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Glitch Art

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Game Art: Robert Overweg, streetphotographer in video game worlds (2010) - GAMESCENES. ART IN THE AGE OF VIDEOGAMES. Robert Overweg has been an artist in residence for the last couple of months at TAG in The Hague working on his streetphotography of the virtual world.

Game Art: Robert Overweg, streetphotographer in video game worlds (2010) - GAMESCENES. ART IN THE AGE OF VIDEOGAMES

Overweg dwells through popular (first-and-third-person) games in which he makes use of the new possibilities the virtual world offer him to make his photographs. His new series include: The end of the virtual world, Glitches, and New perspectives. Discussing "The end of the virtual world", Overweg wrote "these photographs show us how the virtual world ends. Transmat - A Glitch Art Piece for the Atari 2600. Gijs's Personal Home-Page « Dossier de l'artiste de Bertrand Dezoteux. Je me disais, au moment où l'on m'a commandé ce texte, que la nature "technologique" du travail de Bertrand Dezoteux me permettrait certainement d'évoquer, pour les comparer, d'autres créateurs de son âge, dont les œuvres sont fondées sur l'animation dernier cri, mais cela plutôt avec crainte, m'interrogeant sur ce que je pourrais bien dire de la technique même.

Dossier de l'artiste de Bertrand Dezoteux

A revoir l'ensemble de ses vidéos, rien ne vient de ce côté-là, heureusement ! Ce n’est, en effet, évidemment pas par ce biais, serait-il pourtant essentiel, qu'il me semble pertinent d'aborder les pièces de B. Dezoteux, celui-ci s'affranchissant avec insolence du prestige supposé de la technologie numérique. On parlera donc de façon plus juste de collages narratifs improbables, voire de bidouillages de faible virtuosité. Quant à la comparaison avec d'autres réalisateurs arty de sa génération, j'ai beau chercher, je n'en vois pas ! Glitchr Is The Most Interesting Artist-Hacker On Facebook. Laimonas Zakas is the guy behind Glitchr, once described as the "the weirdest thing on Twitter.

Glitchr Is The Most Interesting Artist-Hacker On Facebook

" You may have heard of his Facebook fanpage or Twitter account which are bold statements against the white walls of corporate unity (and standard HTML protocol), filled with coded madness and glitches that looks like a cough or a sneeze on a white canvas. It all began in 2011 when Zakas came across an unusual set of Unicode characters on Facebook. Benjamin Gaulon aka (я) Corrupt.desktop glitch, in real time, the computer’s desktop image.

Benjamin Gaulon aka (я)

So if you want to glitch your local Apple Store or Apple Retailer simply download the App (from the shop’s computer): H. Kim Asendorf Screen Fuck this glitch screengrab tool captures the screen into the buffer and then the buffer becomes manipulated by some unusual data management functions.


Mark Beasley + Nicholas O'Brien nowarez_v.01. New Vulnerability. Benjamin Gaulon aka (я) CRITICAL GLITCH ARTWARE ARCHIVE - criticalartware - CHICAGO; SINCE 2001. ../n!ck. Why and How to Leave FacebookNick Briz is a Chicago-based new media artist, educator, and organizer.


Briz teaches at the Marwen Foundation and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, has shown his work internationally, and is the co-founder of the GLI.TC/H conference. Nick Briz. Corrupt Yourself. Jacques PERCONTE / CHUVA Madeira. Jacques Perconte : impression, pixel levant. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Noémie Luciani On en trouve, des toiles étranges, au Festival des cinémas différents et expérimentaux.

Jacques Perconte : impression, pixel levant

Ecco the Dolphin glitch art is all your vaporwave dreams come true. All images created by and belong to Sabato Visconti.

Ecco the Dolphin glitch art is all your vaporwave dreams come true

In Sega’s absence, the 1992 undersea videogame Ecco the Dolphin has developed a perplexing life of its own. Partytimehexcellent. Bit_Synthesis. GlitchBot is an automated glitch creation / distribution program and persona.


