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Monte Roraima: a maior montanha plana do mundo. Na América do Sul, o monte Roraima, um dos mais altos planaltos da região, tem duas características pouco comuns: além de se estender por três países (Venezuela, Brasil e Guiana), é completamente plano.

Monte Roraima: a maior montanha plana do mundo

Alvo de lendas e superstições, é hoje tema de documentários sobre a Natureza, explorações científicas e escaladas para os mais aventureiros. Está entre as formações geológicas mais antigas da Terra, quando os continentes ainda nem estavam separados, há cerca de dois biliões de anos. O Monte Roraima foi ganhando este aspecto devido à acção do vento e da chuva, que foram “moldando” as suas rochas. Situado num terreno montanhoso rodeado por outros imponentes montes, faz parte do chamado grupo Tepuis. Este grupo caracteriza-se pela sua forma natural: praticamente plana, como se os seus montes fossem mesas.

Desde sempre o Roraima despertou interesse e curiosidade. Em 2006, uma equipa de cientistas partiu numa exploração às recentemente descobertas grutas de Roraima. Day trip from Amman to Jerusalem - Lonely Planet travel forum. On Monday I had an extra day in Amman, and had the bright idea to take a day trip to Jerusalem.

Day trip from Amman to Jerusalem - Lonely Planet travel forum

Several people in Amman had told me that the Allenby Bridge border closes at 2:30pm, but I read on a Jordanian government web site that it closed at 11pm. The short version of the story: It closes at 2:30pm. The long version of the story, with some perhaps helpful info for prospective travelers: I set out from the old city in Amman at around 9am. Someone at the hotel told me to go to Abdali bus station. Talked to the drivers, sure enough, they go when they have 4 passengers, and it costs JD4 each. Then I paid JD2 to get on the JETT bus that goes across the border. I sat for about 2 hours, making small talk with the various Palestinians who all came and went while I kept sitting and sitting.

From Amman to Jerusalem. Advertisement [Disclaimer from the author: Thank you for the comments and messages; I appreciate them!

From Amman to Jerusalem

I should point out, however, that this trip occurred more than six years ago in late 2005. Some of the information below regarding border formalities, etc. may not reflect the current situation.] Though Amman, Jordan is about 45 miles from Jerusalem as the crow flies, and would normally only be an hour-long bus ride on a highway, this ignores the fact that between the two cities lies one of the most disputed pieces of land in the world.

Consequently, getting from Amman to Jerusalem can be a time-consuming and patience-testing process. Crossing Jordan. Angel Falls. Angel Falls, Salto Angel ou Kerepakupai-meru, seu nome indígena, está localizada no Parque Nacional de Canaima, na Venezuela, Patrimônio da Humanidade declarado pela UNESCO em 1994.

Angel Falls

Encravada em uma região próxima à fronteira do Brasil com a Guiana, as águas que despencam em queda livre são provenientes do Rio Churún. Sua descoberta é um tanto quanto controversa, uma vez que era conhecida apenas pelos indígenas nativos da região. Eles a batizaram de Kerepakupai-meru (Queda d'água até o lugar mais profundo) mas, para os "homens brancos", a história é diferente. Alguns historiadores atribuem-na ao explorador Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, outros falam do capitão Félix Cardona Puig e ainda existe o nome de Sir Walter Raleigh. O fato é que para o mundo inteiro Angel Falls ficou conhecida graças ao espírito aventureiro de James "Jimmie" Crawford Angel. Full Moon Party -Thailand.

Sakura Flowers. A cherry blossom is the flower of any of several trees of genus Prunus, particularly the Japanese Cherry, Prunus serrulata, which is sometimes called sakura after the Japanese (桜 or 櫻; さくら).[1][2][3] Many of the varieties that have been cultivated for ornamental use do not produce fruit.

Sakura Flowers

Edible cherries generally come from cultivars of the related species Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus. Flower viewing[edit] Every year the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the public track the sakura zensen (cherry blossom front) as it moves northward up the archipelago with the approach of warmer weather via nightly forecasts following the weather segment of news programs.

The blossoming begins in Okinawa in January and typically reaches Kyoto and Tokyo at the end of March or the beginning of April. It proceeds into areas at the higher altitudes and northward, arriving in Hokkaidō a few weeks later. Most Japanese schools and public buildings have cherry blossom trees outside of them. Symbolism[edit] The Burning Man. Northern Lights. Natural light display that occurs in the sky, primarily at high latitudes (near the Arctic and Antarctic) Images of auroras from around the world, including those with rarer red and blue lights Aurora australis from the ISS, 2017.

Northern Lights

Video of this encounter: [2] An aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae),[a] sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights (aurora borealis), or southern lights (aurora australis), is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions (around the Arctic and Antarctic). Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind. The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emit light of varying color and complexity. Etymology[edit] Occurrence[edit] A geomagnetic storm causes the auroral ovals (north and south) to expand, bringing the aurora to lower latitudes.

North America Eurasia Images[edit]