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Writing tips and tools

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Duotrope. WRITER'S TOOLBOX: 35 Best Tools for Writing Online. yWriter4 - word processor for authors. Writing and Publishing News, Marketing, E-Books— Zoetrope Virtual Studio Home. Template. Finishing Your Novel “A writer is someone who finishes.” -- Thomas Farber This section is for you if: You’ve started a novel but are having trouble finishing it, or You want to start a novel but aren’t sure you’ll be able to finish it.

I’ve been writing novels (and teaching about writing novels) for twenty years, and one thing I’ve learned is how to finish. I’d estimate that 98% of all the novels people begin are never completed. This section is about how to handle those things. Finishing a novel (or any kind of writing project) is a transformational experience. A long time ago, something funny happened to me. I thought I was a writer. And then my house burned down. So I made some notes on the book I remembered best, flew to Thailand, and wrote the whole thing in seven weeks. This area of the site is based on what I've learned since then. | The Online Writing Community. Celtx - #1 Choice for Media Pre-Production. How to Write a Screenplay.

Self Publishing, Book Printing & eBook Publishing | View topic - Newbie -- How do you find jobs? Home Page.