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Gifts For Geeks. 11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks. - Giant Plush Microbes, gifts, Klein Bottle, Miracle Berries. Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don’t need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries. We’ve got a list of 11 mostly affordable gifts that are guaranteed to blow your mind, whether or not you’re a science geek. Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world’s lowest density solid, clocking in at 96% air.

It’s basically just a gel made from silicon, except all the liquid has been taken out and replaced with gas instead. If you hold a small piece in your hand, it’s practically impossible to either see or feel, but if you poke it, it’s like styrofoam. Aerogel isn’t just neat, it’s useful. It supports up to 4,000 times its own weight and can apparently withstand a direct blast from two pounds of dynamite. 3.

NASA has been trying to figure out how to get a sample of rock back from Mars for a while now. 4. 5. So what’s next year’s new color going to be? Gallium is a silvery metal with atomic number 31. Miracle berry. Ever Wanted To Play Super Mario Bros. With A Banana? The Internet's Mall. MeWanty. ThinkGeek. First World Living.