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My Maps. Maps Mania: Styling Google Maps. Map Stylr is a new Google Maps API Styled Maps wizard that can help you create a unique style for your own Google Maps. Map Stylr includes the Styled Maps wizard and a showcase of styles created by users of the site. The Map Editor allows you to customize the presentation of the standard Google base maps, changing the visual display of such elements as roads, parks, and built-up areas.

Instead of using the Map Editor tool you can use the Map Stylr 'showcase' to select from styles created by other map developers. If you find a style that you like in the showcase you can simply cut & paste the style JSON code into your own Google Maps creations. If you want a nice map style for your Google Map but don't want to go to the effort of creating your own unique style then you can find some great map styles on Snazzy Maps. Snazzy Maps is a repository of different color schemes for Google Maps. Once you find a map style that you like you can click on its title and grab the style array.

Earth. Intro to Google Building Maker Learn how to make 3D models of buildings around the world for Google Earth. Position building blocks on top of aerial images to quickly create realistic looking buildings. Then save your buildings to the 3D Warehouse for inclusion in Google Earth. This online tool is free and easy to use. Building Maker Help Center | Start Modeling | Your World in 3D Watch video Create 3D models with SketchUp Learn how to make 3D buildings with Google SketchUp that appear in Google Earth. Geo-modeling Help Center | Placing a SketchUp model in Earth | Your World in 3D Watch video Geo-modeling with SketchUp and Building Maker In this tutorial video you will learn how to use both Google Building Maker and Google SketchUp to create models for Google Earth.

Building Maker Help Center | Creating an Image Igloo | Geomodeling for Google Earth Watch video Modeling with Site Context With Google SketchUp 8, you can create detailed and accurate site context for any project. Watch video. Documentation | Cartaro. Leaflet - a JavaScript library for mobile-friendly maps. Map creator online to make a map with multiple color pins and regions. Implementazioni Google Maps. Nei giorni scorsi mi è caduto l'occhio su un articolo di un quotidiano che parlava di un'iniziativa di mappatura collettiva online degli edifici abbandonati nel mondo dal nome [im]possible living . Dal momento che si tratta di un progetto ideato e sviluppato da alcuni giovani italiani mi sono incuriosito e ho provato a utilizzare il servizio fornito sul sito (al momento accessibile solo in lingua inglese): L'iniziativa si trova a uno stadio iniziale di sviluppo ed è stata lanciata pubblicamente qualche settimana fa.

La finalità è quella di censire edifici abbandonati di ogni tipo presenti nel mondo, per potere segnalare pubblicamente la loro presenza ed eventualmente proporre iniziative di risanamento, etc. 1) non è possibile posizionare il segnaposto sulla mappa Google: è solamente possibile indicare l'indirizzo dell'edificio, aspetto piuttosto limitante. Google Maps API Tutorial. Instead of developing your own page with Google Maps API, it's possible to write a KML file and send it to Google Maps. Google Maps understands a small subset of KML 2.0, and implements markers, polylines, polygons, info windows and a sidebar. A simple KML file contains an XML header, a KML header and a <Document>... </Document> structure. That <Document> can contain a series of <Placemark>s which each describe one marker or polyline.

Here's what a basic XML file looks like <? The whole file must be syntactically valid XML. To send the KML file to Google Maps, put its full URL in the ? Marker Icons That example used the default marker icons. <Placemark><Style><IconStyle><Icon><href> 1</name><description>Some stuff to put in the first info window</description><Point><coordinates>-122.1,37.4,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark> Here's an example Custom Icons Polylines Polygons HTML descriptions.

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