GlitchBot maintains an active presence on flickr, including a profile and photostream, with new images created and uploaded daily. GlitchBot is not an interactive program. GlitchBot works alone on a fixed schedule, creating a single new glitched image every day and presenting it to the world via the GlitchBot flickr page (see above links) and slideshow (see below).

GlitchBot creates its images by glitching source images pulled from other flickr users' photostreams. Only source images with an appropriate Creative Commons license are used. GlitchSort « ignoFactory. GlitchSort is a Processing application that uses interrupted pixel-sorting to create glitchy images.

GlitchSort « ignoFactory

Since it has found an audience among glitch artists, I’m setting up this page as a point from which to download a current version and reference materials, as these become available. I’ll also post news or links to news about GlitchSort here. GlitchSort 1.0b10, for Processing 2.0, is available as of June 7, 2013: Processing 2.0 fixes the image memory leak that plagued previous releases.

KIM ASENDORF - MOUNTAIN TOUR. Non-Object Oriented Art. PØST-GL! The Unconscious Glitch. This project equates the "glitch" with Carl Jung's "archetypes" via the repetition of a portrait of Carl Jung and variations of its "glitched" image. In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct.

Daniel Temkin. Anna Schwartz Gallery - Works - DANIEL CROOKS. Gl1tchw0rks gall3ry (WP6) Recent glitch art (2009 - 2011) curated by Daniel Temkin Rosa Menkman, Collapse of PAL - the torch song epilogue (2011) In torch song epilogue, the glitch adds affect and atmosphere to the initial image. The distortion has a sensibility as much analog as digital, suggestive of viewing the skyline from a train, or through condensation on the window -- yet remains unmistakably digital in origin. Requiem for a Dream. GLITCH ART (CLOSED DOWN) Dan Hays. Monoiz - Structure01. RYOJI IKEDA : THE TRANSFINITE. Wikiwix's cache. NoteNdo AKA Jeff Donaldson interviewed by jonCates for GLI.TC/H. Online. NoteNdo AKA Jeff Donaldson interviewed by jonCates for GLI.TC/H.

Glitch Studies Manifesto. Glitch Aesthetics. <$BlogTitle$> Yann Le Guennec : Archives : Planche catalogue. GLITCH ART (CLOSED DOWN) KIM ASENDORF. Fan at Meet In Real Life, Frankfurt 12c at Gamerz Festival, Aix-en-Provence Bieber Room Flag at Ditch Projects, Springfield Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist working with digital media incorporating Internet culture and technology. His work ranges from online projects and performances to visual art and installations.

He is widely know for the invention of Pixel Sorting, an image altering algorithm he made Open Source, the creation of file formats as work of art or The First Animated GIF Send Into Deep Space. Features » Glossing over Thoughts on Glitch. A Poetry of Error. In the past ten years a proliferation of visual work that embraces the style of digital error has crept into mainstream advertising and popular culture.

Recent and ongoing events such as GLI.TC/H in Chicago and Bent Festival in New York City have helped to establish an international dialogue for artists working in this digital underground. As more institutions begin to recognize glitch as an art form, and more people begin to theorize its relevance, we must ask where the genre is heading and where it has been. By Jeff Donaldson. Guide to Hardware Based Glitch Video. This is a work in progress. Thanks. I’m presenting you, the curious reader, with a handy resource to help you safely break video.

Glitch video production of any sorts can seem a little confusing considering there is little documentation on the subject. For those new to the medium the example set-ups and a few of the essential details discussed here should get you started. Julien Prévieux. Expositions, Publications, Portfolio. L'évènement Un Nouveau festival 2015 / La parole en jeu. BECOME A GREAT ARTIST IN JUST 10 SECONDS (Andi McClure, Michael Brough) Road to the IGF: McClure and Brough's Become a Great Artist in Just 10 Seconds. Glitch art. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Forums » GLI.TC/H WorkingGroups. Guild Wars 2 END OF THE WORLD GLITCH. Le pool Museum of Glitchology. MOGA: Museum of Glitch Aesthetics. HAJJ - Քնքշություն Լեռան. Shot by Robert.