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Case Study: How Did Humphry Slocombe Get 300,000 Twitter Followers? This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us!

6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck! Seth's Blog. Slideshare. Los elementos indispensables en tu página de Facebook (Me Gusta) El abrir una página de Facebook no es solamente dar de alta la cuenta en la plataforma y empezar a subir contenido. Debes planear esta etapa de tu participación en las redes sociales, ya que esto que estás iniciando es una poderosa plataforma de vínculo con tu mercado objetivo, que debe traducirse en lealtad de clientes, mejor posicionamiento de tu marca, posiblemente mayores ventas o éxito en tu causa!! , por lo anterior debes tener en cuenta el siguiente grupo de elementos clave para arrancar con Facebook.

¿Quién y qué eres? ¿Eres un artista? , ¿eres un doctor o un hospital? , ¿eres una comunidad que tiene una causa? Dentro de cada sección encontrarás diferentes opciones sobre las cuales tu podrás elegir el que mejor se adapte a tu perfil. Selecciona tu nombre Algunas opciones: El nombre de tu marca. El nombre de tu marca + la ciudad/país si es una empresa multiregión o global El nombre de tu marca + una frase clave Registra tu nombre de usuario y crea tu dirección de Facebook La foto de Perfil. ¿Cómo deben conversar las empresas en las Redes Sociales? Uno de los elementos clave para que una empresa tenga estabilidad y pueda ir hacia un camino exitoso en los medios sociales va a ser la forma en la que interactúe con su comunidad, como lleve a cabo la conversación con ellos, como genere relaciones y reacciones. Entrar a las redes sociales te lleva minutos, es solo cuestión de abrir una cuenta en Twitter, Facebook u otras redes y listo ya apareció la empresa en el mundo social media, pero llegar a emocionar a las personas, esa, es otra historia.

A continuación te comparto una serie de elementos que recomiendo tenga tu conversación como empresa con tu red de seguidores, siempre lleva en mente que lo que debes buscar es llegar al tema emocional, no transaccional, la gente quiere seguir tu marca, amar tu marca, que al final, es de lo que se trata. tienes que definir muy claramente cual va a ser la personalidad de tu organización en los medios sociales. Recuerda que las redes quieren contactar con personas. {*style:<b>Octavio Regalado. La experiencia vivencial ≠ a la experiencia participativa, regarding Web Analytics - The @KISSmetrics Marketing Blog. 5 Tips To Make Your Startup's Twitter Account Stand Out.

For the past 6 months I have been involved as Co-Founder for a Twitter App called Buffer. Being the non-technical part I am focused on writing blog posts and reaching out for coverage. Another vital point was to grow an engaged Twitter account to increase our distribution. Along the way I have tried many different techniques and I believe the following 5 tips were most important to make things work for us: 1.

Promote Others The first piece of advice is to promote others? Following the words of “If you want to get noticed, notice others” has proven to be the most important factor to grow our network on Twitter. Now it is crucial not to retweet others for the sake of retweeting them. In many cases this can simply mean to add the author’s Twitter handle and showing appreciation for the post: 2. I learned that building trust amongst your followers hardly happens if you can’t commit to a regular presence on Twitter.

As you grow, you can increase your frequency and become even more active. 3. 4. 4 Ways to Increase Your Traffic With StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is one of the best traffic generators among the top seven social media sites, referring more than other social bookmarking and voting sites such as Digg and Reddit according to Statcounter. Why? Because when a user likes, or stumbles, a particular page, it is put into the StumbleUpon lineup. As other StumbleUpon users are randomly searching for new content on a specific topic using the Stumble button on their toolbar, any pages in the lineup for that topic will be displayed to them.

So how can you capitalize on this great network and start getting traffic? Great Content Before we go any further, the main secret to StumbleUpon success is having great content. So what kind of content thrives on StumbleUpon? Essentially, if your content does well on other social networks, it stands a good shot at doing well on StumbleUpon also. 1. Most website owners and bloggers discover the power of StumbleUpon through their analytics, particular when they see a day like this pop up. 2. 3. 4. Be a Mind-Reader with KISSinsights. An awesome Google Adwords PPC tactic. Advertising with Google AdWords is one of the most powerful ways to test customer intent. “How?” , you ask. Here’s a breakdown of a simple “intention marketing” recipe: Use the search data (i.e. keywords) from your website analytics.Feed those keywords into your AdWords copy.Watch what customers click on.Iterate. It’s a powerful cycle that will incrementally boost your clickthrough rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR).

The problem is that AdWords clicks only tell half the story. The distinction between what the customer is thinking in their head and what they type has typically been lost to most website owners. Until KISSinsights. Learn What Customers Are Thinking, Not Typing KISSinsights surveys catch your searchers “in the moment”, when their intent is strong and they are eager to get information. Ask them the right question, and they’ll tell you those unspoken thoughts that never made it into the Google search box. Done right, this gives your ads the edge over your competitors. Results. The 2011 B2B Marketing Guide. In a recent study conducted by Google, over 600 B2B marketing professionals were surveyed and were asked about their marketing strategy for 2011. This survey assessed how these marketers planned to spend their marketing budget, the challenges they faced, how they analyzed ROI and the overall effectiveness of marketing programs. What follows are some key findings from that survey.

Click on the image below to see an enlarged version of the 2011 B2B Marketing Guide Infographic: View an enlarged version of this Infographic » Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic. What marketing methods are working best for you this year? Online Testing Essentials: An infographic on what online marketing activities to test.

