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The 5 Most Mind-Blowing Things That Can Be Found Underwater. Exploring the depths via scuba or free diving is one of those things that seems really cool in theory. Then you swim around in a pool for 36 hours, go to the man-made lake you heard had a flooded town and discover a bunch of muddy brick foundations. It turns out that lakes in the Midwest are about as full of adventurous treasures as the towns around them. But, like the 28 percent of the Earth that's not covered in water, if you pick the right spot at the right time of day, you can find stuff down there that will blow your mind. For instance ... #5. A group of amateur cave explorers discovered a river in Mexico with banks, trees and leaves just like an ordinary river, but with an additional metric shit ton of "WTF," because they were hovering 25 feet over it in scuba gear when they discovered it.

Anatoly Beloshchin"We're calling it the Meta-River. " While underwater water doesn't seem possible, the "river" is actually a briny mix of salt water and hydrogen sulfide. . #4. . #3. Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean. Earth, Ocean, & Environmental Science. Forest Conservation. Forests. Global Warming. What if solar got fossil fuel subsidies? Robert Ballard on exploring the oceans.

All the Water on Earth. Ocean Dead Zones. 11 Most Polluted Bodies of Water in the World. Tropical rain forest.