will get a lot easier. A Musician Unknown. A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. Vegetable Samosas. Addicted to Cheese? Here’s Why. Ever felt like you couldn’t give up cheese? Ever think it might actually be a drug? The surprising news is that as far back as the 1980′s researchers have known that cheese contains trace amounts of morphine. Seriously. In 1981, Eli Hazum and his colleagues at Wellcome Research Laboratories reported traces of the chemical morphine, a highly addictive opiate.

Vegan Winter Vegetable Paella-Style Orzo. Nutritional information Serves 4 30 minutes or fewer Good-quality saffron is the key to this dish. Shop at a reliable source such as a gourmet store or online spice purveyor, and choose brands that indicate where the saffron was harvested. Kashmiri, Persian, and Spanish saffrons are some of the best. Are you vegetarian? What do you eat? Low Fat Vegan Recipes. 10 Possible Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea. Did you know that a variety of teas have been researched for health benefits? I share 10 possible benefits to drinking black, green, white, rooibos and honeybush teas. A recent Australian study linked black tea to a modest lowering of blood pressure, and I thought it would be fun to share other possible health benefits of drinking tea. 1.

Come vegetariano y olvida las enfermedades. Frigideira de Batata e Abóbora com Ervas Aromáticas. Ingredientes. Hens & Eggs. Reduce Animal Cruelty by Going Vegetarian. Vegetarianos. Millions of Minks are kept in cages, waiting to be gassed to death and skinned before the end of November. How to prepare soy milk. Quotes about Vegetarianism. Fresh Herb Mushroom Risotto. Vegan Hemp Hummus Pita Pockets. Why Do People Become Vegetarians. Vegetarian Friend - Connect with vegetarian and vegan friends from all over the world. FDA Finally Admits Conventional Chicken Contains Toxic Arsenic. Pig - Truly Amazing Animals.

10 Hot Tips For Preserving Fresh Produce! (And Retaining Nutrients) Tofu and Vegetable Bake.