A well-built sales funnel is never complete until every part of it has been tested and optimized. For maximum success, marketers should dig deep and experiment with every customer interaction point. What follows is a brief guide that outlines what things are good to regularly test and optimize—including PPC, media buys, landing pages, and email campaigns. You don’t have to test everything all at once. Start with the marketing activity the produces the highest return and then work your way down. Click on the image below to view an enlarged version of this infographic: View an enlarged version of this Infographic » Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic. Want to display this infographic on your site? Simply copy and paste the code below into the html of your website to display the infographic presented above: Tips and Tricks to Tweet:

Facebook: The Power of "Like" Marketing. A great feature of Facebook is that the messages you send have the potential to spread not just to fans but to friends of fans—known as the “multiplier effect.” Not only does this “multiplier effect” have the ability to spread marketing impressions, it also acts as a validation from a friend. Let’s take a look at a few Facebook fan pages and see how the multiplier effect might impact your marketing strategy. Data courtesy of, and Click on the image below to view an enlarged version of this infographic.

View an enlarged version of this Infographic » Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic. Simply copy and paste the code below into the html of your website to display the infographic presented above: 10 Twitter Tools Used by Social Media Experts. With so many Twitter tools out there, it’s hard to know which ones to trust with your Twitter account management. So why not take a look at what the social media and industry experts are using! Here are ten Twitter applications and tools used by some of the top Twitterers. The following list is presented in alphabetical order: is just a URL shortening service right?

Buffer Buffer is deemed the smarter way to tweet, and is used by @tweetsmarter, @jaybaer, and @askaaronlee. CoTweet CoTweet, used by @nealschaffer, @chrispirillo, and @emarketer, is considered a Twitter marketing tool for companies who want to engage, track, and analyze conversations about their brand. HootSuite HootSuite is one of my personal favorites as far as Twitter management is concerned, and is also quite popular amongst the social media elite including @chrisbrogan, @tweetsmarter, and @tamar. SocialOomph Triberr TweetDeck Twitterfeed Visibli. The Ultimate Guide to Online Branding and Building Authority Part 1 - Blogging. What is the difference between online branding and building authority? Some would consider it the same thing, but in reality it can be two completely different processes. Online branding is a way to get more exposure for your brand on all levels of online marketing, especially search and social.

Building authority takes online branding to the next level by making each online presence for a brand authoritative. It goes beyond just about creating a blog or social media account. The following are ways you can build your online brand as well as your authority. Start a Blog with Awesome Content Blogs are beneficial for brands for three reasons. Next, blogs provide for great content to share on social media networks. Finally, great blogs can help your brand build authority in your niche. TutorialsInfographicsVideosIndustry Interviews Awesome content will show fans of your industry that you know your stuff and therefore are the brand to go with for their business needs.

Guest Blog for Others 1. What Makes Someone Leave A Website? The Infographic. Why Website Test Results Don't Always Add Up & What To Do About It. If you do enough A/B testing, I promise that you will eventually have some variation of this problem: You run a test. You see a 10% increase in conversion. You run a different, unrelated test. You see a 20% increase in conversion. You roll both winning branches out to 100% of your customers. Why? There are lots of different reasons this can happen. The Changes Affected the Same Group of People You may be causing some problems for some of your users.

The interesting thing is that there may be a lot of different ways to fix this problem youʼre causing. So, letʼs say that you run two separate tests, one that adds AmEx, and one that adds MasterCard. Now letʼs say that each new payment method gives you a positive increase in revenue of 20%. Imagine somebody who doesnʼt have a Visa, but does have both a MasterCard and an AmEx. Want to Avoid This? If youʼre running several different tests that all act on the same metric, youʼre almost certainly going to hit this problem. The Changes Interact.

Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] Donny Deutsch, the former adman and talk show host, once recounted a story about a Mitsubishi Super Bowl ad that was tagged with the URL The ad got 600,000 clicks, Deutsch said, which prompted the carmaker to ask, "Is that good? " Deutsch answered: "We told the client it was great, so it was great! " The Mitsubishi campaign ran almost eight years ago. Have things changed? Well, as the infographic below shows, there are a lot more metrics, but are they great?

One way to tell is to look at what the absolute top responses are across the prevailing social media platforms — Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In many cases, the numbers are intoxicating. More Business Resources from Mashable: 7 Creative Ways to Get Customer Testimonials. One of the most powerful pages on your website is your testimonials page. Great testimonials tell people that your product or service is not only legit, but awesome enough that other people are seeing great results from it. The question is, how do you get believable testimonials? Let’s look at some of the sites you can collect reviews upon, as well as how to encourage reviews from your customers and how to gather them from all around the web. 1. Facebook Reviews If you have a Facebook page and are setup as a local business, your page now comes with a Reviews tab. Simply slide this tab over into your visible tabs, and encourage your fans on your wall to go over and enter some reviews. 2.

LinkedIn can be a great source of reviews, extracted from your recommendations. But what if you own a company with many employees? Plus, it wouldn’t hurt for someone who is researching your company on LinkedIn to see that you have an employee with an exemplary record, like the LinkedIn member above. 3. 4. 5. Noob-guide-to-marketing-infographic-1800.png (PNG Image, 1800x8492 pixels) - Scaled (7%) Storytelling: la carta ganadora en Social Media. Propuesta colaborativa: Sugerencias para Marcas que realizan publicidad a través de Perfiles Sociales Personales | TechValley Colombia. Business Social- Make Me Like You. Social Media Strategies: The Business of Social Media. Social Media Strategies: Naveen Selvadurai (Full Panel) Social Media Strategies: David Kirkpatrick (Full Panel)